
New to production? Read this before asking a question

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DON'T link to Soundcloud or youtube etc, anything that is not anonymous is considered self promotion and will result in bad feedback.

Last thread:

Attached: Imagine Dragons - Evolve.jpg (1500x1500, 259K)

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How did these guys achieve the otherworldly sounds on this album? It's a masterpiece.


Now, how do I convert .nki files to .wav? I'm tired of not being able to use all the cool sample libraries just because I don't have Kontakt!

What's your favorite free distortion?

You can't, that's the point

do you like my beat?
if not, why not?

Surely there's a way. I am not alone with that problem and some big nerd somewhere will have figured out a solution. Why else would there be .wav rips of some Kontakt libraries available for pirated download?

just pirate kontakt

probably because not every library tries to hide its samples, wavs are included.


So you sequenced the entire thing? It's personal taste of course but I feel like certain modern projects lost a bit of magic due to sequencing and clean midi vsts at times. Have you tried playing a lead melody or two by hand to make it feel less stiff?

Really harsh sound at times, I've got one myself and wouldn't get it again especially with that 4 voice limit

multitrack digital recorder vs computer with daw. Which wins and why? (Unless you're making EDM sound music)

By any chance anyone here has an Arturia Keylab (first gen)?

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When both systems are digital the argument comes down to workflow, so the one that wins is the one that suits how you work and the type of recordings you make.

Prefer to capture a complete performance by a musician in a single take? Both will work fine for you. Do you capture music in pieces and assemble it later, copy/pasting and moving parts? Hardware multitrack machine will only allow that if it is non-linear (ie ADAT machines etc wouldn't be suitable) and a DAW would work best.

The Caretaker continues. As you were.


Multitrack loses its appeal when it's digital. Might aswell go for the daw then. Easier to navigate and use.

Good points. How about distractability, musical mindframe (no technical aspects to get lost in) and the fact that you can't use midi/vst. Only sound?

>you can't use midi
You can get a midi sequencer and record your synths, baka.

you sound like somebody who hasn't started (doesn't know what they're talking about) and is just looking for reasoning to go hardware; do it if you want dude

They're nice for sketching and make you focus more but more intricate projects can be cumbersome. Considering how cheap they usually are though, I see no reason not to get one.

i decided to live with the tinny-ness and add some kind of melody

>in the zone
>hours fly by working on a track and it's actually going well
fuck i love the zone guys, those songs that "just happen" make all the shitty days worth it

by being the most popular rock band in the world for a bit, they secured large amounts of funds, which they used to improve the production on their crappy songs

Quick question about Ableton backwards compatibility. If you're able to create a project in Ableton 9 and continue said project on Ableton 10 but you can't create a project in Ableton 10 and continue said project in Ableton 9, would I be able to start a project in Ableton 9, continue it in Ableton 10 and still be able to work on it in Ableton 9?

Better answer - they loaded everything up with reverb.

And they were never a rock band. wut?

i need a new computer so i cant use my daw but at least i have an arranger keyboard so i can do something

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no, when you start it on 10 it'll make you save as to convert a new project file to 10, so it's like a checkpoint you can't go back on, at least thats how it was on 8 to 9

>Then you realize you'll never be popular or famous because reasons.

sorry, "rock" band

i can't take this thread seriously desu

Sometimes they reference samples in a /samples folder, sometimes they are monolith patches that encode the wav inside, and sometimes they reference encrypted nkm files.

Good advice guys thanks

The sounds feel beginnerish
The melody and harmony seem to go nowhere, and in this case I don't really like this. The high hat is a bit high for my taste
How bout some variation on the drums? I mean to break that "kick-snare" pattern from repeating itself through all the beat. Maybe remove the kick for a bar or two.
I see you put effort in doing variations in the beat, good job
0:36 the piano instrument sounds off or something. Anxious maybe?
I like the shit going on at 0:50
But the sounds are beginner-tier.
But actually could be much worse
Don't give up, you will get better. One thing that helped me improve a lot was to understand what exactly I wanted to do, as type of music. You should do this too, at least at the beginning focus on one genre. This helps with picking sounds, and in general gives you a direction

But that's my advice, and tbqh I'm a beginner too. Also it's late here. So yeah use your judgement

it'd be nice but i'm going to make music regardless, fame isn't the point you dummy

nobody does

I can barely make a fucking song bruv, is this normal? I'm a beginner

recently learned about singing on the vowels (AH/AY/EY/EE/OH/OO/UH/etc.). this is difficult for some words (e.g. limit). basically wanted to ask is this what most singers do? don't want to learn bad techniques.

