my ex and i got into a huge fight last week because she wasn't inviting me to a dinner she was having, i completely fell apart and she blocked me. but she called me last night at 1am and texted me, and just called and texted me again just now "take care of yourself" what do i do? i really care about this girl and i really want her back
My ex and i got into a huge fight last week because she wasn't inviting me to a dinner she was having...
This is a larp. It’s like you’re reciting something that never happened
rape her and move to bhutan. your average amerimutt doesn’t know where that is
i wish it was, feels like a nightmare to me. but she called once/texted once last night at 1m and called once/texted once just now
show proof and timestamp
Probably worried that you'll kill yourself because you sound so desperate and needy and she doesn't want the guilt. You need to sort yourself out user
Girls won't usually break up after an incident, were you an asshole in the past? How fucking nuclear did you go?
the actual text just now was "i hope you're okay. take care of yourself!" what is she doing? i haven't reached out since our fight and i dont know how to get back for a chance to see her
She obviously still cares otherwise she wouldn’t have text. Apologise and tell her you want to sort it out
she wants you to take care of yourself but not including her. she no longer wants you but doesn’t want to see you hurt.
Sounds like a good girl
user… you’ve never had a girlfriend how would you even know…
Sounds like pity op, sorry fren
This guy knows what he's talking about
i want to do this user but i dont know if she will go for it. might be right and its agony
Fart in her fucking mouth OP. Don't be a pussy.
Why did you want to come to the dinner? Why did you not want you at the dinner? This sounds odd in and of itself…
Guessing this behavior he displayed last night was a potential worry for her?
we all been there user. yes, it’s agonizing, but it helps you to become a better person and grow. and never, ever, go crawling back/keep interest for her.
**Why did she not want you at the dinner thats odd.
I don’t really know but she’s definitely gonna think that user is an emotional bitch now…
let her think what she wants to think. >she’s his ex.
"I completely fell apart" It's moments like this that define how she feels about you.
Stop acting like a bitch and be a man. Say something like "You do the same." And then ignore her until she starts spamming your phone with apologies then you can proceed how you wish but don't cuck into it. Don't apologize. Say what she did was shitty and that you don't go for that sort of thing.
"I play video games with maps in them"
Yeah women pick up on men who are weaker than them very quickly don’t ever go crawling back… unless you really did something wrong like punching her we’re fucking one of her friends
Also women are kind of used to being treated badly
Women want to be treated badly. Not like cruelly, but they want to be only a part of your life. They want you to be interesting and something they need to hang onto. The moment you start acting like you're her butler, it is over. They want a man who is caught up in his own life but still has time for her. He doesn't prioritize her like a goddess, but he makes time. Women want to feel like they got a hold of a man that other women would rush to grab if she let go. That sort of thing.
Op is probably crying And masturbating to her right now. Back-to-back phone calls.
I need more information on this story. I want to help OP.
i dont even know where to begin. her and i have been on/off for the past few months. met her about a year and a half ago. she pulls back, i lose my mind. she comes back, makes these rules like seeing each other one time a week but it always turns into talking every day, seeing each other throughout the week and on the weekends, sleeping over, cuddling, eating dinner together-- it gets fucking confusing and this whole dinner thing made no sense, she just did not want to invite me. and it stung and then my mind went rampant with all the reasons why she did not want me there, and that pissed her off even more, and i got super upset, she kept asking me to leave, so i did and i tried to calm myself down in my car, i asked her if i could sleep on the couch, she said no, i was pleading with her through texts to let me stay, but she blocked me. i haven't made any attempt to contact her. until she called me and texted me last night at 1am asking if I was okay. then called again today and texted "i hope you're okay. take care of yourself" and i don't know what's going on. i really want things to work out with this girl. and when things are great, they are fucking perfect. but when they are like they are right now, i sit here convinced i've lost her for good. but she said the last time was the absolute last time she'd stand for any of this cycle. i didn't think i was going to hear from her again and maybe the other anons are right, which i fucking am praying to god they aren't because i want to make this work with her and i just don't know what to do from here
What you need to do is not be a beta. I know that might sound like a cliché, but it is true. You said she "makes these rules." You should be the one making the rules. Your personality might not be that type of way, but women don't like men who go along with the arbitrary hurdles they put in front of them. Those hurdles are mainly meant to see how much they can get away with and test how much you respect yourself as a man and whether or not you'll call her out on her bullshit. For example, instead of asking to sleep on the couch. You should've just said, "I'm gonna sleep on the couch tonight." And then proceeded to do that. If she made a little fuss about that, stay firm in your decision and brush off any attitude in a flirtatious-like manner but not in a way that seeks reciprocation. If you managed to pull this off right, she probably would've came up to you while you were laying there and just invited you into her bed where you could makeup/whatever. If she didn't then you just sleep there and get up in the morning and leave without saying anything. With either of these decisions, you show that you do what you want and she is subconsciously turned on by that whether or not she admits it. She sees that you value yourself and that makes her value you. You "pleading" has the opposite effect. She sees you as like a child that she chooses when to reward. And women tend not to like that in their committed partner so they lash out aggressively. What did you guys say in the last communications to each other?
