Hey anons! Anybody up drinking tonight z?

Hey anons! Anybody up drinking tonight z?

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What's going on?

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I fukd a hooker and stole my buddy Reggies gun bro

Ain't nothin but a g thing

>central time zone
>only faggot cities/states in that time zone
OP is faggot

Fuck you piece of shit attention whore faggot

Brave words from either a coastal queer or a mountain time hillbilly

G for gorgeous babe *giggles in trap*

I get a 24 pack and I try to finish them before I pass out. What's your record OP? 12-15 should be average.

Buddy you drink a lot.

Like almost to much but I would say you'll be fine Hun, just keep on fingering your ass hole and one day you'll be all grown up like me *winks*

Yo, mexianon here

Not drinking today but sounds tempting

#2. I'm out of beer. Send more

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Don't shame. Drinking is fine. Not like it's hard liquor or drugs mixed in.

finally have a day off tomorrow. Got a bottle of vodka an am already a third of the way through it.

Is that you King Cobra?

>Fat loser alcoholic has yet another beer
Go cook plastic, you estrogen filled failure

Most in a day? Hmmm probably 30ish. Average 15-20 I’d guess

HRT is all you need. It will calm you down and make you less angry when all that testosterones fueled rage leaves you. We know you don't have any other release for your pent up anger.

Yes. I'm trying to patent this lettuce wrap inside a bun

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it's a nicaraguan rum night for me. payday tradition.

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couldn't even congratulate me on my trips? FUCK YOU AND YOUR FAG BURGER...

Used to drink heavy every night, then 80 proof started making me sick so I switched to beer, now I can't have more than 2 or 3 beers before I feel sick. I think my liver might be fucked up or something.

But yeah tonight I'm drinking Fat Tire

Pretty respectable. Keeps the hairs on your chest and your manhood intact.


What r trips? I just got here from red dit

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drinking is a goddamned pleasure for many. some people don't deal well with it. many of us do. as with all things, balance is the key.
*takes sip thoughtfully*

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Okay dad.

Just soldier through and you will start to feel alright. You will be fine brother. Just get passed a 6 pack tonight and see if you feel better and then up it to 9. Just need to get your liver warmed up and back to its original self.

Sup bro

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Can you life honestly be any sadder? Getting drunk by yourself on a Monday.

You can't even take a picture properly, go home, you are drunk.


i keep dreaming about a burger design that has 100% bun coverage (sealed sides). imagine creating a messy burger that you can eat while driving? that creation would make you billions.

some sort of machine that you insert the premade burger into, then seal the sides with heat and dough...

Fuckin piss water those beers

It’s a Monday.

he doesn't seem very sad to me...? you seem sad, tho

I like it. This really has me thinking

Also. Why eat and drive? What's the rush? I do understand the no mess part tho either way

think smashburger with all the trimmings, placed into and then smashed with some hot machine that applies dough to the sides... would only take 30 seconds with the right heat.
lettuce is a great wrap, but there will be leakage cause that shit is crisply. it cracks. i love the taste, tho.

Stopped a few weeks ago after drinking daily for the last 4ish years. Not trying to go full sober or anything just limit the week day, doing nothing , sitting around the house habit to start cracking cans.

If that's your term for developing cirrhosis sure alkie

I think I've seen what ur talking about on youtube. It was either asian or indian street food

freeway driving. every time i drive an interstate and i want to grab lunch i don't want to stop to eat. i'd rather take it for the road. eating a burger while driving sucks. it's a mess. and i'm not eating fucking chicken nuggets, ffs
none of the major burger outlets offer a tidy sloppy burger option. that paper wrapping shit doesn't cut it.
bottom line: a tidy slopper burger is the holy grail, regardless of setting. you shouldn't have to take a fucking shower after eating lunch.

ITT: painfully boring drunk faggots vie for attention inexplicably on an anonymous imageboard

If you want an interwebz identity then how about going somewhere that provides you with the tools to do that you fucking inbreds?

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*Or there is these things that kinda seal them

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>12 year old big mad
Grow up loser

>waaaaaaaa waaaaaaaaaaaa
>waaaaa waaa

I drink everyday. Who cares.

lime leg-spreaders again tonight for me. no legs around here to spread, tho.
1 oz everclear 190 proof
1 Tbsp limeade concentrate
sparkling water or club soda in 16 oz glass, with ice

You're just buttfrustrated because I'm right losers.

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Op passed out. Threads dead

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Idk about that but I'm poopsmoking butthash rn

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you're so smart and everyone else is so dumb. gosh!

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I have been sober for 2 months now because of shrooms. believe me when you take shrooms with the mindset of getting sober it works. seeing threads like this dont trigger me the slightest

Fucking brilliant. I’m ordering this next time at Habit Burger. Fucking lettuce wrap with bun.

What. are. you. trying. to. forget?

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>bud light

imagine drinking that weak ass shit. get a better job faggot so you can afford something better than pisswater

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Good to know it works for some ppl

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I'm also working on lettuce wrap inside a taco. The lettuce is like a diaper

Get a life, beerfag.

Nigga i am home haha

if you're going to go for a patent, go for a machine that injects the right kind of dough, and can do 16 burgers at a time. mass market fast food stylie.
patent them and then sell them to all the big burger chains.
that's the magic of it: it's really a technique, not a burger type.
that means ANY chain can put their already-existing top-selling burgers in this machine and sell it as a technique/style of cooking their sandwich.
just sayin'. there is no way this idea isn't worth a billion.
yup. pretty drunk here.

Canada eh?

I would love to bankrupt fast food instead. I would also love to reinvent ass wiping and bankrupt the forest industry

>pretty drunk here
Don't care. Screenshotted your post anyways just in case it makes sense tomorrow

i quit tobacco cold turkey after a seriously intense mushroom trip. i saw myself get cancer, go through chemo and eventually die, a period of over 6 months, in the space of a few minutes. never smoked tobacco again. a golden teacher indeed.

Explain to me exactly how a sweet lager is pisswater, but an IPA that actually tastes like piss isn't please.

I'm an alcoholic. What you think? Having my usual... Luksusowa vodka with a water chaser. Delicious...

Is this WA user?

WA as in washington? No FL