I hate americans. You all are a joke

I hate americans. You all are a joke

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that looks delicious

nobody cares at all if were hated

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GDP says what?

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He did that in celebration of entrepreneurship

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>Rapefugee crisis
>Spreading nigger culture
>Spreading multikulti

But we are the #1 single most powerful and richest country in the world. There isn't even a close 2nd. America is superior in every aspect to every country out there

>We are number #1! We are number #1!
Yeah #1 at nigger dick sucking, you stupid mutt faggot

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Vitamin B52

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Aw sounds like you're just mad my country can turn your shithole country to glass in a weekend if we wanted to. Be grateful we allow you to remain a country

Trump is awesome. I hope he or some other republican gets elected in 2024. Just hoping the pedocrats dont ruin everything between now and midterms.

i hate america i am american

I come from Czech republic, it sucks too, but you're worse than death in family. Loooool!

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f** off Trumptard fat idiot fucker *** fuck off

>I come from Czech republic
Sure you do. Nice cherry picked photo, shlomo.

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Mirror of truth

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Most Americans don't realise that the USA is 3rd world. It's quite funny

If you say so, nigger dick lover. Don't forget to come over and die fighting us (europe) while tyrone fucks your wife

Oh no! What will I do?

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Change your flag...

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nice try Ivan

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Donald Trump stupidity and intelligence made the USA vibrant and fun. I don't care what anyone says, it's true.

No it true I'm am czech "Dobre Kano Ramo" (mean: Good morning friend)
and usa = most fat and number 1 in corruption

Yet the world begs for American military might and experience at the first sign of trouble.

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Just like how you beg deqwan to fuck your wife infront of you?

War with Europe would be the easiest stomp ever next to maybe Africa. Without the USA the EU has subpar tech with outdated guns/armor and outdated navies and tanks. The USA could solo all of the EU at once and barely take any damage


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Uh oh, I'm so scared. You better start laying off the mcdonalds now if you ever hope to have a chance to win the first battle of getting off your couch

The oil is ours. We have a claim to the largest oil reserves in the world because we are American. We control NATO. We control the UN. Our defense budget brings world peace. Without the USA propping the EU up you guys would surely fall to Russia

Sad that our Czech presidet is as big fuckhed as your's... just not as rich.

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Like anyone gives a fuck what you think anyway

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Don't worry, we hate you too.

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You clearly do, stay mad 3rd world burger

They hate us cuz they ain't us

Wendy's is way better than you think.

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Oh no, did some nigger dick obsessed retard get hurt?

This nigger is mad as hell

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Stay mad faggot

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Also everyone secretly wanted Trump to point them out and thumbs up.

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Angry chuds in this thread, rofl

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Speak for yourself

>no u
What did user mean by this?

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fuck I would kill for some mcdonalds right now

I hate fast-food chomping nigger dick loving mutts so much its unreal

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Who are you quoting?

Keep provoking, communist. Your life is being cut short.

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America is bad in domesric affairs. They are lead on by populism. Any unpopular policy is booed at . No thought on the future and if shit gets bad, people leave. Reserigate and then we can talk

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Were a Republic Federation. I barely think about the other 49 states.

>Fag 1: no u
>Fag 2: no, no u!!

Kill both yourselves, retards


Kek, americans love niggers

>too stupid to make your own meme
Just more proof foreigners are fucking retarded. Embarrassing.

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I thought it was pretty funny. Did it struck a little too close to home for ya, mutt?

Thank you user. We know.

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Imagine being this jealous and upset at Americans

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13% of the population accounts for 50% of the culture

Go back to your national past time and wallow in filth.

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Mutts are flooding the thread... Pure usual

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Yo hook me up with one spicy crispy chicken sandwich!

But aren't there plenty of other restaurants in the area that would have had much better food?

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