Kpop general

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Other urls found in this thread:

Attached: Twiceboyuggo and Chewbuggo.webm (480x600, 2.8M)

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there she is

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fucking retards edition


>tfw AHN YUJIN will never be my gf
I know you all know that feel

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Attached: 1555556800168.webm (1264x1080, 1.4M)

fancy era felt too short i already miss seeing constant Twice updates
also just dublasted btw

Attached: 1548435221629.webm (202x358, 494K)

well now i have a backs fetish. thanks

okay I cant take this anymore

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posting and hanging out with you bros here is truly the happiest time of my day

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sana feet

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If Twiceposters are the most based why don't they share their Cub collection aswell like they did with Dubu last thread?

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>cub can do it

And what about necks?

Attached: DchOzFbU8AEB6Xh.jpg (607x1079, 194K)

not a footfag but I'd lick them

cute acorn

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unironically this. i have no one else to talk about my crippling kpop addiction

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But I say to you, that whosoever shall look on a woman to lust after her, hath already committed adultery with her in his heart.
Matthew 5:28

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Jeongyeon's thighs

tfw Momo is never going to do a Fancy tutorial vlive

is it me or does Twice feel irrelevant? Not sure if it's because of their mediocre comebacks recently or BPs performance in the west, or maybe ggs are just recently stale

>not a footfag
sure buddy


Attached: 1555728249006.jpg (343x436, 12K)

yg looks like THAT?

Attached: yg12.jpg (252x383, 30K)

that's sad

extremely based

i love the long neck girl from exid

Attached: 160715 오마이걸(OH MY GIRL) 일본 출국 직캐 (834x800, 2.97M)

why is she so fidgety

irrelevant to who and where

bp back in the game fo sure
only the rising sun scandals can still stop them

never listened to her or her group, but how was she as a talent in her group? Obviously her visuals are S tier

still thinking about this

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not to me

>ggs are just recently stale
Not recently. Kpop after 2016 is in a steady decline of quality and creativity.

Yeah she my fav

can someone help? I can't decide between Chicago or Newark for the concert.

any chen2bros in

post her ass

You and me both

in terms of general news, west fanbases or Korea. I just don't hear much about them

did she forget to do one this time around?

Attached: D6NBvyIUYAEnAsh.png (847x1283, 2.01M)

we have people frothing at the mouth refreshing ticketmaster page for their tour itt


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Wendy for my cutest girl in the world and the best voice in RV

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she's so cute
does she have any knowledge on how cute she is

i know

Position: Main Dancer, Vocalist, Rapper, Visual, Face of the Group

thats fucking pathetic but at the same time i know this feel

Based momobro.

Attached: DYB_6XQXUAAGkLl.jpg (963x1200, 166K)

I invite you all to join us over on CHEN 2
Our Dubus are better

Attached: 2019-05-09 23_43_36-Window.png (1920x968, 355K)

where do you live? Prudential in Newark has more seating than the Wintrust in Chicago, so go for that if you fear for selling out.

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think we can all agree Mina is best Twice

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for a girl with down syndrome she's ok
she's still an uggo dyke though

Attached: rvjoy.gif (268x370, 1.77M)

it's the opposite actually

decide by which one you can get a good seat, if you can't get anything good in an hour with newark try with chicago right after

>hire qt student worker
>this is how she sits at front counter while she answers the phone and files papers
>she calls me mr. user and it feels pretty based
>summer break started and i won't see her til next semester

newark for less niggers

Attached: D6L-2f4UcAA7Zxd.jpg (620x413, 53K)

I didn't think she forgot, I just think their schedule is so packed and with how short the Fancy era was, it's too late.

feel you bro.

She's 5\10 vocals
8\10 rapping
7\10 dancing
Overall pretty good. Was the centre of AS after Kahi left. Informally was the centre of OC as well because formally Raina is the leader of OC for balance purposes.

Attached: nana 2.webm (1440x810, 2.98M)

the cutest fag

imagine dating wendy

don't go to chicago. i'm gonna be there

Attached: 1551938678431.jpg (1200x1919, 456K)

I live inbetween so I plan to fly.



her best era

what are you doing

>post her ass
Sorry, bud, she ain't got one. Crazy long legs and neck though.

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yeah, I hope he doesn't come so it can be just you and me

dont go to newark. i'm gonna be there

That's even sadder.

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kpop like this?

please stop

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what are you doing

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BDSM of little mermaid?

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reminder that someone spent 5 minutes of his time to make this

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hey I asked you first

Whomst said this? Was it Nayeon?

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I asked you second

omo you've peaked in life

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Sinatozaki Mana

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aoa jimin...

she has the best hands in twice no discussion needed

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Dim Kahyun

>aoa jimin...
You rang?

