How are you planning to honor the 2 month anniversary of his death?

how are you planning to honor the 2 month anniversary of his death?

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press S to spit on grave

people mourned this man?



Reinvigorating the KKK


Snoop dogg died?!

F. Can't believe you white fuccbois get so triggered by that post

>taps you on the shoulder and gives you an order
>you comply and then take a faggot selfie like a teenage girl
>he's the coward

>larping as a Niger
>listening to (c)rap

lol he was listening to music out loud on a plane?

>lol he was listening to music out loud on a plane?
Have you never been around a black person?

yes and they are just like everyone else and have basic social decency and things. whites in general are much worse people since they subjugate and enslave every other race and basically can get away with anything. wouldnt expect someone from any race to listen to music out loud on a plane

Listen to Billy Woods

I'm glad we're in agreement that listening to shit music without headphones doesn't make you a fucking freedom fighter.

Why do niggers still cry about slavery in the 21st century?

You fucking moron
You fucking inept piece of shit

>they are just like everyone else
>fuck yt
salty shitskin detected


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Cant buy class, no matter how many shekels you'd Jew masters accumulate for you

this is what happens when people never have a gf, so sad to witness


Lol he claims to be woke but doesn't realize the "whites" he hates so much are really Larping Jews
The stunning intellect of a mudpersons mind

I have yet to be presented evidence of slave owners being 99% jews.
wasted trips

>Basic social decency
>Black "people"
Confirmed for never having been around them or their communities

Yet you have been provided evidence that 99 percent of Whites did?
I'm guessing you're another brown person that doesn't understand population percentage proportions.

Americans did, who were in fact mostly white people.

Muslims enslaved more and were smart enough to castrate them
Yet I'm sure you don't have the same animus toward them as an ethnic group
Very convenient
Best goy

why should I care about who enslaved the most people. it's not a competition. and this isn't a muslim country.

Not a big loss for music.

The (((1%))) owned 99% of the slaves.