Communists are fags

communists are fags.
their hostility is proof that their beliefs are a fucking lie.

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Yea, modern socialists have largely moved on from the old models. Look to the Scandinavian countries for a successful implementation.

oil money, fewer niggers.

Unless you think they made it work for some other reason?

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Some would argue...bear with me...that it might be the policies that are responsible for their relative success.

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Yeah? And what are they?

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nationalized health care
free community/trade college
a living wage

The fucking basics to live and the fucking basics to get your population out off the general labor trap.

Sounds reasonable. Those policies do well in other countries. That's why republicans are against it.

Denmark makes over a thousand dollars per citizen per year from oil money alone.

>bear with me

what cunt.

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Overweight Trumptard detected.

keep fighting the good fight for your clients

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Cool, where does the money come from?

>For decades now, revenue from the production of oil and gas has made Danish society more affluent and contributed to the development of our welfare.

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Fuck off, homosexual.

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>a living wage

40% tax rate

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>not a response

Oh, you mean Denmark shares THE PROFITS FROM THEIR FUCKING OIL INDUSTRY over to the people. The US gives their oil company profits all over the world.

What's the next line in your "how to argue economics for dummies" textbook?

>pay 12% more than I pay in the US for real services for the country.

Keep going down the list, dropout.

>not a response
You're human garbage.

The point is they have money from natural resources for a population smaller than new york city.

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Make me faggot. Oh sorry forgot, your mobility scooter ran out of battery!! Don’t worry tubby, Uncle Sam is gonna tax your fat ass for breathing today. Simp for him

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Don’t be jealous of his healthcare good buddy.

Please go on about how the US has no natural resource per capita in comparison.

It is SO EASY to sniff out the economically illiterate.

Most based thing i have seen today, thank you user

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What did you study, fagbro?

12 cents on the dollar.
Also, what is a "real service"?

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Kill yourself, faggot.

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Your graphic sucks.

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Tell me more.

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free trade/basic college education
a living wage

Got my degree in compsci in the 80's. Made accounting programs on IBM mainframes for banks.

How much do you get paid to act like you know anything about economics?

Why didn't you study economics?

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>free trade

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>too stupid to understand how a slash is used in english grammar

Oh shit, real tards are among us.

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I took micro and macro. Compsci is a business degree, dropout.

I don't think that's grammatical.

What does it mean?

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Computer science?
Computer science is a business degree?

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Free trade school/Free basic college education

The slash is a type of abbreviation. Welcome to english, Ivan.


Swap them tent sized clothes for ones that come in Stars and Stripes, red white and blue and eagles all over it and you’d have the tubby trumptards who reeeeeeeeeeeeeed all over the capitol building KEK

Free trade EDUCATION


Mein dubs khant lie.


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It's all about control and slavery to an ideology that continues to maintain that control
It's soulless and inhuman

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Damn those antifa really are a danger to society, better put on a black shirt and start murdering them in the streets to keep the nation civilized


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>John Stossell

>some wingnut in painted mustache.

You don't expect me to take anything you say seriously after posting that?

They might riot!

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You know, in canada - people do a cheaper medical school and then go to work in the usa for higher wages?

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Yup. programmers program, computer engineers build the parts, network engineers connect them, and computer scientists make that shit work for people, but mostly end up being project managers.

Based Mao

I don't care, you can stay willfully ignorant

Quite ironic that you're quoting a communist philosopher to make your point


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What is your point, except that some people will take advantage of the system?

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>I only have this vid

Nigger, find another source. Stossell has ZERO credibility. Otherwise, shut your face.

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I forgot about bertrand russel's leftism thing - he was also from an aristocratic family. Although the quote doesn't seem to have anything immediately to do with communism.

"Russell accepted a forced sterilization policy..."

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Why don't they stay in canada though?

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Is the information bad?

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Someone with "credibility" is welcome to lie to you.

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Do you regularly mistake these sort of scattered senseless thoughts for some sort of coherent ideology?

Aristocracy, sterilization... What the fuck are you saying loser

>looks completely legit

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>coherent ideology?

I wasn't presenting my ideology.

I thought it was plain, bertrand russel was from an aristocratic englander family, was a leftist and supported forced sterilization in some cases.

Good luck becoming a gender.

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As a 16 year old you should.not make a living wage to stock shelves. Certain jobs are meant to be paid like shit because they are meant to be done by people who don't need to pay for everything... I.e part time unskilled workers.

Seems cool that that's what it is.
I mean, do you give more than your taxes to the government so they can spend that money for you?

Seems like the moral thing to do.

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because he preferred a warmer climate?

Your 4-part anecdotal non-point is a perfect reflection of your intellect.

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Are you still cranky because people called you retarded when you made this thread yesterday?

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I watched him back in the 80's before he was sent packing in humiliation in the 00's.

Just find another fucking source. Quit watching fucking youtube vids. Fucking republicans.

That's why you educate them to make more.

You cannot, with any semblance of a clear conscience, pay people less than it takes to actually fucking exist.

Am I meant to google something? REEEEEEEEEEEE TRUMP

You're an idiot.

Here's a study on it.
It's not as bad as I had thought.

can't add the study because 4chang thinks it's spam - just google that shit you fucking absolute nigger

It was at one time something like 10% per year.

Fucking kill yourself.

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