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>best hands
wtf does that even mean


mina reading my comments

no please

wtf just posted this on fb and someone commented the exact same thing

right there, appa

Attached: CvDOrQBy2CFXgAA.jpg (1200x1196, 160K)

kitty cooks

Attached: EF354699-8ADB-472B-B6E7-789E19DE9588.jpg (1279x1919, 268K) soul

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>he doesn't know about hands

Attached: 1555189039622.jpg (1359x1838, 192K)

think so yeah

Nana inspecting my johnny.

Attached: DuR58YlU8AIjdak.jpg (680x680, 66K)

hmm good idea

did you even read it

to be honest, the only song i liked off the new bp ep was kick it

Are there any pure girls left in Kpop?

Attached: D6INNs1UIAMbeXf.jpg (2048x1365, 195K)

>sehun + chanyeol subunit
>bacon solo
kaicucks lose yet again

Attached: C2C6E885-F3CE-4281-A7FD-AE7D3F18DFD8.jpg (639x743, 76K)

can't believe Haseul got knocked up already

nah dude. Nayeon has the prettiest hands I've ever seen.

my waifu

Attached: da6.jpg (258x184, 7K)

show me


my favorite kitty :(

picking between momo and eunha

i tried to pull out but she wrapped her legs around me and kept me in

fuck, she's pretty


Who's the most popular TWICE member? I can't decide

all of Twice


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*picks momo*

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nah mina's are where it's at

everyone wants
>exo comeback
>xiumin solo
>lay promoting with them again
>sky debut


jark pihyo


>papam pam papam pam yeah yeah yeah
>lets kill this love
Who wrote this masterpiece?

only these 9 angels

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they say its Nayeon, but personally I think its Momo

Attached: xSana.jpg (1280x1919, 353K)

why no kai? is he busy or something?


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gfriend are so cute!

mirai homo

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all seem reasonable except the last two

mine too
i want to scratch his head

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her visual got so much better after dying her hair red

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word post yumji


based nanaposter

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bretty good

Attached: Screenshot_2019-05-11-02-08-54-288_com.maxmpz.audioplayer.png (1080x1920, 421K)

stretchy neckbu

feed sana

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kai is probably going solo in the future

i like Fancy more than WIL but i like WIL era more because it felt like they did way more events

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pretty kitty deserves to have his head scratched

in korea? either momo, nayeon or sana

Sana, Dahyun and Tzuyu are well known in korea because of catchy parts in the songs/attending a lot of variety shows. Also Tzuyu's beauty was a unanimity back in 2016/17.


Attached: damo.webm (330x528, 487K)

post eunhass

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running into itzy in NYC

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Don't shit talk my wife, I have no issues with Joy, she's alright

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i wanna blow on her tummy

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this is ridiculous

lizzy cuter than nana
fight me loser

>2:08 AM
Bangkok/Jakarta spotted

wtf the fuck

she's so plump

Attached: 1556562552407.webm (1062x1080, 2.86M)

beautiful hair

wow the first Korean belly button i've seen

the other girls all cover theirs for some reason

Attached: knitting.webm (1244x700, 2.92M)

I wonder how this feels

Attached: D554VblUEAAZm5F.jpg (1364x2048, 229K)

>i like WIL era more because it felt like they did way more events
fancy promotions ended so quickly.

>fight me
Why would I.
Lizzy is cuter, yes, but Nana is sexier.

Attached: Cug3rQMXEAULtv1.jpg (1200x980, 130K)

i thought that was jihyo

Attached: 1554906073614.webm (1000x562, 1.43M)

WIL is still my fav but fancy is up there in top 3

>wow the first Korean belly button i've seen
You weren't looking very far then.

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ok the rest of the mmebers name arentr thar funnt to swap

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i do all the time

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>less than an hour until tickets go sale

i'm not ready for the shitshow this is going to be

deserves to be pegged

Attached: JK.jpg (800x1200, 140K)

i hope twice gets nice and plump when they get to america

Attached: TWICE_71.jpg (1600x2480, 2.02M)

No idea who that Jihyo is. She's way too nugu for me to know, she's definitely not a star like Nana.

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i miss chubby cheeks sana

I'm looking for the /fit/est waifu from Kpop, which girl has the most fit body? Someone that is active right now please

i love him more and more everyday

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hello friend

pls no. Don't want to see a bigger Jihyo or Sana

Ryuk-concept Momo...


Attached: joyy.gif (268x150, 796K)

Attached: sohee_treadmill.webm (640x800, 858K)

it was a great even though it didnt last long

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by halsey?


