Somebody posted this earlier, and I've been thinking about it.

Social and acclaimed music. EDM, popular and well-liked rappers like Kendrick Lamar and A Tribe Called Quest, jazz greats like John Coltrane, Charles Mingus, Duke Ellington, etc., and maybe some classical like Bach.

Indie music. Popular bands like Radiohead, Modest Mouse, Bright Eyes. Popular metal for indie kids, like Deafheaven, Mastodon, Isis.

Avant garde noise merchants like Stockhausen. Experimental rock bands like Can, Einstürzende Neubauten. More challenging jazz composers like Ornette Coleman. The more uncompromising punk and metal groups like His Hero is Gone, NoMeansNo, Napalm Death, kvlt black metal, etc.

Really bland music chosen to not alienate anyone, but inadvertently alienates just about everyone with how lame it is. Post-Grunge, faux-indie like Mumford & Sons, top 40, outdated cheese genres like scene music, glam metal, 90s teen pop, etc.

Easy answer is anime and vidya OST's. Also music that repulses most people because of some distasteful transgression, ranging from lolicore/ponycore to "hate" music like NSBM.

*Note that I actually have significantly more contempt for deltas than I do omegas. Omegas are kind of just people who never really figured out life or society, so they just do their own strange thing. Deltas are dead inside. They're monotonous.

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Of all philosophers to put in Gamma, you had to choose Derrida who was an infamous womanizer

>Alpha tier
Classical music.
>Omega tier
Everything else.

swallowed that classicalpill hard


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If a man's success is defined by his number of sexual partners, then Newton has less worth than the majority of men today

Newton is the definition of a Gamma Positive

finding the good in all genres


I don't even need to read this garbage to know you are an underage teenager that shouldn't even be on this board to begin with. All Gen Z assholes need to be purged.

lol I'm 30, I have a master's degree from one of the best universities in the US, and I'm into hardcore punk, bebop jazz, and increasingly traditional indigenous music. I think this stuff's fun, but should be taken with a huge grain of salt.

But okay, Mr. Edgypants. Why did this strike such a nerve with you? Are you a Delta/Omega in denial?


>lol I'm 30, I have a master's degree from one of the best universities in the US, and I'm into hardcore punk, bebop jazz, and increasingly traditional indigenous music.
and yet you still haven't had sex

Actually I have. Dated a hot black girl and a skinny Asian girl. It's been a couple years, though.

Imagine taking the time to write this.

Who hurt you?

You're really worked up, jeez. It's okay, buddy.

This makes a lot of sense, given how stupid you are

Ironic, you're pissed off about a silly thread, you're racist, it sounds like you have a massive superiority complex. You should probably kill yourself, my man.

Wait, NOW I get it. You're an NSBM pseudo-Nazi and you're upset that I pointed out that Nazis are automatically omegas because of how repulsive they are to society.

It's okay little guy, run along to your safe space

>Dated a hot black girl and a skinny Asian girl.

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I'm half-Jewish too. Does that bother you, Nazi boy?

Well it's safe to assume what tier OP is.

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the raccoon is smiling retard

I'm sorry if I misattributed something to you. I'm caught up in an argument with a Nazi. I think the raccoon's cute, but I really wasn't sure what I was meant to glean from the image.


The fuck do you expect this is Yea Forums.

Claire Littley - Fly me to the moon superior to all this gay shit fgts

lmao @ this thread

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