Fuck y’all this is a great album

Fuck y’all this is a great album.

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The singles were nice but I think it's better to pretend this album never happened

Possibly his worst yet, so dull and lifeless

>plays Red Dead 2 once


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I liked the last track the most. Everything else is unmemorable.

He's so severely depressed he can't be bothered to put any effort into his music anymore


>Baby Bye Bye is great
>On the square is good

The rest is unforgettable and sounds like lesser versions of stuff he's done before

nobody, k, and preoccupied are not that bad for the boys and i


meant forgettable lol

why did he release the good songs first and baited us bros...

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I mean its not bad as people are making it out to be but its not as interesting or memorable as salad days or this old dog

the best part about the album is all the dumb fuckin normies that think just bc it has the word "cowboy" in the title, that the album is country or it's influenced by red dead or fucking mitski.
so fuckin dumb i stg

Soon his pain will be done

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I like the pig costume song

No, fuck you

>copies Mitski
gonna be a yikes from me

i think the criticism is a bit extreme
here comes the cowboy is a good song
instrumentally it's easily some of his best guitar work and chord progressions and such
songs are obviously minimal and it's obviously intentional

thought it was pretty good

but it's not beer drankin good ole hoohaw funny time mac!!

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Nobody, All of Our Yesterdays and Baby Bye Bye are some of their best songs in his entire career

When the fuck is he coming back

what did he mean by this

is that boldspot real?