Momo, Jennie

TWICE won't do that well in USA, they miss that arrogant "swag" nigger type of attitude that BLACKPING niggerwhores do have, hence why they're successful atm

Attached: DLctd7EWkAAUkCQ.jpg (1365x2048, 398K)

by anybody else but halsey

she always going this hard? love her passion.

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they need a japanese comeback so they can eat their fill over there


its okay guys. jihyo works out so the whataburger will go to her thighs, ass, and bewbs. sana is so fuckin skelly that any type of weight gain is good weight gain

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you and me both user

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what is she up to these days? modeling?


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Attached: mo11.jpg (823x510, 67K)

bp and nct have the same amount of "success" in america

after looking at this picture, my phone just rang and a voice said I'm going to die in 7 days....

Attached: 58630010.jpg (1080x811, 135K)

they're fads they'll go as quick as they came

what if their stylist is a woman


Attached: Seolhyun Inspection.webm (1280x720, 2.99M)

>momo will never crawl out of your telly
why live

99.9% of the time

there is this one fancam I saw where she just danced, but obviously you can tell she was not feeling good


...had to do a double take there

oh ok

Attached: 1552560119679.webm (1280x720, 1.11M)

sweet jesus

anyone know where to find kpop flacs?

dykes rise

now that's a nice body


Acting. Her latest tv series just finished airing a week or two ago.

Attached: D2Cep-tXcAAzJrD.jpg (890x500, 33K)

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so she's like a better version of hwacunt

Attached: 15197564554720.jpg (600x900, 83K)

can you find it?

her waist is nonexistent

>pure girls are not allowed to fulfill their innate human desire to reproduce

hardly, did an nct song ever even chart in america

if i cant get p1 or gold tickets im just gonna find a way to sneak in

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Attached: 15547560670550 (3).webm (1280x556, 2.93M)

post that webm from previous threds when wendy fuck up choreo.

joy cult where are you

Attached: JDHAUWK366-120.jpg (634x1024, 55K)


holy shit

straight from 80s videogames

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she loves the attention though

Attached: 1556274713202.jpg (1077x1188, 89K)

really evident during her part around 1:20

Attached: Dn8x0ibXUAA1Mnt.jpg (800x1200, 159K)

sohee has the best body of all kpop
prove me wrong

Attached: 1541134150853.jpg (2048x1536, 281K)

joy boy here wishing i had a joy toy

it was deleted for a reason

unzips dick

I love that bitch

post her feet

>prove me wrong

Attached: babysoul.jpg (637x970, 89K)


Attached: 1511890391504.webm (1500x1000, 2.98M)

>unzips dick

Attached: not impressed.webm (960x540, 851K)

joy boy reporting

Attached: 1555816114208.webm (640x966, 2.6M)

that's what I like to see

Attached: IOIFAJIE-98.jpg (640x797, 115K)

love both of em

Attached: AUwswR.jpg (861x1361, 132K)

ass ≠ body

why do people say that she's dumb/slow? her dancing is top tier and it takes good IQ to remember all those moves, a lot of brainlets here wouldn't be able to perform them

holy fuck

my favorite joy moment

thx. maybe she were sick. and with they schedule sickness can be x2 worse.

oh yeah that was the one where she had to leave early cause she was sick or something

>chewy has dimples
why did this take me so long to notice?

it was posted for a reason

it's her assigned character

I'm tired of Nayeon always having the most lines when she's the least cute

joy cult appreciates your service sir
soon enough, we'll take over the world

Attached: tooshort.webm (640x1138, 2.42M)

It has nothing to do with her dancing skills. Even all her members know its Momo at the top then everyone else. They also say Momo is one of the fastest to get the choreo done

With that said, she does have her moments along with Sana


joy girl here wishing that for the both of us

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this gif is a godsend

in 50 years kpop girls will wear nothing on stage
screencap this


Attached: cant walk.webm (650x364, 2.84M)

yes mommy

Dahyun can go solo, she's so good

i wanna have intercourse with Dubu if you know what I mean

my precious mother

You mean like Bambino?

Attached: 15248039077190.webm (1080x1920, 2.92M)

they just exaggerate

Nah I don't. Please go into more detail

that guy want to cop a feel

joy is not for lewd

fighting the good fight sir
joy would be proud

yes but naked

why would you need them more naked than that

wtf this is literally porn

Attached: 1557438932496.jpg (766x934, 84K)

i have low test

it's because Yuju got slut shamed for pole dancing

make it a joy's ass thread

make it a buddy thread

make it a BLACKPINK thread

I wanna lick her eyes, they're so god damn cute

make it a joy thread


word make it a pure thread

you mean a down syndrome thread?

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