Reminder: If you think Russia is losing you are an NPC

Reminder: If you think Russia is losing you are an NPC

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I-it'll drop soon putinshill. SLAVA UKRAINI

How many billions in lost equipment?

Objectively speaking though, I wonder just how sustainable their currency prop moves are. Putin & Company probably planned to make some moves to counter the drop, but there has to be a wall.

Any large enough country can probably pump their currency a few times, but it's like an adrenaline shot -- eventually the body just gives out.

They have pegged to rubble to gold. thats why they are winning. the west fiat currency is dying. the inflation has only just begun

It will work as well as Biden opening the fuel reserves to drop gas prices. Eventually it will hit the wall and then youre really fucked.

their Fed can pump the currency all they want, that won't change the fact that their economy will contract by 15% by the end of the year. And that's not counting the long term effects, like being put export control lists for a lot of high tech stuff, a lot of the educated middle class leaving the country, Europe finding new gas/oil sources etc.

>Preventing everyone from selling roubles
>Spend what you have buying rubbles
>Celebrate in glory as rouble rises and declare victory

Russia have chosen that their currency is their priority. That exchange rate is mostly theoretical, though. What we're seeing is the splitting up of the global market, into several markets with enormous arbitrage between them, because politics keeps them apart. This is evident by the fact that Russia is defaulting on its dollar debt, because no amounts of roubles it has can pay its dollar debt and it can't get those sums exchanged.

the russian central bank can not print money anymore. they rouble has been pegged to gold.

Putin has called bullshit on the entire fiat banking system of the west. He's already won, the MSM just doesn't want to tell the NPCs the truth

Putin is pumping up the Ruble by using reserves.
Those reserves are going to be depleted eventually.
Russia might "win" the war against Ukraine but it will be weakened significantly.

NPCs identified.
you retards know absolutely nothing about international capital flows. you are just regurgitating the sound bites the western fake news has fed you

I'd rather be a NPC than a commie faggot.

That's kinda what I was thinking. Governments can pull all sorts of shit to artificially change prices in the short term, but it comes at a cost, and the chickens always come back to roost.

almost everyone ive seen cheer ukraine and hate russia is an NPC

why dont you ask the germans who are the ones propping them up in the first place?

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>you retards know absolutely nothing about international capital flows
Literally have a university degree in this shit.

Russia's economy isn't going to be completely destroyed, as some have claimed, as they have a large enough internal market, and can export to other countries over time, however, it's a major blow, and that exchange rate is completely artificial. Currency follows the law of supply and demand, as with anything else.

Finally: Exchange rates will not decide this war. Had their exchange rate plummeted, but had Putin taken Kiev, you'd be spamming about that now, and not the exchange rate.

Fact of the matter is that Russia isn't going to achieve its war goals. Cope.

you are a retard.

democrat voter confirmed.

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get your money back if you actually paid for a degree and are that ignorant of international capital flows.

you are just repeating fake news talking points. not an original thought in anything you've typed

RU is selling oil and gas reserves their currency will fluctuate. But how is having your monopoly monies worth more of practically nothing going to matter to the war effort? They're (((RU))) just going to get pounded into UA soil by SAM's, stingers, TOW's, and those old ass s-300's.

Not the gold that was sitting in london, right?

Not that user but you haven't countered a single post of his. First you said he knows nothing now you're insulting his education, you're just backpedaling with insults without doing anything to prove you know more than, or even as much as him. And I know you think you're trolling, but you're just being retarded, trolling requires being clever and you dont' have the equipment for it.

I don't think about Russia at all.

>but there has to be a wall.

Not anymore, now that the EU's cucked and agreed to pay for oil in rubles, there is going to be a steady and constant buy pressure on the currency

ITT Look someone keeps calling me a NPC as if that's an insult. There is NOBODY on Yea Forums who isn't. People of real power don't spend their time here. Yes Ivan, we get it, looking like your winning in today's world goes a lot further than it did in the past. That being said Russia is only hurting itself and the reason why. Corruption. Putin was lied to about the readiness of his military. The willingness of Ukraine to fight back. The political and economical outcomes. Or he believed jos own lies. Either way this fuckup will set back Russia. No amount of Yea Forums NPC na!e calling will avert that. It's now plain to the world that outside of strategic nukes Russia will fade out of history soon enough. Probably turn into something like Spain.

>Reminder: If you think

Reminder: If you think being a Penny-a-Post and posting incite and disinfo for pennies is a job a man should have ... it's not!

Pathetic Penny-a-Post.

I can't imagine living with a mental illness that makes me obsessed with politics...

Russia is winning for sure

for survival practice i play zombie panic source, co-op horror, free on steam

they have not really pegged the rouble to gold. it is only a one-way-street: they will pay 5,000 rouble for 1 ounce of gold. but they will not guarantee you 1 ounce of gold if you give them 5,000 rouble.

comparing rouble to dollar and euro is like comparing 3 sinking ships. and the question is which of these ships will sink slower.
who will suffer more from energy sanctions? EU or russia? market is not so clear about that.

