Billie Eyelashes is shit, no doubting about that. But plebs like it because they think it's "quirky" and "creepy", so what are some artists and albums that are actually creepy that plebs would find inaccessible?
Creepy music that is actually creepy
Other urls found in this thread:
Merzbow, Boredoms, Gerogerigegege, Coil, Throbbing Gristle, Whitehouse, Nurse with Wound, Einstürzende Neubauten, Brainbombs, Egor Letov, Death in June, Current 93, La Monte Young, Moondog, Lou Harrison, Henry Cowell, Luigi Russolo, Popol Vuh, Fishmans, Jean Jacques Perrey, Les Rallizes Dénudés, Rainbow Caroliner, Taj Mahal Travellers, Fushitsusha, Peter Brötzmann, John Cage, Scott Walker, Unwound, Dead, Frank Zappa, Morton Feldman, Captain Beefheart, Pharoah Sanders, Albert Ayler, Ornette Coleman, Alice Coltrane, Arnold Schoenberg, Pierre Boulez, György Ligeti, Karlheinz Stockhausen, Nang Nang, Thinking Fellers Union Local 282, Nara Leão, Basic Channel, Raymond Scott, Delia Derbyshire, Daphne Oram, Noah Howard, Terry Riley, Peter Sotos, Lula Côrtes e Zé Ramalho, Boyd Rice, Mahmoud Ahmed, Henry Flynt, Kazumoto Endo, David Tudor, Aporea, Half Japanese, Mega Banton, Secret Chiefs 3, Keiji Haino, Ramleh, Otomo Yoshihide, John Zorn, Joe Meek, Robbie Basho, Phil Spector, Faxed Head, Harry Partch, Wesley Willis, Fred Frith, The Residents, Sun Ra, Sun City Girls, Hans Krüsi, Royal Trux, Jandek, Yat-Kha, Loren Mazzacane Connors, Pärson Sound, The Dead C, Comus, Cromagnon, Eliane Radigue, Arthur Doyle, Shizuka, The Red Krayola, Henry Cow, Magma, Opus Avantra, Pan.Thy.Monium., Murmuüre, Ksiezyc, Gong, Cukor Bila Smert', cLOUDDEAD, Muslimgauze and Kaoru Abe
>Scott Walker
>Frank Zappa
you've gotta be kidding, i see chicks on tinder with these on it
Sutcliffe Jugend definitely surpasses Whitehouse in building an intensely creepy atmosphere
scott walker’s avant trilogy is what’s creepy. chicks listen to his early solo work, not bish bosch or tilt
damn i love when english men insult me in their music
What are some music that is essentially like BIllie's but not pure shit?
kate bush and bjork are the most patrician pop artists
Of course.
I just mean something with the "spooky by a female" aspect but not by a talentless hack that had their brother write it.
Chelsea Wolfe
anna von hausswolff
Coucou Chloe
i dont think billie english is spooky neither does anyone i know nor is that why anyone i know or myself listens to her music. she herself might be "quirky" but I also dont know anyone that thinks her music is super groundbreaking or far out. i havent been on Yea Forums in years but for whatever reason i keep saying her name online in the context of being this target or associated with edgy quirky stuff. and I just dont get it, granted I also dont know anyone who would place her as a favorite. Still the criticism seems more overrated than she is.
anyways unless there is some funny purpose behind this its weird to me you are basing what you listen to around what other people find inaccessible. Xiu Xiu has some music a lot of people would be really disturbed by. speedcore and breakcore as a genre has some scary shit in there. you probably already know this one but "Have a Nice Life". Candy Claws might have a kind of weird ethereal creepiness, I think its cute but idk. Tonstartssbandht has some creepy songs, all I can really think of though is Black Country. theres a lot of good movie soundtracks not even for scary movies that are pretty creepy.
i dont know what kind of creepy you are looking for. If your reason for bring billy eilish up is because you want a billy eilish that is inacessible you should get over yourself and just admit you like her music.
art hoes like him now
stop projecting newfaggitor, she's just an unlikeable fabricated person and incredibly boring
>i dont think billie english is spooky neither does anyone i know nor is that why anyone i know or myself listens to her music.
They do bro. On the radio they actually call her music spooky, creepy, disturbing etc and consider it amazing that it's got into the mainstream, as if it's some weird underground sound.
