All seriousness no one is actually racist here.
All seriousness no one is actually racist here
Little boys just hide behind a screen
i am, I hate American niggers. they should be enslaved again, those fuckers are getting a little bit too cocky
You don’t actually mean that. You’re just saying it behind a screen
You poor things~ who hurt you
Not really. Just trying to fit in.
Want to buy a dozen unused tikitorches?
shut up you doublenigger
Weird way to fit in but whatever
I guarantee you won’t say that word in public your door.
what's funny is niggers now believe they're untouchable because of the political climate we have right now, but luckily not all good thing will last for long. history repeats itself, and you nigger will have it 100x harder then your filthy ancestors.
Brody relax
Maybe, History does repeat itself. But the thing is black people dont just live in America dude. They have schools and learn and weponds. Who says history will repeat itself in a different way and you end up at the bottom as a slave ?
You seem tents want a cup of tea
>who hurt you
Return to Reddit with that shit you ridiculous swine
fucking duh, everyone here has a sense of self-preservation
Its OK i gave him N-Word pass
You seem tents want a cup of tea
Doesn't that make you a coward and a hypocrite ?
You’re just a little boy
Niggers are also Nazis
go back to twitter please
thank you
you dumb nigger are threat to no one, you're unorganized, you dont have funds, and if a war was to happen you'd be annihilated in a day. like I said history repeats itself, and you nigger will learn the hard way
Funny but seeing as how quite a percentage of the US is populated by black people if there was a war against them It would tear the country apart
I bet you are just a fat fucker thinking he is so much better out there lmao That is so sad
That used to be true, a long time ago. Whenever someone made an "I'm new here" thread or comment everyone would act like absolutely horrid people so they'd leave and never come back. Unfortunately sometimes it backfired and horrid people decided to stay because they thought they'd finally found their home. Now very little of the racism is ironic.
Fat racist are the funniest trash out there
Yea Forums in a nutshell
probably a nigger since they're always hurting people
that's all you nigger can do, bet and gamble your money away.Since you wanna bet, I bet no one in your filthy nigger family has a Ph.D
It's not racist to hate niggers because they commit so much crime.
Bro I’m white you dumb fuck
I got a slushee thrown in my face last week for calling two dyke women "groomers" and their child a "faggot". The police officer asked me "Whats up with this picture?" and I responded:
"I believe child abuse is a sin."
I assume you mean romantically. His BBC boyfriend left him and now he has a grudge against all black people lmao
I can’t stand niggers. I’d give them the death penalty
>"Whats up with this picture?"
I took a picture of their kid and posted on social media. Kek
Imagine not being white
Stop lying
a nigger lover will always be nigger in my eyes
In fact I am white too lol
And I also assume you or really any of your family has a Ph.D ?
Probably not huh and even then you think I dont see loads of non black people without Ph.D ? like what they are all so smart yeah right
Your def of nigger is what exactly? At this point it just means someone you dont like dumbass
Not racist just hate Niggers
You and me are fighting off theses dumb fucks.
shut up, nigger. I'm getting tired of your faggotry.
You seem mad
Chill daddy
Why so mad?
just stop being fucking faggots pretending it's all happy cumming and rainbows.
Lol fighting off? This is a useless dumb fight bro
I am just having fun here seeing what stupid things he has to say back haha
I know I think it’s hilarious.
I wish it were that easy and good. Which is a part of the problem.
I don't speak symbols.
I think everybody sucks and really there is no hope in general. Nothing will be easy from now on only worst and worst. But thinking being dumb and racist will solve anything is even stupider and really its hard to go lower
well, I do. But not those symbols. Stop making me analyze, faggot. Me being overly logical and rational are the things, that are driving me up the fucking wall in the first place.
TL;DR: Shut up, nigger
Massive W
>I think everybody sucks
That is not true. Unless you're talking about a dick.
>really there is no hope in general.
Also isn't true. Life isn't bad in the first place. And the world is getting better and better by the day. Despite all of the horrific shit that is going on.
>Nothing will be easy from now on only worst and worst.
It never was easy. But it is quite easy now. Also, it will get better, not worse.
>But thinking being dumb
Being a retard you mean? Yeah, it is hard. But not nearly as fucking hard as being smart. Ignorance is bliss indeed btw.
>being racist will solve anything
It won't. But thinking that the word nigger is racist in the context the anons on Yea Forums are using it, is also dumb as fuck.
>even stupider and really its hard to go lower
If you're a true racist, sure. But very few people actually are. Esp. that racist. More like disliking the criminals and idiots ruining the world, because of upbringing, lack of education, discipline, proper role models, and so on. None of which has to do with the color of the skin btw.
U talking about penises? Bro what are you getting at ?
weeb faggots. go suck each other off and stop bothering the rest of us.