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A thought doesn't have to be original to be worthwhile. Also, parroting RT talking points is hardly unique.

Point remains: Obtaining a "good" exchange rate through market intervention isn't impressive. Though it is expensive. Having a nice looking stock market, when foreign investors are prohibited from selling, isn't impressive. though again: Expensive.
If Russia was confident in its economy, why the interventions dear Ivan?

Found the pedo.

Typical Russian propaganda, selecting only the parts that suits you world vision. If you open you eyes a little further and you will see the full story.

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Russia is selling its future here. It's wasting the creme of its youth. The patriots are dying, the clever ones are leaving.

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lmao it's always good to see another victim of pay-to-play certifications

>well yes, RUB/EUR's actually above where it was before these slap on the wrist "sanctions" started
>but did you know it's lower than it was in 2013?!

kek what

>It's wasting the creme of its youth.
>population: 145,000,000
>casaulties: 13,000

lol no way they're recovering from that

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The decades of propoganda for the badass russian military got a big fat steaming shit on it's face. Whole world's clowning on you, Putin's final legacy turned russia into a North Korea tier nigger state.

Based retard. It does not matter, since you basically can't trade rubles for dollar in any relevant amount, so it is literally useless.

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How much longer can Putin hold on in his low information state when the Babushkas see their dead soldiers' faces?

Russia is shit
dog and baby rapers and corpses in Ukrainian fields
destroy all invaders
kill all Russian ratmen

what makes it even worth attacking ukraine? this whole expedition will accomplish nothing even if they are succesful.

I used to live in Ukraine and plan to go back as soon as the war ends. Sugar babies there will be at an all time low price because the country will be even poorer than before. Most aid will go towards rebuilding infrastructure, not directly into peoples poor pockets. If you want to fuck through a life time of super model looking women, then get ready to take a trip.

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Have you heard of Every War Russia's Ever Been In

13,000 casualties was a good 24 hours back in the day

also I think the Russian media reporting for 8 years on Ukrainian shelling of the Donbass and the thousands of civilian casualties probably laid the infowar groundwork pretty well

>Sugar babies there

lmao what they're all in the West now, making Tinder profiles

in the last few months, the ruble to USD conversion has been plus or minus .1 penny in either direction.

Keep trollin', Ivan. You fucking Russian cocksucker.

New conscripts in 2021: 261.500. Unknown number signed permanent contracts.

Russia probably suffered ~40.000 total CASUALTIES by now (Wounded + dead+ captured + Missing). This is in 2 months of fighting. Extrapolated, that makes 240.000 per year, though some of the wounded may return to fighting strength. Border line though: Casualties are not sustainable.

However, you are nothing but a shill, incapable of independent though, reflection or analysis. Only parroting authoritarian talking points. Because you are weak, and need a big daddy to rule over you

Most refugees are in Euroland without green cards and will have to go back when the war ends. Plenty of women are still there. Slav women are hot as fuck.

> "probably".

and your estimate comes from....?


I heard they suffered 6 gorillion casualties in the first day

>However, you are nothing but a shill, incapable of independent though, reflection or analysis. Only parroting authoritarian talking points. Because you are weak, and need a big daddy to rule over you


The fact that it's mostly women and children, mean that their goodwill is practically infinite. Many countries may well allow them to stay. Not all will want to stay of course, but many well chose that, depending on the length of the war

>Most refugees are in Euroland without green cards and will have to go back when the war ends

Yes, that's why the Tinder profiles, to find some 50-year-old German or French cock to ride so they don't have to go back to that shithole

it really isnt tho.

A generous conversion is that the amount of wounded and missing is usually at least twice of that of the amount killed. Based on previous conflicts. And the fact that Russia doesn't provide reliable data, means that the number certainly isn't low.

We are now on month 3 of your "special operation". Russia is no closer to its goals. Having been forced to retreat in the north, and Donbas offensive isn't really yielding results yet. Ukraine is striking in Russian territory, generals are dying like flies, and black sea flagship converted to one-way submarine.

More than 500 tanks documented lost. Highest frequency of casualties since the second world special operation.

Please ignore all of the above and look and this lovely (and artificial) exchange rate!

Ah I see, so the source is "my ass"

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Russia basically froze all the foreign currency in Russian banks, you can't withdraw or buy foreign currency, that's why the ruble is not plummeting even more. The banks are full of foreign cash, that can't be moved in any relevant amount (unless you are a corrupt oligarch, probably), this gives their currency a little leverage.


Even if they capture Kiev and kill the president, they still have to deal with the rest of the country, a destroyed infrastructure, and with a citizenry that hates them. Unless they genocide their population, there will be civil war and resistance even if they take down the government. And they are so incompetent, that it is like they are just destroying everything with any planning at all. They are just hazing the country, it is stupid.

another NPC regurgitating MSM talking points with no original thought.

