What's your favorite black metal album?

What's your favorite black metal album?

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I think

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Darkspace 2

It's perfect, lads.

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I'd put HLTO in there as well. Both albums are flawless and the peak of bm.

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based and respect thots buried long ago tier

the last good black metal album too. the genre's been lost ever since.

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Huh I actually feel better about black metal than I have at the start of the decade. 2017 and 2018 were both surprisingly good years for bm, lots of albums I regularly listen to came out. Just off the top of my head I think of Pagan Hellfire, Necropole, Djevel, Ungfell. Summoning and Immortal also put out their best albums of this decade.

I have no idea why non-BM fans dickride this album so hard.
Hviss lysett tar oss is the absolute best burzum record

Hard to pick, but this one is definitely top three.

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Don't express any opinions about black metal ever again.

>decent production
>basically shoegaze, but longform and with minor chords
>no growls or shrieks just distorted vocals

Assuming you're the one who posted OM as your favorite black metal album, you really aren't in any authority to tell others whether or not they can talk about black metal.

>Jesu dod was shoegaze

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Good picks

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I'm a bm fan and think it's better than hlto

it's the most unique bm album

Maybe when it was released, but now there are so many Burzum clones. Of course none are as good as the original though.

I've never liked fanisk that much but this album is great

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The last Fanisk album was pretty much just an Eldrig album.

>most unique bm album
*blocks your path*

Gnipahålan - Vånnalösa Urskepnader gets an honorable mention. I'm forever shilling that album

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Nice taste. Under a Funeral Moon is a genre defining album for black metal. If I had to show anyone what black metal was, I'd choose it.
I listened to the self-titled Gnipahålan album since it looked like the Burzum cover, good stuff.

Based and testopilled

The s/t is actually my least favorite album in that project, so you should check out the other stuff if you're still interested. The Häxbål demo finally got a public release a couple months ago

This. The vocals are what keep me from liking Burzum's other records. And I normally enjoy black metal vocals.

OP already posted it, but I like Das Tor a bit more.

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How can s/t be your favorite if you like Das Tor more?

Well I meant it as in Paysage d'Hiver is my favorite BM artist.

Ok. For me, it's Kristall & Isa

Pentagram is good too.

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This is the most tribal cult BM I’ve found.

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This is my favorite PdH as well, the wall of sound is just so gritty compared to the previous ones.

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Paysage d'hiver- s/t
Really anything he's put out though
Closely followed by DaD

Screaming at Forgotten Fears has to be the most beautiful bm song.

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only flaws to this one is it's too short and their only album

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Such a crazy album. You're right, it does feel too short. Such massive music should be at least an hour long. Try listening to Elderwind and Mirkwood.

you know what time it is, lads

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This album would be held in the same regard as Filosofem or Dead as Dreams if it didn't have the swastika.

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why did no one tell me this exists?

this one just hits all the right spots

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what is the appeal of this band? there are experimental bands i feel are much better
is it the politics of the members that gets websites to shill for them?

good pick

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There were threads but they kept getting flooded by numales and people complaining about it being a tape collection.

i have no idea what their politics are, i guess since this is what you bring up they must be numales or basedboys or whatever
don't consider this experimental either, just really well constructed progressive black metal performed by a tight unit


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these are decent

everything else here is reddit

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That's a weird way to say Det Som Engang Var

honorable mentions

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Even though I can never finish it, this.

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Based boys

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and maybe this one

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Till the end

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prog rock

minas morgul is their best

>the vocals on Suffer the Gestalt

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still terrific after almost 3 decades

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I'm going to listen to this just because of the album cover

call me a tourist if you want, this album is perfect

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I love when retards post albums where they either (1) don't list the name (2) the name on the album is not readable.. you need to be hung sir

World Without End by Katharsis

Thank you

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the two most recent evilfeast albums are amazing. at my old job elegies of the stellar wind fit the time it took me to get home every night and it was amazing, driving through mountains blasting it felt so good

have sex

Good taste

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Carpathian Forest is fucking amazing
Actual true black metal

Confession: I have this on vinyl and I usually skip side c (Rundtgåing av den transcendentale egenhetens stotte) if I am listening to the rest of the tracks

On its own it is such a good track but it's so long it really messes with the flow of the album

I'd say this or Return by Bathory

b a s e d
personal fav is 'Verräterischer, Nichtswürdiger Geist'
hell yeah

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based pick didnt see it before

The most popular BM.. yeah very unique..

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it's popular for a reason

They are the basics. Anyone who hasn't heard of these need to get off this thread.

dude only obscure things are good lmao

im pretty sure most of the people pretending to be into black metal post "le unique" demos that are all just sub par venom worship

venom is sub par already

The best.

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fuck yeah
that's why copying it makes it even worse

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some may call it doom or whatever but it is Maniac who sings! the original mayhem vocalist

fucking great album

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Venom is top tier, incel. Have sex


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This is quite good.

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Even though it's blatant Burzum worship, Evilfeast is phenomenal. Wintermoon Enchantment is up there with Filosofem imo.

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if you ignore the classics you'll never like music

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Can't believe someone else picked this one too.
Negura Bunget-OM is pretty close to perfect. If we expand the definition of the genre to black/doom I'll can throw out something from 2017.

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These are also all good picks.

Hello there Mr. Shitposter.

>implying aesthethethethethica is bad

I love when retards don't know how to reverse image search.

Probably this

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Same user

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10/10 album if it wasn't for the last track

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>no Bathory
the fuck

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I've been working on this on and off; this probably won't be the final version but I thought I'd come to Yea Forums and look for a black metal thread to show this off:


What with the recent event I couldn't resist lol, it fits soooo well I love it. Y'all can shit on it tho its okay if you don't like my satanist church burning edit.

also; it was originally going to have the whole Burzum album, and it's final edit probably will; but I keep having annoying tech issues working on it, so its taking a while.

(No creepypasta just switched from pirated Sony Vegas to shitty open source video editors)