there's a bunch of gals doing topless in front of my house, since they're up for showing those sugar titties I recon I can show everyone here, how are y'all Yea Forumsros? More are sure to come soon if I get better angles
There's a bunch of gals doing topless in front of my house...
Other urls found in this thread:
More please
surely they could go to the beach or something? but alright. (BTW this new captcha thing for Yea Forums fucking sucks)
are you fapping OP?
Not, really, me and my gf just decided to fuck around and upload them english whores to Yea Forums just for the keks. This gotta be the most adrenaline I had in all week lmao, life's been boring. Let's see if they change positions soon, will update.
Hey now there is that spark of old Yea Forums! Good work OP.
Shoot your load to a super soaker and then unleash the beast
yeah Yea Forums has been slowly turning into hard politics and tame shit, I haven't been around here for a while due to that, but this seemed like Yea Forums material. Let's see if these bitches move so I don't post the same shit over and over again
Oh is this in England too?
it's not england. They probably came here to spend the summer, I could hear english, particularly uk accent (we don't speak english here so it stands out)
Here's a another snap while they turn around, hopefuly they eventually will.
I want to send videos too but Yea Forums doesn't seem to let me, any way to convert an mp4 to webm without a shitty online converter that takes forever?
Yeah I only come around as well once in a while, if I need some random softcore porn, but aside from that it always feels like everything is just bots spamming the same handful of topics or porn without a spec of creativity or randomness.
Where is it my friend?
These bitches are still as a rock, they better turn around or something before they get skin cancer. Patience is key...
Yeah right pinpoint my location on a Yea Forums thread, lmao. I can say it's southern europe
our protagonist shows up again it seems, here's the third one, the holy trinity is now complete
damn that's hot
>pinpoint my location
yea 'cos if you narrow it down to a country then you're fucked.
jesus the autism on Yea Forums today is off the scale
Damn, number 3 is bang tidy.
call me cautious but I think I'm the one delivering british tits today, pal. (nah for real I've seen enough youtube videos in my lifetime about 4channers with too much free time, such as the shia labeuf flag incident. Shit is scary and being careful isn't enogh)
not particularly spain, keep trying, you're off by a bit to the right
> Is spaniard
> Doesn't move or kys
Kek, I hope this is true. Op, any word?
I live near a nudist beach they get weird when take my camera.
You are in the comfort of you home.
How man times have you spilled the man juice? The real question can ur jizz reach them?
That's 10,000 points
They're like a good 7 to 8m away, I have a dick not a shotgun. So I guess I won't get those 10.000 points.
Doin the lords work my friend
Yell at them and take a video of it.
where did number 3 go? i wanna see if her ass is a nice as her tits.
dubs = must be done
We have video now fellas (it's hard to turn them into fucking annoying webm) On a scale of 1 to 10 how does this booty look to y'all?
Lmao that'd be good for an ending, keep in mind that once I do that I probably can't get too many more snaps, don't give me any funny ideas
would rape these bitches with my little white cock
We got enough candids, go up to them while filming them and creep them out. Do it for the keks!
Have your gf go out there and join em. Take pics, post here
>thinking op has girlfriend
I keep hoping I'll one day get teenage neighbours that sunbath so i can watch them & jerk off
>thinking everyone on b is a social retard who will never get any like yourself
It's been some 15 years or whatever of b. Some of us live normal lives, got married, have a career, and just go on b for the fond memories of our teenage years.
My wife sometimes sunbathes topless in the backyard. I wonder if anyone has taken pictures.
My wife and I sunbath nake in the backyard sometime we even have sex . Wish we had a pervert neighbor but no just a old lady in her 60s
turns out it's different buildings, just barely separated by an 8 meter gap, so while we're at it, here's another vid
Her head is not empty like these three, it takes special care to do topless in an urban area and show your tits when there's taller buildings around.
(Trying to hit that sweet spot of >2MB to make the video quality not be of a fucking potato, but there's so much you can do with that size, I may stick to pics from now on)
Sounds more prude than empty headed tbh
nice thread OP
you n your gf have a nice day
ffmpeg -i sluts.mp4 -vcodec copy -an sluts.webm
yeah.. sure...
Yeah, it's just tits. My wife can go topless whenever wherever she likes idgaf
thank you user!
fellas let us calm down and appreciate the free booty! Let's see if the blonde one comes out to take some more sun
Stand up jerking to neighbours nudity is a great pastime
It’s probably best not to do this so you keep getting to see random tits but you could make a sign that says
>smile for the internet
While recording their reaction. Dubs and it was meant to be.
there's a special something to stalking and checking on naked neighbours, normal tits, sure, but surprise tits? on your window? being those your neighbours!? Different story
Live stream?
Just keep posting user
They went inside for now, wonder if they noticed or got a heat stroke, probably the latter since I've been extra careful, this might be the end boys
RIP in peace sweet thread.
Thank for not being a faggot OP. I hope you have a fantastic day. You made mine a little better.
you and the gf should totally stand outside on the balcony and fool around. make sure they get a good glimpse of you smacking her ass or something
They’re eating each other’s sweaty pussy now
excellent work
thread of the year so far
I'll stick around and post more if they keep on showing those tits, if I stay silent you guys know the thread is dead.
it's been a wonderful trip anons! Keep it up, it's always nice to see world piece thanks to some tits.
Here's hoping, too bad I wouldn't be able to post that, let's hope they move to the balcony to do that.
Nevermind fellas the thread is alive and well! It seems it wasn't enough sun yet, more is coming! Let's see if I can get some good shots.
I can't believe the architecture of the building is doing a perfect censor on these gals, why god? These would otherwise be some very nice shots.
Any ideas?
Top quality user, leta hope they decide they dont want tanlines on their asses either
Try and get to an adjacent room with better view, although not knowing the architecture of your own building makes it difficult to look for solutions. Going to the top floor might be your best shot but it will probably be too far away to get any details.
great news
take a pic of them naked with your cock in frame
dubs = must be done
a live cock tribute, if you will
Where's a BBC when you need one
Qould pay anything to see BBC plowing these white hoes out on patio
only room looking at this balcony, sadly, already on the top floor, there's a roof but sadly no access to it, it would be the perfect vantage point. It really seems like a wicked divine joke on us 4channers.
Not really my type of girl so Im sure you don't want a pic of a soft dick next to some basic white bitches. (Unless??)
get your gf to take a pic then
dont need to show her face.
>soft dick next to some basic white bitches. (Unless??)
post pic of the basic white bitches with your gfs tits next to the window
We've got a spin, toasting the top now, from this angle they almost look naked.
You guys really want pictures of cocks way too hard, man. I won't judge.
Showing some random british brat on Yea Forums gets a pass but my girlfriend's body is sacred, no chance
You are mentally ill.
what fun are you....
take advantage of the situation and take some pics of you both posing in front of them or something
do it for the lulz.
Trips of truth!