Explain yourselves moo

explain yourselves moo

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I have jerked off to her so many times :)

Women are better than men. They know everything and look perfect. And FEEL.

>masturbates to her while she is unconscious
take that bitch

This but unironically. I love women. Sadly, they don't love me back.

>not mew
retard detected.

God damn retards.

stupid anglo

Frreal dog and she dont even have a bf she just tries to fuck an older guy

It's moo.

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Kaiji was such a Chad, but he should have smashed Asuka.

Asuka is 14

moo as in "moo sick" thats how you say it

I'm aware.

He probably wouldn't really want that. He just wanted a quick fuck from girls on tinder

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Got something you want to get off your chest, big guy?

no no user i'm totally fine

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I was a retard and spent the past couple months getting pissed at anyone who reached out to me and now everyone assumes I don’t want to go out
music for this feel?

because I'm fucking exhausted after work.
have laundry to do
my gf lives with her parents and I don't have my own place either
I have fucking work in the morning
Not Video Games.

I went to a gig with a friend and now I'm going to bed because I have to get up early tomorrow.

this but with no gf

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“All of humanity's problems stem from man's inability to sit quietly in a room alone.” - Blaise Pascal

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I got completely shitfaced last weekend and did nearly every drug in existence. I just wanna stay in this weekend desu

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who's the artist?

Ugly man ass.