

How many of you are fathers? How old are you?

>3 children

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Yea Forums bros left you, OP. What a tragedy.

Boys, girls, both?

2 girls, 1 boy. May try for a 4th in a couple years

28, 2 kids
1 girl 1 boy

Think I’m gonna get a vasectomy, kids are expensive

Have another one, if it's a girl I'll purchase her from you. Then you will be able to try for another boy

>4 kids
Dadhood is awesome.

26 first kid on the way.

Nah 3 bedroom house, prefer to not have my kids sharing rooms. Would have to trade my car for a minivan too if I have another.

Eh, only as expensive as you make em. Grocery bill is the only real kicker. But my wife stays home and looks after them so we dont have to pay for childcare.
>dadhood is awesome
Lovin every minute of it
I picked up a minivan recently, wish I had bought one years ago.