Post musicians you want to kill

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Cool it with the anti-Semitism.

He jewish?

Thom Yorke
Michael Gira
everyone in Animal Collective

None because I'm not a psychopath.

>Everyone in Animal Collective
Agreed, they're disgusting.

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Ah C'mon, don't act like you don't have some sort of desire to murder one of these fuckers?

your favorite artist

rym legend

Billie Eilish and everything KPop, unironically. Because they deserve it.


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Ian Watkins, Garry Glitter, etc.

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All (c)rap """"""""""artists""""""""""

>adam levine

Uh user

lil xan
wish could kill him multiple times

but you're mu favourite artist user!

Well, learn summin new everyday. Didn't know that was a (commonly) Jewish last name. That's in the bag now!

Billie Eilish

which is why I contemplate suicide daily

This POS needs to die

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free my nigga