Name a better band aesthetic

name a better band aesthetic.
protip: you cant.

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What was black flags aesthetic

I dont understand

>blocks your path and asks for a beer

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those weird monochrome/stencil drawings about edgy subjects

fugg bolis :DDDDDDDDDDDD

raymond pettibon did that artwork and not only for black flag. i mean the most popular thing he did was sonic youth goo.

cops suck nigger dick

American Football
>White America
>The suburbs
>Slight Japanese influence


Attached: sfasdfasdfadf.jpg (1551x1574, 310K)

>Slight Japanese influence
Lost us

slight Japanese influence?

unironically, Nirvana

Noticed it's pretty much all homo erotic stuff. I wonder if he liked that nazi sculptor

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Love their aesthetic. No interviews or social media presence either.

Attached: Uranium Club - All of Them Naturals.jpg (1200x1200, 317K)

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Death in June

>this machine kills fascists
did secondhand cringe not exist at this point in time or what
i can see putting it on your fucking gun or something if you actually fought but im guessing woody never seriously fought for anything in his life

tropical fuck storm

>Hope it's a saucy one!
fucking lol

Their sense of humor is phenomenal, didn't even notice that until you pointed it out lmao.

With David Bowie, you get a bunch of great aesthetics in one!

what aesthetic were they

>Slight Japanese influence

Attached: spongewhy.jpg (480x702, 81K)

Fascist junkie aesthetic

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Based and Smithspilled
Even the single sleeves were mint

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Such an iconic aesthetic that even people who don’t know it’s an album like it. It’s genuinely transcended the music.

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>it’s a video game screenshot
lmao this is a self own

The old left is basically like the new right


these digits kill fascists

What is inherently wrong or less authentic about a video game?

i dont want to carve a gun they are icky

Ok but what did he actually mean by this? Most of their influences came from the American punk scenes

this. there's nothing like the imagery mangum puts in your head.

Did I say Japanese? I meant jazz.

Joy Division/New Order had the best aesthetic in their artwork. Peter Saville was basically the 5th member of the band

>playing video games
lol, I'm sure you have a happy life and influence on other people

Uranium Club is pretty good but their aesthetic, and music obviously, is just Devo

comin thru

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