Does Yea Forums think rock will make a comeback in the 2020s...

Does Yea Forums think rock will make a comeback in the 2020s? Any modern underground artists you think are on the cutting edge?

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don't include slimehouse

nah, it's all been done by now.

There's probably gonna be a grunge revival. It was big in the 90s and there's always 30 year entertainment cycles.

Include slimehouse

The cycles are 20 years. There was a very minor grunge revival but the genre itself is so dull that not many people cared.

everrythings already been explored, electronic/sample based music is the final frontier of music production. Unless theres a revival in classic rock, heaviiy blues related sound, I dont see much value the genre would hold otherwise

I think it isn't a matter of cycles, but rather who will pick up the mantel and use the past as the foundation to further the genre using modern songwriting/production techniques wether it be an entirely new breed of pure rock, etc.
I think what we will see in the next ten years is the rise of rap inspired rock, but not in a nü metal ethos but rather it's own thing taking lessons from the current trap era.

I'd be fine with anything more rock oriented desu

I guess it's possible, but most likely not.
As said, feels like most everything has already been done. Not only that but it's harder for rock to compete in the internet age, the music is too white for our increasingly diverse population, it's not as cool to younger generations in the same vein as how jazz is seen.