A lot of normies think it's really weird and creepy stuff and that she's a musical prodigy. Even her bio on Spotify says all this shit.
hey settle down
didnt know that weird. i dont know if shes fabricated because i dont know her but I have heard a lot of plant rumors and it seems plausible
She seems like a pretty big plant. She came out of nowhere, scored a deal with a major record company (that her established producer brother happens to be with) and her debut album (co-written and produced by her producer brother) is suddenly plastered everywhere. Being you and female is the icing on the cake since pleb teenagers and zoomers can get on board and "relate" to her quirky style.
I used to listen to this on a lot of Klonopin and it freaked me out with how empty it made me feel.
i heard the brother thing but hadnt heard he was established, which makes it pretty obvious if he is.
I still dont think shes that bad, decent voice and pretty interesting production. There is and have been far far worse things that were popular and im okay with this one being there. The one thing that makes me go yikes cringe is some of her lyrics deal with heavy stuff that she really would have no experience with and it shows in the way she presents it.
>some of her lyrics deal with heavy stuff that she really would have no experience with and it shows in the way she presents it.
Exactly. This and the things above kind of hammer in the idea that she's a plant.
She's not someone to be happy with being popular, she doesn't actually do anything herself. There are much better artists out there, many females, that write and produce all their own material instead of Billie just letting her brother and record company do it all for her. She's just an Instagram model with a record deal. (Of course she's not really a model but I mean it's all about the gimmick of looks and her le quirky style)
fffair. i guess im just numb to it, as in the fact that most of the quality of her music doesnt come from her. so many popular artists dont write their own lyrics even so now its just like if it sounds mildly interesting and it gets popular I see it as a win kind of or better than the usual.
I just hate that it's being pushed as if it's a completely solo effort and that she had no help, that she's a musical prodigy etc and it's all just lies.
I already find it a little disappointing that a lot of artists don't write their own music but at least they don't try to bullshit the fact that someone else did all the work.
Carla Bozulich
She used to be OK but now she just makes sub-standard meme-Sludge.
thats fair too actually. The people im thinking of that dont write their own lyrics usually are open about it and so people come to expect them or idolize them as someone who just has a good voice + personality/style/whatever, not a creative mastermind.
>I just hate that it's being pushed as if it's a completely solo effort and that she had no help, that she's a musical prodigy etc and it's all just lies.
I don't think anyone has been pushing that though
Can we talk abot billie eilish guys? she is so based
they do on the radio and in a few articles.
They have been though, I see a tonne of shit about her being a musical prodigy and a phenomena. It's all just bull.
cite these articles, please.
"Billie Eillish prodigy" on google and take your pick.
Okay, I know this is a joke copypasta based on rymcore and the shit they listen to in Yea Forums general threads but what do people hear in Dead? It just seems like a bunch of guys playing whatever's loud on a shitty tape. It's got about as much credibility as a generic noise tape, except it's poorly recorded metal. In addition, there's already enough shitty bedroom metal; ones with concepts far more original than just being bad music. It doesn't even seem well received on RYM, but I still see it brought up everywhere. What's up with it?
chicks dont listen to fucking scott walker you mong
it's a top artist list of some tripfag (maybe even clt, i dunno)
those "chicks" have penises
Atrax Morgue, Ben Frost and Gnaw Their Tongues always give me "the creeps"
Impressed the thread got this far without anyone mentioning Current 93.
Impressed and disappointed.
current 93 is on
Copypasta doesn't count
wew wtf is this shit
It went from creepy to serial killer shit
Psychic Wounds. Very good production written from the perspective of the serial killer in horror movies like Friday the 13th.
Just to add a youtube video.
So you're excluding And Who Shall Go to the Ball? And What Shall Go to the Ball? and Soused?
>(that her established producer brother happens to be with)
Why the fuck is anyone even taking the "new discovery" shit seriously, then? She's just Kim Wilde. People probably made big claims about her too. It's not even a thing to consider, the lies of the industry. Only your little sister believes them. Don't have a row with your little sister, you'll look like a wally.