EH not EY***
one of the reasons I heard this is good is because it helps reduce breathiness of the voice when singing and increases resonance.

Like how barely?
Are you able to make things that sound good to others but struggle with meaningful arrangement? Totally normal.
If you're unable to figure out beat patterns or distinguish between consonance and dissonance then no, that's weird.

You're already a great singer papi, just watch out for those diphthongs.

My shit sounds too boring

>just watch out for those diphthongs.
what do you mean by this?

Ok, that's pretty normal.
Just study the structure of whatever genre you're trying to make and learn theory.

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my friend visited me and we recorded this instaud.io/3F5U i'm doing the guitar

Not only is the beat too complex for this sort of song but you've used the wrong drum samples as well. They're not very well coordinated.
Remove the cowbells.

Work on your articulation. You've got a lot of fret buzz going on. Also, worry more about keeping the strings in tune.
The singer is tone-deaf, but whatever. That's fine. It's sort of cute.

Otherwise, the both of you are gold.

I made a thingy on my phone. It's my first thingy evar!1!
Pls listen and tell me how to turn it into not garbage thx

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far from tone deaf

More like tone stupid

how do i get my kick drum to hit louder?, not like earrape levels of louder but just to make it stand out in the overall mix. im not using sample i try to made it in operator


turn the kick channel volume up

you could try layering two identical layers together, make one a sub layer and monobridge it, lowpassing it around 180 - then take the second layer and highpass it around the same. play around with stereo effects like saturation or chorus on the high-passed layer to taste, can help with cutting through a mix.

I'm with this guy, tone down the piano, remove the 808 bells. When the synths come in and the cowbells are off, I actually enjoy it a lot, maybe the kick is a little too loud for me on that part.

saturation can go on the lowpassed too

Holy fuck stop

Compression and saturation. Synthesize the kick better in general (didn't listen lol)

I synthesize hella kicks, never on operator though. Fm is more weird percs or hats for me

I'm on the fence about buying this. I've been demoing it and it sounds exactly like what I need, but it is one of those synths that have a character of their own. But I don't want to take the path of least resistance, if I can do this type of sound on a more neutral workhorse synth plus traditional effects, I think I'd rather take my time with it (to really learn sound design instead of having to rely on specific tools). Do you guys think that the more focused design of stuff like this outweighs the lack of flexibility?
I also like to buy my stuff, so I also have to think in terms of buying varied one-trick pony synths (that are cheaper) or putting my money on big expensive stuff. For now, I'm using only free stuff, but this month I want to either buy this one plus some effects or something like Serum or Pigments.

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what do you use to synthesize then?


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Massive, fm8, absynth, serum
In that order

The thread was dead when I posted it, so here you go again.
Meme of the day

Attached: masterclass.com is paying me to make a video lecture where i analyze the intricacies of my art. i� (600x523, 227K)


>Do you guys think that the more focused design of stuff like this outweighs the lack of flexibility?

really depends what you want and need; my gut and the sound design autist in me say to berate people who don't dive right in with "neurtral and flexible" synths such as serum as you put it, but really if you already have a specific sound in mind there isn't a reason to avoid the tools that will make it easier for you.

However, *really* learning one synth like that inside and out and really getting dick deep in sound design will eventually make you approach every other synth in a different (better) way.

Also yeah, pigments is pretty cool. I miss my demo so much :(

man it was so fucked to see all those dudes putting kits out to use rappers' deaths for promotion...... they're never any good either!

i will join you

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I see your DAW chart and I raise you the /prod/ poster one.

