Things you fap to
Things you fap to
cant post it
Ok, Papa John
I like mlp too but you don't see me jerking off to it.
Why would you fap to cartoons? There's literally billions of porn videos featuring real people.
I watch the show too
I'm on Season 5 Episode 9 right now, the one which features Derpy's first voice acted line (as far as I remember).
they represent the perfection that 3d women simply can't achieve
cartoons allow for more fantastic scenarios, nobody is being exploited and with commissions you can be autistically with what you want
Hey Logfag!
No one using the meme yet?
Keep forcing it, someone will surely take the bait!
for example, in pic I don't have to worry if this is safe sane and consensual
Arent't you technically a furfag if you jerk off to mlp though? cause furfags are real douches.
I'm not technically a furfag, I AM a furfag.
cartoons also help out with my latex/leather fetish. Drawings do a better job at the whole second skin look
explains why you are so open about it. whenever I take one peek into your dumpsterfire of a fandom all I see are self centered pricks who like to ruin things. Or manipulative people.
I love this guy's stuff too.
people who get manipulated are retarded and probably deserve it. looks like you're one of them
LOL keep seething stupid faggot
Those are the vocal minority, or the people who take being a furry way too seriously.
I don't manipulate people, and I could not care less about myself.
I'm not open about it in real life, I would only ever share this information on this board.
Why are do you assume I have these qualities just because I'm a furry? I don't even use a fursona or take pride out of it. To me, it's just a fetish.
holy shit SAUCE???!
I'm not assuming that. I'm assuming you like to associate with those pricks.
Oh, ok. In that case, no
I don't interact with the furry community at all
That ass is so perfect, it looks like an animation
(though obviously, this is real)
Associating can have many different definitions but I just call it like I see it because no matter what because furries are fucking everywhere no matter where I go. And their fandom supporters shills are even worse.
>Things you fap to
a boy (any boy) playing with himself and achieving orgasm for the first time.
It's such a beautiful thought and defining personal memory.
Can you post all the Gif Author webms you have? I lost mine.
can't everything I have is over 2 MB
Damn that's right. Could you do me a huge favor zip them all up and put them on bayfiles or anonfiles?
Clinical psychopaths like you are also retarded
Seraphina and Usalia from Disgaea 5 doing the breast sucking that make me gonna to fap!
do it anyways bitch
More without the ugly granny.
That's the best part what are you gay?
This is like a drug, Shemale Porn changed me completely and I hate it
FarmThis also does some good stuff
Is GA even making new material or is this all from some archive?
Yeah I do lol but rarely.
and here she is IRL
You have no idea how much this pleases me.