Currently trying to pull an all-nighter. Any tips that don't involve drugs?
Currently trying to pull an all-nighter. Any tips that don't involve drugs?
slap yourself in the face once every hour
Just dont sleep
do some soft drugs like tide pods, zoomer
LOL, tips? I am literally staying awake until Wednesday at midnight, because I have a 25 pages essay to write. I haven't even started yet, lol.
Have you tried any drugs? For a all nighter I'd score me some speed
Depends on why you’re staying up late. If you’re studying just drink coffee and do stretches every 20 minutes or so (pomodoro). If you’re doing stupid shit just masturbate or energy drinks
Solid advice so far.
>25 pages essay
That takes like 2 hours you idiot
Tasks that require concentration, like minecraft building a complex structure.
Really? I must be retarded then
I have to include references and stuff. It's not my opinion, but a research paper on serious matters.
Take 30 minute naps every 30 minutes.
Yeah, 2 hours.
maybe. I guess it depends on what the essay is supposed to be about.
Stay active I think. Once you get in bed it’s over around the 20 hour mark unless you’re mental
If you got hand sanitizer, take a deep breath through the nostrils.
Alright Yea Forumsro! I had to do a few in college. Make sure you dont over-sleep on the recovery day. Take a nap after a normal sleep schedule.
>Ice water !
>Make sure you stand up for a minute or two every hour
>Bonus points if you stretch
>If you peel an orange, the citrus smell helps wake you up (myth from a professor)
>if you can listen to music make sure to switch the genre up every once in a while ( or bpm)
>Try to avoid time checks amd get the work planned out
>Fucking dont give in . THE SLEEP COMES IN WAVES
Can't you just pay someone to write it for you?
just stay awake it's not hard. come 10am tomorrow you'll start nodding off like you took some painkillers. shit is fun imo. you'll drop your phone... it's great. just move around a little faggot
fucking "amd"
make sure you spell check so you don't look retarded like me!
Yeah but I'm too retarded to consider that option. Staying up for more than 24 hours to write a subpar paper makes more sense.
Damn thanks for the actual advice
checked !
Yeah if it is your first all nighter, it's going to be quite tough. You got this!
do those websites work?
go to sleep
Probably, but it's kinda late now and I don't have the money for it. The only downside I find, is after a few days, you start seeing things and hearing background music for some reason. I feel like I may trigger schizophrenia or something, but that's after like two days of no sleep.
It’s like everything on the net, some are real some aren’t
if you don't sleep it will start to cause harm. you can go into survival nap mode. do random naps of 4 hours to get 1 R.E.M Cycle in
. keep your basic thoughts in line.
micronaps and that doesn't start happening until about 35 hours in. this queer wants to stay up one night lol
Just put on that song "im blue daba dee daba dai" on repeat. You can stay awake forever
You are a Big shot, eh?
Drink tobasco.
Sleep then wake up 8 hours later. Works like a charm
bruh, I just wrote like 50 pages in a day. Get gud.
try fasting
eat salt and drink water
Seriously, how many pages can you write per hour (including references and stuff)?
Boot up CS 1.6 and go get yourself some cool viruses on random servers, drink some soda and eat some candy to stay away. Have fun.
When is this due and how long have you had the assignment?
It's due next week
>not waiting until the night before it’s due
>not procrastinating more so you do it the night it’s due
>not submitting 12hrs late and taking the 5% penalty
It’s almost like you don’t want the full University experience
How many pages can you write per hour on average?
I average around 3, including in text references OR footnotes
>I average around 3, including in text references OR footnotes
Same, although if I have a decent outline it's a lot faster
Who cares? You left me and you are fucking someone else.
Cocaine. Its not a drug. Its a narcotic.
I'm a pretty slow writer myself, but I don't do it that often. What do you write about? Do you find 2 hours for 25 pages easy, or have you gotten there through skill?
I often find myself taking hours to write 5 pages of anything worthwhile. I mostly write about philosophy with a very serious effort to follow logic strictly, be understandable to the layman, and say something original and valuable.
I wouldn’t try to do 48 hrs. You will be too tired to function well and when you crash, it will take a day or so to get back. Maybe 16-18 hr days. Don’t work by the clock. Work for a certain completion goal and do it.
I heard that drinking water often speeds up metabolism and keeps you awake. Green tea should help.
(not the person you were responding to, btw)
Haven’t scrolled through so not sure what other anons said but… take a five minute cold shower every hour or two, or at least splash your face with cold water if you can’t handle a cold shower… when you’re sitting around keep a cup of ice cubes and rub your balls with them when you’re feeling drowsy but don’t leave them in one spot for too long or you might regret it… go for quick walks… watch something that makes you laugh, like actually laugh, not sensible chuckles… that’s all I got right now
Reign energy drinks and cigarettes
Couple more… don’t rely on coffee and energy drinks too much, it will backfire eventually… if you’re able to, set your phone timer for 15-20 minutes and take a few power naps (hard for me to do but some people can pull it off)
And the face slap idea wasn’t entirely terrible
Not sure, I would say less than 1 page per hour. I don't know if I have dyslexia or something, but I just write slowly, even when in a rush. How do you link/chain paragraphs when you write your paper? Do you just go "X author wrote this, which means bla bla bla" "and he later wrote Y which means bla bla bla"? When I have 25 pages, I just don't know what kind of path I am supposed to follow throughout my paper, and it slows me down.
a drug or other substance that affects mood or behavior and is consumed for nonmedical purposes, especially one sold illegally.
"cultivation of a plant used to make a popular local narcotic"
relating to or denoting narcotics or illegal drugs.
"consumption of narcotic substances"
dip your balls in ice
Pure willpower. Engross yourself in the work, close all other tabs and throw your phone in the deepfryer. The best way to stay awake is getting to a flowstate. Make coffee every hour, walk around a bit, drink lots of water. Good luck brother.
> unironically this
Fucking Kentucky bluegrass music is like adrenaline.
How can you not stay up all night on accident? all day-er after to unfuck your schedule is what’s hard
Just submit less than 25 pages that are very well done. Period. Take what mark you get. ??? Profit.