Waifu thread!

Waifu thread!

>Claim your Waifu/Husbando
>No Claiming Waifus/Husbandos that have already been claimed
>Only one claim per user
>No stealing (unless trips or more)
>No oversexualised content
>No RP/ERP of any kind
>Discussion is welcomed
>Insults must be original
>If you're posting images you're not lurking
>3D is almost always trash
>Joining means a reserved place in hell
>Rice is always nice
>The /waifu/ spirit is immortal throughout all eternity

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Other urls found in this thread:



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I get you, Sopmod and Jules' new waifu mixed up.

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I am Sop.
Jules is in denial about it but yeah I get you.

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My waifu uwu :3

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I think you're all faggots.

youd be right

Gays deserve the rope.

I mean, no offense or anything, I'm just not familiar enough with your waifus and they all (there's like three, right?) have similar appearances to me.
Is part of the reason I don't engage with you guys; I feel like an ass asking who is who.
Anyway, how's your evening going?

So rude.

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Rude as FUCK! Nigger.

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no that one is overplayed and it grows bad

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Emergency bump

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Tite dodo.

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tired hours

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Backpain hours, hell yeah.

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what happened?

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Hiya Snek!


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Pain it he back area, duh.
Snake boobs.

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Hello all~ any plans for the evening?

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hello space gun
yeah but how did that happen?
just a random back pain day?
coffee before I fall asleep

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True and honest waifus

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Hello hello. Just relaxing. Ate my leftover Chinese take-out and now I'm searching online for someone who makes reproduction stickers for my wheels when I go to refinish them.

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Night, cunts

Pass out. Bye.
I lifted heavy things. Heavier than usual.
Coffee before going to bed is a bit benefitial for the heart apparently.

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Best user!
Been a while, eh?
How's it hanging?

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Lillie worshiper
heavy, more excuses for a late coffee

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Sleep well!
Evening, Snek!

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Where've you been??
Doing okay, chilling. And you?

Working and life stuff.
No time to pop in.

Also chilling atm.
Might watch "The Count of Monte Cristo" since I don't work tomorrow.

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how was your day Lillie worshiper?

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I thought something bad might've happened
What's it about?
Ah, a day off. Very nice

"The Count of Monte Cristo is a 1934 American adventure film directed by Rowland V. Lee and starring Robert Donat and Elissa Landi. Based on the 1844 novel The Count of Monte Cristo by Alexandre Dumas, the story concerns a man who is unjustly imprisoned for 20 years for innocently delivering a letter entrusted to him. When he finally escapes, he seeks revenge against the greedy men who conspired to put him in prison."

There's a bunch of versions, something like 24 film adaptations?
Admittedly I'm going for the 1934 version 'cause it got mentioned in "V for Vendetta."
Apparently it's the first version recorded with sound, with five silent film adaptations before it.

>I thought something might have happened.
Impossible, I'm invincible.
Also I'm a fairly sporadic poster in the thread at best.

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Pretty good. Didnt do much, but I got some stuff sorted out so I can have my desk clear.
How have you been?

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sounds like my day but I'm still tired
besides the desk part mine is somewhat clean
I've been alright I think, not as busy as I imagined with this warming weather

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Wow, quite an old movie!
Interesting premise, maybe I'll join you and watch it too.
"V for Vendetta" I haven't seen yet unfortunately.
Yeah, that's true.
Well I gotta be up early tomorrow, so I'll see ya some other day. Have fun with the movie!

Good night, my man!
Have a good day tomorrow.

(I'm also trying to torrent a movie called "The Scarlet Pimpernal," another 1934 flick whose plot is that a masked vigilante swoops into save noblemen from execution by guillotine.
But there are precious few seeders and it's taking eons.
Maybe one day...)

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she won't give (you)s, but she also won't let it die..

shes busy

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doth thine eye deceive me?

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(You) (You)

Whats your favorite song?

Nothing much just working. You must have some rad dreams by being caffeinated while sleeping haha


Good luck and goodnight!

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very hard question I couldn't pick just one song
like just now I've come across New Order and I can't stop listening to it.helps me while I pretend to draw
what are you working on?
sometimes yeah, but I forget them as soon as I wake up unless its a funny dream where I can feel myself laughing asleep

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>New Order
Post YT link.

is this Relm? you won't like it if so
just search New Order - Blue Monday, my link could be banned on your side

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a (w)~

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tomoko is my wife

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(You) (You) (You) (You)
(You) (You) (You) (You)
(You) (You) (You) (You)

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