I think jenny hval is creepy without going over the top
Sutcliffe Jugend are the weakest shit ever. Power electronics, and all these niche genres which just involve guys with day jobs pretending to be more mentally ill than they are for an audience of two men and a dog, achieve far less than people who evoke creepy states within a pop framework. Being The Dreaming-era Kate Bush takes genius. Turning on a white noise generator and screaming "AAAAIIIIIRHH YOU FUCKING WHOOOORE I'LL CUT YOU OOOOPEN YOU CAAAAAAAHNT!!!" is something anyone with low enough self-esteem can do.
>essentially like BIllie's but not pure shit?
So you like her music but you're hung up on the authenticity myth? Just enjoy it man, let her be the quirky, creepy Dua Lipa.
xiu xiu's fabulous muscles always makes me uncomfortable
lingua ignota
puce mary
>But plebs like it because they think it's "quirky" and "creepy"
Ah, no. Plebs like it because they are TOLD to like it. They like it because Apple Music and Spotify, etc. showcase it. Like any other artists.
Which is fine; whatever, but strip away all imagery and literally every visual picture associated with she and a few other different musicians and poll some people about which musician they enjoy more and they'll probably say some of the others.
diamanda galas
gazelle twin
ashley paul
Surprised their "Acid Metal" EP hasn't got much traction.
...its fucking bizarre even by Dead standards.
I don't care about that I just think her music is bad I however am glad that as much as I have a distaste for her music it is able to bring you joy in this life, as the bringing of joy in this world through means in which do not harm others brings me an extreme amount of joy myself. in conclusion I belive that even the lowest form of art has merit due to it's ability to bring joy to certain individuals the primary purpose of art as a medium with you being a core example of this phenomenon.
I also belive our friend in is quite wrong for his use of such vulgar language
on second thought I retract mhy previous statement as is a lifeform only to be described as retarded
I've never heard her music.
>So you like her music but you're hung up on the authenticity myth?
Kek, no, I don't like her music at all. I elaborated on what I wanted earlier, which is the "female spooky" aspect.
She just GETS me.
>have Spotify
>Billie is literally at the top of every recommended list that has music from this decade
>Spotify has also removed the ability to block certain artists from appearing
i have no fucking idea why
a) this album isnt talked about more often
b) varg didnt make more dungeon synth afterwards
this is way better than daudi baldrs
Microtonal Black Metal seems like it would be pretty inaccessible to plebs.
How can something be essentially like her music, but nothing like it?
Anyway, Grimes, FKA Twigs, Jarboe.
>you have to like every album in a genre
Spooky for indie standards. She writes really well.
She's the Narcos of pop.
Spooky is subjective, how can it be a genre? And to say anything in a single genre is "essentially like" everything else makes you sound a bit of a pleb, which I'm sure you're not.
Lisa Germano
who dis
fuck dude you can't just post genuinely scary shit like this without a trigger warning, holy shit.
try anything from cold meat industry.
That might be a comfy listen. Also I want to mount Martha Stewart in a forest clearing, ferally, like the witch doctor incubus scene in Taboo.
They always did, the crowd in the live tracks on 1990 is audibly at least half-female.
>Daughters - Less Sex
Dude, I'm trying to break my addiction to incest porn, be more considerate please.
this is good stuff. Hit or miss but when it hits it's great
Phoebe Bridgers
new swans discord
join now
This looks certain to be a load of dingos' kidneys.
I might give her a listen, she looks like a ride.
jog on bruv
creepy female AOTY
>Six co-writes and a cover on an 11-track album
HAHA, fuck off
Thing is, most of these are exactly what OP was asking for.
Very Spoopy.
melovemealot, aka MLMA, is who you need. Billie stole much of her style from her, too.
adding to this Ritual Chair, Consumer Electronics, Brighter Death Now, Yellow Swans, The Rita, Aaron Dilloway, Limbs Bin, and Straight Panic.
>Consumer Electronics
Never forgave Philip Best for switching his blog to friends-only. Also, how does a gutlord famous for yelling misogynist abuse and rubbing pictures of Madeleine McCann against his crotch get such a hot gf?
Song always creeps me out, especially the climax
i remember a couple years ago there was a thread on really eerie sounding early blues albums
any recs?
Interesting, I hope people can name some, or at least link the original thread.
Demented crash bandicoot music right here
That’s not his best album, but good album nonetheless