Tell me, what are Putins goals in Ukraine? - you have no fucking idea, all you know is what the TV tells you

Well, it's actually the most conservative estimate I could reasonably make, in that most other estimates reached that number already a month ago. NATO estimated total Russian Casualties to 40.000 already March 23rd.

Believe it or not, I'm trying to Steelman the Russian position here, but even then it fails miserably.

hello NPC. can you tell me what Putin's actual goals are in Ukraine? you have no idea, all you know is what the MSM tells you.

TV is for NPCs

if you support putin or any dictator or autocrat you're the most advanced form of cuck possible. you want someone to have absolute power over you, it doesn't get more cucked then that

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>Even if they capture Kiev and kill the president, they still have to deal with the rest of the country, a destroyed infrastructure, and with a citizenry that hates them.

lmao jesus christ

That was never the Russian goal. Putin made this big huge speech on the night of the invasion where he laid out what he wants to achieve

>kill the nazis
>Ukraine not a member of NATO
>Ukraine recognizes Donbass and Luhanks as independent
>Ukraine recognizes Crimea as Russian

that's it. if you think the goal is to conquer all of Ukraine, you have been brainfucked

typical midwit. smart enough to think you know whats going on, too stupid to comprehend the larger picture

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>Well, it's actually the most conservative estimate I could reasonably make, in that most other estimates reached that number already a month ago. NATO estimated total Russian Casualties to 40.000 already March 23rd.

A good tip for not looking dumb is to take casualty estimates with a large grain of salt when they come from involved combatants

I'm sure the Russians would be happy to tell you that the Ukies have suffered a million casualties now

the goal has been full reunification with ukraine and belarus since the ussr fell. belarus won't happen because lukashenko is actually really smart when it comes to playing his cards regarding it, and ukraine was supposed to happen a lot quicker.

it's not even some big secret, literally go ask a bunch of russian people what they think. even the opposition like navalny want reunification with ukraine and belarus, it's a very big cultural hill that a lot of russians die on

So tell us, what is Putin goals in Ukraine? He is already struggling to even keep his troops alive, does this retard understand that holding this country afterwards, even with a puppet, will be extremely more difficult than waging this war he is already losing?

>you have no fucking idea, all you know is what the TV tells you

The Russian war goals aren't what MSM said they were, but what Putin and the kremlin stated they were:

- Demilitarise Ukraine (Ukraine now has a bigger and more well equipped military than ever)
- Denazify Ukraine (THis would entail a change of regime, and Russia is further from that than on February 23rd)
- Protect the Donbas (No closer to achieving thisHas in fact put the existence of their Donbas puppets in jeopardy, should Russia lose on the ground)
- Contain NATO expansion (Failed spectacularly, as not only Ukraine is now likely to join, but also Sweden and Finland)
- Create land bridge to Transnistria ( Not happening without Odessa, and Military defeats in the south means that Russia will never reach Odessa).

So I'm taking Russia on its word here. And based on their own stated objectives, they are losing. Hard.

Install puppet government, push back NATO's block on his country?

>the goal has been full reunification with ukraine and belarus since the ussr fell.
>source: my ass

> it's a very big cultural hill that a lot of russians die on

that's nice, but what they're trying to do is kill all the Nazis, which they've basically done, force Ukraine into NATO neutrality, which they've done, and then force Ukraine to give up sovereignity over the eastern "People's Republics" and Crimea, which is 90% done

They might encircle Odessa to hurry this process along, but that's it.

>So tell us, what is Putin goals in Ukraine?

He literally made a big speech about it.

>kill the nazis
>no Ukraine in NATO
>Ukraine recognizes Donbass and Luhansk as "independent republics"
>ukraine recognizes Crimea as Russian

I guess you can add Kherson to that, so Crimea has an uninterrupted water supply and a land bridge

>(THis would entail a change of regime, and Russia is further from that than on February 23rd)

No, it wouldn't. 95% of the Nazis are dead and the rest are now starving to death in a bunker in Mariupol

This actually benefits Zelensky, who hates those fuckers (for obvious reasons). When this war is over, most likely his two biggest domestic political threats, namely Eastern separatist parties and neo-Nazis, will be gone

Sure, Having to intervene in your own economy to prop up your currency, because other countries wont tough it, is in reality somehow a show of strength. Moron.

Eбaнькo, тeбe eбaльцe oбoccaть?

Any response i give to this question that conflicts with your programming will immediately trigger you and is a waste of energy.

If you want to know whats really going on. Learn about the role of energy in geopolitics and the basics of international capital flows. once you understand that, put yourself in Putin's shoes and ask yourself how much power in the global economy do you now wield?

Why did Trump fight so hard to prevent Germany from closing that pipeline deal with Russia? Why did Biden immediately overturn that policy and allow the pipeline to finish? who's really promoting policies that make Russia stronger?

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All central banks do that, you retard

The Russian central bank no longer has to do it, because now the EU is selling euros to buy rubles to pay for gas in. That's billions of dollars a day in buy pressure on RUB/EUR