I want your opinions anons
Is Ghost gothic metal?
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Scooby doo chase music.
It's not metal its hard rock
pop rock
Buttrock with tinges of doom, goth, and arena rock
not gothic or metal, is arena rock and pop
pop rock that wants to be doom. old stuff might have tried to be gothic but the last two albums certainly aren't
Genre doesn't matter, whether you like it or not it's up to you, discussing this is pointless
OP here, never said I disliked them, it's just enjoyable to categorize and catalogue artists that have things in common
Ghost is a pretty cool concept act who's entire sound is based on the singles from Blue Oyster Cult (Listen to "Burnin' For You" and "Don't Fear The Reaper" if you don't know what I mean) and playing up the conspiracy behind them being witches/satanists to a GWAR level
That's what they are, and it's fine but not impressive
>Ghost BC
>the most bland, safe, generic, non-threatening, uninspired music possible for 20 something christians who wanna be little rebels on the weekend after youth group
>weak as fuck clean vocals
>over the top, comical, and slightly edgy halloween costumes
>fucking choreographed dancing in their music videos
Shit, might as well light some incense and candles and listen to Kenny G or Yanni while flipping off a bible from across the room. This is the only Ghost you should be listening to faggots youtube.com
Bon Jovi for spooky zoomers, BJ was bafflingly called a metal band too. I don't mean that in the /metal/ condescensing gatekeeping way, it's just not metal
Yeah but while I respect your distinction, how much Bon Jovi have you actually listened to? Probably not much I'd wager.
keep in mind that traditional heavy metal is dangerously similar to hard rock in many ways and in the 80s a lot of it was very blurred because of glam
Just Crush and Slippery When Wet, I'm sure I know a few singles not on those albums though. How come?
Even if Ghost is not 100% metal, its still good music.
Ghost is a weird band. Depending on the album the sound changes a lot. Its a its like if hardrock, doom, and pop had a baby.
>its still good music
Kek, it's neither metal nor good music
OP here, that's something I can appreciate about the band. It can get boring creating the same thing over and over again. I enjoy seeing what direction the band chooses to take each album
>it's enjoyable to be autistic
This is just being a contrarian.
Not liking it I could understand, but meliora and opus where both great albums. Instrumentation and tone are rock solid throughout.
Tobias is a mediocre musician and he won't let the hired goons contribute anything above his skill level (not just on a technical level, but any aspect of songwriting). Bad musicians make bad music, no contrarianism involved
ghost sucks, but Tobias's old band Repugnant were pretty good, imo
Ghost is good, but they aren't metal. Maybe Satanic Pop rock, but not metal.
It is if you steer into it
Angsty autists are the ones that try secretly to be normies
Pick one, idiot.
Both then. Mediocre musicians can make decent music if the other members in the band elevate them
Wrong. It’s shit. Style over substance. Embarrassing, really.
Nope, just Occult Rock
Its what metal heads call trad metal. Like black sabbath, judas priest, iron maiden, etc
>no u
Nice argument bud