Fuck this shitty label

fuck this shitty label

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get a load of this faggot

ah it's one of those "i dont have anything interesting to say so let's say something completely controversial and I will pretend it was just a big joke and that I successfully fooled people into thinking I was being serious thus making me le social puppet master" threads

>liking 4AD

>I disagree therefore you are a troll
grow up. 4AD is trash now.

>fuck this shitty label
said no one ever?

Fuck you. They put out Mountain Goats' music.

the people who run it are terrible now

What'd they do? And do they happen to be God's chosen people?

they produced some masterpieces, is there current state that bad?

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they sound pretty based if grimeth is getting its panties in a bunch over them

no, they're a "shit label"

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they sound pretty based if grimeth is getting its panties in a bunch over them

this is not funny, they' didn't let release her music so the album is delayed by 1 or even 2 years

they sound pretty based if grimeth and grimethfags are getting their panties in a bunch over them

>being this much of a faggot
it's like the dicks just magically appear in your mouth

nah some faggots actually have taste unlike this cuck

can confirm this cuck has no taste

i would fuck anything at this point in my life desu

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fuck off waifu faggot, seething fanboy

based 4ad

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holy shit got me with the 9gag tier reverse

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deep breaths

we all already know that your morbidly obese ass is out breath from just typing, no need to transcribe it

do you call all fans of female artists waifu faggots?

everybody look at this mad faggot and laugh