Why do burgers love this so much ?
Why do burgers love this so much ?
Mick Fleetwood is English.
everyone likes this
Not a burger but it's really well recorded. It's not the sort of thing i usually listen to though.
>Thunder only happens when it's raining
Because it's an almost immaculate pop record
Why are Yuros and whoever else so obsessed with America? You never hear "why do Italians love this so much" and that
There might be a lot of countries in the pack, but they all only look at the best one.
>almost immaculate
>with Lindsay's layered warbles
Any fairly decent folksy guitar work that he brought to the table is invalidated by his desire to sing and control everything. I don't fall for the Stevie meme but Christine McVie objectively sucks
>not liking the Mac
Because it's good.
anything with Stevie Nicks and Lindsay Buckingham is God-tier.
Die faggot.
sometimes you just want to chill to some well-crafted normcore
Tusk is better
I'm not Merkkkin and I love it.
Cannot unsee it
Can't get into it. You'd think people cranked out on coke would write something with more energy.
Echoing said above it's extremely well produced.
Grew up with fleetwood on the stereo always in potatofagland so biased there's some great tracks on there like youtube.com
also Lindsey is super underrated
>why do burgers like this
>implying i accept the burger meme
>implying it's not a great album
fuck yourself
I do not care for this
Wasn't early 60s psych era Fleetwood Mac a British band? Then with exception of one all the band members were replaced by Americans so how is it even the same band anymore?
because it's the perfect pop album
Non-Americans can't comprehend America's level of freedom. Every other country is afraid of defending themselves from danger and speaking their mind. Also, Britain will always be butthurt that, unlike Canada and Australia, America actually had the balls to tell them to fuck off. They know they're inferior and that's why they seethe.
Youre actually a massive cuck
>gets arrested for having an illegal opinion
>gets gangraped because it's illegal to defend yourself
But you're okay with this, as you love to suck the cock of the nanny state hellhole that you live in.
And I forgot
>Have to pay a small fine if you refuse to show up to the voting booths.
I hate Americans but this is a great album
>not realizing I was on your side
why do my fellow Americans have to be so fucking retarded bros?
You really should spend less time on pol, fatty