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If you want to stay legit, just download kontakt player and print your bars on an audio track (you have 20 minutes to do so). Or you can download kontakt portable and pretend you're doing that if someone asks.

i lol'd at that but three of those people are repeated

Eh, from a lurker's standpoint they're all separate people, so if one person has multiple alter egos I see them as different characters.
It's a meme anyway, who cares lol

Have you guys ever salvage a track form your graveyard?
Do you use templates or start from scratch when you start a new project?
Do you revolve around a set of given presets (like, you found a nice patch and you'll use it until you found a use for it) or do you start sound design from scratch each time?

Never inspiration, only boredom.


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my "graveyard" is 80% finished songs. If it's just a loop or whatever it obviously didn't inspire a song and it sucked so it's not worth digging up

ableton default set is a "template" i guess (drum rack, a few synths, sends already set up)

i make all my "presets" and there's a group where at least one will get used in literally every song lol

>Have you guys ever salvage a track form your graveyard?
If the general idea is good I work on it until it's a full song.
If it only has some good elements, I pull them out as I need them for another track.
If it has nothing good but there's something promising, I take what's promising and recreate it in a better way.
If it has nothing good and nothing promising then I don't even save it in the first place.

>Do you use templates or start from scratch when you start a new project?
I find templates make me experiment less.
They're good for efficiently churning out track after track, but I like to to fuck around until something cool comes out, so I just use the default Ableton template.

>Do you revolve around a set of given presets (like, you found a nice patch and you'll use it until you found a use for it) or do you start sound design from scratch each time?
I compose everything with simple sounds (basic waveforms with the appropriate volume envelopes and some basic filtering) and after the underlying music sounds good without any cool sound, I start replacing every sound by either making them from scratch or by pulling them out of other projects (as explained above) or from my library.

>my "graveyard" is 80% finished songs. If it's just a loop or whatever it obviously didn't inspire a song and it sucked so it's not worth digging up
usually I never bring my songs to completion because I don't like it, but I've been thinking about using it as an advanced temple

>ableton default set is a "template" i guess (drum rack, a few synths, sends already set up)
I don't use ableton default template because it takes longer to open a new session (mine is just 1 audio track + 1 midi track). I wish ableton had a menu like FL studio (but I found a way around). I think they thought about doing that but abandonned the idea (you can find special templates in ableton 7 (or 8) folders)

>I compose everything with simple sounds
I've been thinking about doing this. I think I waste a lot of energy doing sound design when I should be focusing on building the song (and usually I can't be inspired on the same thing more than one day)

>I've been thinking about doing this. I think I waste a lot of energy doing sound design when I should be focusing on building the song (and usually I can't be inspired on the same thing more than one day)
I do it so I'm not fooled by the cool sounds into thinking it's good music, but it does have the advantage of compartmentalize the various "phases" of production, which can be helpful for productivity.
I'd say try it and see how it works for you.

Add the ableton folder to your sidebar
Open it to reveal projects
Drop down of projects has each channel

You can preview and drag in entire projects (no groups though (but you can have an audio bus technically I guess (you have to set up the I/o again though)))

how do I make rubber sounds



no guitars used

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Because some 3rd party libraries put out wavs with their nkis

Use sample

first you want a good kick

maybe I spoke too soon



Listen to my short ambient experience

make me a weird perc boyii

no they're my super secret special pecussions get your own bitch

Why did you have to make these unnecessarily annoying?

True fact: the more annoying your sound the more likely you are to be noticed.


>get your own bitch
tell us how at least.

bretty good except for the part with the truck backing up noise

man what the fuck is this ableton shit
everyone telling me its better than fl studio but nothing makes sense
and how the fuck am i gonna make shit with the most basic possible piano roll
it's missing almost everything and what its not missing sucks
fuck this shit i uninstalled it and went back to making music with fl like god intended

You didn't read the manual.
This is on the first page.

Attached: Ableton Manual - P.1.png (1920x1080, 2.47M)

Where can I download Renoise for Linux?

I recently finished a song I started in 2012

can we hear it please


I already knew that. Looking for something cheaper.

added a third section and fixed the drums

Can someone send me an audionews invite?
[email protected]


I dunno I don't want to make it sound like it's a huge track I put a ton of work into, it's very small-scale.