I don't know if I have another chance to act as you suggest but if I do, I will be sure to remember this. and the last thing she said to me before she blocked me was that she has nothing left to say
You have been a donkey…..
Begging for an invite
That’s not alpha behaviour
What did you last say to her though? That is more important. I somewhat agree with how you said you might not be able to act as I suggested, especially if she knows your personality being on the more submissive side. That being said, you can still have it slip out organically and try to establish this attitude. If not, then carry it with you in other relationships and don't make the same mistakes.
I said I have nothing left to say either, i just wanted one last night to feel safe around her and i need this tonight
>i just wanted one last night to feel safe around her and i need this tonight
You said that part too or are you just telling me that?
i said that too. this girl is really incredibly special and i've said this stuff to her before, which is some degree why i think she comes back but i dont know, her text this time makes me think she's just making sure i'm okay but she doesn't plan on seeing me but i'm really hoping i can have her meet me, i gotta make it work with this one
You’re not giving us the full disclosure and we could never assist you in your goals as long as you leave us in the dark. STORYTIME FAGGOT
also post her nudes for motivation
i'm not leaving anything out, i swear
Maybe she found new black friend.
My response is in the pic.
He has given a decent amount of it. And be more classy. Don't ask for nudes you fucking coomer.
Move the fuck on Yea Forumsro. . . . .
Yeah , "she's special" and "you care about her" , but what is holding onto a broken relationship good for?
You're just coming off as desperate - and she's already eyeing up the other men around her in an intimate sense
Well said.
don't be desperate, break up
or be a bitch, probably suits you better frogfag
OP should consider moving on, but you don't know their relationship. He needs to stop coming off as desperate but there is no reason for you to inject your cuckold fantasies in this convo.
I bet you don’t even have one picture of her tits.. I know but she’s been fucking sucking off guys the whole time.
the OP needs to realize that once a woman seeks intimacy with another man, it's GAME OVER for a meaningful relationship.
There is no reason for you to be projecting cuckolding onto someone giving him worthwhile advice
you're larping online as a frog
nobody needs your advice
All these lil needy faggots needin to fuckin be part of any lame fucking girls brunch out bs. Hope she gets a real man with a life.
I fucked a /r9k/ neo nazi baltendeutsche with a nice ass, because of Pepe.
let it go man
Take a fucking screen cap
I agree, but you have no reason to say this without some sort of evidence. Otherwise you're just injecting cuckolding which this shit Yea Forumsoard is known for.
Just post a fucking tits already quit acting like a man child fart slave
don't listen to this autist fuck, OP. if a bitch takes the time out of her day to text/call you that means she still cares otherwise she won't even bother, just suck your pride in but don't sound desperate and say some shit like "you know, I really liked it when we used to..." to insinuate you want her back
Pics or it didn’t happen
This doesn’t even sound believable you need to back it up. Tits or your lying transsexual faggot
>other women would rush to grab if she let go.
I was with my ex for years and she was a few years older than me. She went crazy when covid hit and thought she could make me as miserable as she was in lock down. I moved the fuck out and got my own place.
Her cousin, who is 15 years younger than me and a hotter, younger version of my ex hit me up the week after I moved out and we were fucking a week after that.....
She knows how rare a decent guy who treats women right but isn’t a beta pussy actually is, and did her best to lock me down the second I was on the market.
It really helped her cause that she has the same sexual chemistry that I had with my ex, but tries her best to make me smile instead of trying to make me miserable.
The salt coming from my ex when she found out that I’m with her cousin was enough to keep the roads clear all winter
My Nigga…
>She knows how rare a decent guy who treats women right but isn’t a beta pussy actually is
This is how men get and keep a woman. Usually, men are able to fake it to get the relationship started but then the shit tests come up and they fail them leading to a miserable relationship.
Glad you're doing good, user.