Resident Evil 4
Post a cat and you're favorite vidya
Other urls found in this thread:
Team Fortress 2
Dragon Age 2
Outer Wilds
kats are dumb
Command & Conquer: Red Alert 2
Witcher 1
Silent Hill 2
Pathologic 2
don't like vide o games
I name him Telomere
Serious Sam TSE
Post more low-esteemed cats to boost mine
Pretend i replied with your IP adress (the people on twitter taught me doxxing is a very funny prank)
Older? Wario Land (1)
Newer? Dark Souls 2 SotFS
Fallout New Vegas/3
The Wonderful 101
Max Payne
without a doubt
Silent Hill 2
Luigi's Mansion
This cat is not indicative of my opinion on the game. I just really vibe with this cat's expression.
I want to beat the shit out of anyone who abuses their pet by letting it get this fat, it's sickening
Is your cat neutered Yea Forums? I have an intact cat that gets pretty crazy when in heat and spends the whole day outside, coming back with bruises and all dirty...
Should I neuter him? Is this the right choice for him?
If you're not going to let him fuck then yes absolutely neuter him
man that doesn't sound like a game
Yes, cats are the most destructive invasive species to local flora and fauna in the world, and I say this as a cat lover and owner Absolutely neuter them.
RE1 or SMB3 (can't choose)
Probably MGS1 or REmake.
I let him go out and stuff... but he always come back injured. I am afraid one day he will get into a fight and just not survive.
I think neutering is cruel and not natural but it seems to be the only way he won't put himself in harms way. He even neglects eating when in heat.
He has an appointment for tomorrow and I am having second thoughts... I want what is best for him... heard neutering can end up causing bone injuries later on and stuff like that.
>neutering is cruel
>cat getting the shit beat out of it every time it goes out to the point where I'm worried he won't survive it is chill tho
You're a fucking retard and shouldn't be "taking care" of animals
I find both pretty traumatizing to tell the truth.
>heard neutering can end up causing bone injuries later on and stuff like that
If it's the same as big dogs that only happens if you do it too soon and testosterone doesn't have enough time to help allow stronger bone/muscle development.
>I want what is best for him...
He's gunna be jacking off like every 10 seconds until its done and spraying all over creation. Its best for him to not have those urges. Just let him make muffins
Call of Duty 4
Onimusha 4. what do you guys like in particular about cats/your favorite games?
Best thread on Yea Forums right now, unironically
Animal threads always are
i know this is a cat thread but dogs being clumsy is so fucking adorable
ennymals bess fren
Sonic Adventure 2 Battle
Final Fantasy VI
>FEAR AI from 17 years ago and Operation Flashpoint AI from 21 years ago vs Call of Duty Vanguard AI from 2021
>dragon's dogma
Banjo Tooie
I see, he is one year old now and seems like he is done growing.
Yeah... he gets really distraced when he is in heat and can't find a female cat. It is best if he doesn't feel these urges anymore.
Thank you anons I think I will go ahead with neutering him.
Also, Vampire The Masquerade Bloodlines.
it's too hard to pick but it's probably Serious sam TFE or monkey island 2 lechuck's revenge
This was Mr. Nibbles. He was a good cat.
Halo: MCC
Pathologic 2
based and khatangherpilled
Dwarf Fortress or maybe RimWorld.
>moved to Yea Forums
mods are actual fucking faggots
He angyy
mods are retards it was actual vidya
Paper Mario the thousand year door