Mixing wise, just tell me how it sounds on your first world rich kid sound-system
I dont care about composition opinions.

Well that depends entirely on what your intentions with the mix are. Sounds fine to me, I guess you like Tom Waits.
Vocals however sound like they were recorded with a shitty headset mic, they don't fit.

Nice. I remember warmplace from that graphical synthesizer they made. Didn't check in with them in a long time.

My intentions is to make it accesible sounding, like pop rock.
Dont know who tom waits is.
Vocals and drums are recorded with the same simple basic dynamic mic.
Thanks for feedback

Meme of the day

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is it possible to produce on any OS other than Windows and Mac?

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>My intentions is to make it accesible sounding, like pop rock.
Oh if that's your intention then I don't agree with the mix. It's very abrasive, especially the drums and vocals. I could see the vocals working if they went through a bullet mic, they're kinda halfway there.

Yes, you can produce effectively on Linux, iOS, and Android, but Mac and Windows are the easiest and will allow for many more options.


Are there decent production apps for Android? I've been searching for something just to fuck around while on the go, but never found.

I think Caustic is generally considered to be he best.

how about BSD? I've heard they have a really good sound system.

What music production software is there for it?

It's crazy what some people can do with trackers.

You can even do it with free (free, not only of cost but actually FREE as in FREEDOM) software. Check out unfa on YouTube, he has loads of videos about JACK, ZynAddSubFx and Ardour, three powerful FREE tools for Linux.

Now, if only I knew where to get a Linux version of Renoise for FREE...

the same as in Linux

You mean that Linux software runs natively on BSD?
Like, you can install the same packages and whatnot?
If so, then cool, I didn't know that. You can add BSD on the above list.

>Linux version of Renoise for FREE...
>EUR 68.00 *
>USD 75.00
That's like two to three hours worth of work. Can't you stop buying soft drinks or whatever you waste your money on for a month?

Obviously not. I'm poor.

The production is top tier desu

They're known for their cosmic sounds. This is their finest work.

(piracy) is your friend then

Yeah, this is what I put on when I want to expand my mind.

Like them or not, they really are the best at what they do.

Holy shit you weren't kidding, this is amazing.

How common do you think it is for people to have $25 an hour jobs?

Everyone on /g/ is talking about their 6fig jobs ;_;

It's pleb filter for sure.

I guess some people just can't handle heavy music. Sad!

It's just cool to hate on them. This album is objectively good yet the people who listen to "serious" music will never admit it.

Tbf, the lyrics are pretty darn serious.
And I'm not saying t's a bad album but let's return to the topic of music production.

listen to this sicc beat bois:


Yeah, Caustic or FL mobile if you're already using FL elsewhere.
If you just want some bare minimum shit that'll let you do piano scroll midi with export so you can use it as a musical notepad look up Midsequer, which is free.

Hey guys, I know bandcamp and stuff, but I'd like to get some feedback on my albums


>I'd like to promote my albums
you're not here for feedback shut the fuck up

oh shit. this sick asf

delete your fucking soundcloud. no one would ever be interested in it

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These guys are naturals. I wish I was as good as them.

>I know bandcamp and stuff

>how do I make rubber sounds
special wavetables from the industry secret trading circle

kys nigger

with serum

I really don't know. I don't think anybody truly does.

idk how to make this interesting help

It doesnt sound bad but you need the thing that really matters in music, MELODIES

>the thing that really matters in music, MELODIES
I agree but every time I see somebody say this I imagine somebody who knows a really narrow scope of music


but melody and bass are the only thing people actually listen to


I dont know if you are the same who posted the song but btw just to open your mind a bit you can make melodies with your drums wich dont combine at all with your synth

Any thoughts? I tried making it hypnotic with all the lfo's

Not the same user

Like ambient can be purely focused on timbre and harmony
Break-y stuff can be all rhythm
Noise and industrial etc can be purely sound design
Etc etc

Musicians who push chord progressions and melody etc aren't wrong but are doing it from a "traditional" perspective of what music is.

Alex da Kid is a top tier producer, shame it's Cocksmokers-tier samey garbage.

>this plugin sounds good but it does not inspire me

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What the fuck, is this board full of dedicated trolls? Imagine Dragons is le fucking epic normie trash.

Uh yeah, it's a joke?

have you even listened to them?

>is this board full of dedicated trolls?
you're very slow or very new

I've never lurked hereand I have here posted less times than I have fingers.

But I've never seen a board so dedicated to false flagging its own community.

They're ironic jokes m8, lurk more.

>But I've never seen a board so dedicated to false flagging its own community.

you must not be big into Yea Forums then (not an insult obviously lol). Yea Forums is especially shit, shouldn't be a surprise

Yo, dudez, iz the Morpheus Z filter good for orchestral samples n shit?
You came to the wrong neighborhood, mothafucka.

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>abrasive and also halfway
How so? Some friend also told me something about the vocals being wrong sounding. I just carved em to fit in the master frequencie spetrum.
Can you also check this other mix to see if it suffers the same?


I guess you've never been to /fit/ then.

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AWESOME work guys! all very awesome tracks

by shoving a dildo up your anus

what do you think about this?

even a shitposter avoided your bullshit and you're still desperate enough to ask him


lol serious mods? why have you deleted my contribution to the thread??

Take the tracker pill you beatz wiggers

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Dude, I was just messing with Schism earlier today and I can't get the sample offset command to work. How the fuck does this shit work?
I found the manual here, but not luck.

What is the best plugin for leaving "dust trails" behind while playing a piano? Could be either a granular delay effect or pitch shifting delay, both or something else. Crytallizer by Soundtoys is the best one I found so far, but it is fucking expensive.

>self promotion

Gonna have to be more specific champ, you mean like a shimmer reverb?

Link an example you made because I'm not sure what you mean. Generally I just make a rack with instance of sampler playing random offsetting/looping vinyl noise etc for stuff like that

Oxx is the offset command or do you mean delaying the playback? Offset starts you off at a different point in the sample

I actually downloaded one a few years ago after listening to Fearofdark


I was way too stupid and inattentive back then too figure it out. Maybe I should try my hand at it again.

Yeah, Oxx wasn't working when I first tried unless I typed 0xx like an idiot, but it also said to use SAxx to set the high value or whatever. Maybe I messed up something there. I just tried again and Oxx is working. Thank you.
I've got delaying playback down though: SDx.
This is a lot harder than I expected it to be. Will is be worth it? Renoise and other trackers look too busy for my taste. Schism is just right.

Here's a demo of the Crystallizer. It sounds great, I'm thinking about pulling the trigger on this one, but it doesn't hurt to look for cheaper alternatives first.
Also, being able to do this real-time is a must.

I dont get trackers, I got Renoise but I dont do drum & bass or glitch so dont see the point. The only that I like is that I dont have the visual aspect of the other DAWs.

I dont know why I copied one of your songs guys sorry

Renoise actually looks quite slick in my opinion. Wether it's worth it or not I can't answer for you. I always envision my music in patterns and small blocks which makes me prefer it over traditional multitracking or piano rolls in addition to being in full control in a very structured manner. Although you can play your stuff in via MIDI I compose on a synth and then type it in quickly. Sometimes I sample sounds from it and sometimes I simply hook it up or try swapping in a vst to see how it changes the mood

I'm so dumb for real I'm not even gonna post my original thing and put up a Dimi comic instead.

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Sounds like a reverse delay

>posting this literal neo-nazis comic

Don't "yikes" at me kiddo, I bought a frog statue when you were still trolling /r/The_Donald.
When Oprah/Kanye start campaigning for 2020 you'll be glad to see me and mine still at the ready.

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Idk if this is the right thread to ask but, any good Youtube channels that teach singing?
I've been told by people that I sing really well but I think we are not hearing the same thing.
Also I want to learn how to scream so any good video or tip you have would be very appreciated.

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The reason I love Renoise is the workflow. Being able to make quick edits to everything on one screen helps with getting ideas out. On FL Studio and daws like it, it encourages laziness by making note changes difficult.

Someone here recommended


but I haven't watched any of it except a couple of the "how to sound like a muppet" videos.

Thanks, I'll give it a look.

I accidentally delete the pastebin, sorry


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