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Why do you hate all trans people?


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Learn biology tranny

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We are the future.

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That looks like a Jewish person, not trans, or maybe both.
I'm not trans, and I don't like the vocal minority of trans people, but I've met a few in my life that were pretty chill and okay, and weren't forceful.

i like this pic. hmmm very well done

I totally agree trannies are dangerous monsters that must be genocided. God bless Florida.

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Rent free

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Whats it like knowing that there's a 1/5 chance that your grand kids could be in LGBT?

Ok so you said you want to feed your child hrt pills? Thats really messed up, 2 years old is not old enough to make life changing decisions. You should be ashamed as same sex parents.

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Faggots are mentally ill

so ur mentally ill

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If we are living rent free in your head, then why are you in every tranny hate thread? Do you have other places to be or are we all you can think about? This is a safe space, and you clearly arent a tranny hater. So you are invading because we are in your head rent free? Btw it is nice and cozy in here, just give me a 2 weeks notice before you kill yourself and join the 41%.

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Dont project,fag

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ok tranny

dear niggers,
if you can trace your ancestry back to slavery; remember this, your tribesmen traded you for gun powder and spices. You are the dumbest nigger. ooga booga your ass back to niggerton

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Cope, chud. You might have funnier memes, but we are the ones who are winning the real war.


Learn biology

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That is really not nice, trannys are the lowest form of existence. It is truly insulting and rude to try to bring other people down to that lowest point. I sincerely recommend that you take actions to end your life immediately.

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I cant decided which is worse, kikes, niggers, trannies. Either way I think they all deserve death

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kill yourselves currynigger trannies

Lol you chuds are no different from liberals. Just like how they ignore black on black crime statistics, you try to ignore statistics that show the rapid increase in our numbers.

We get bigger year by year, you stay the same.

Yeayea, it's good. But if I see you saying this shit outside you're going to get popped.

Wow I can not even begin to explain how hurt I am by this. First of all there is only 2 genders, second of all it is just so heartbreaking to see a mentally ill faggot yell at imaginary people on the internet. Is the Indian currynigger trannies in the room with you right now?


So you are going to carry around a gun so you can shoot someone with different political views? Make sure you at least wear the tranny flag, and dye your hair purple so that we can all identify you so we can tell you how we really feel.

its literally just a bunch of blind sheep trying to pretend they are not normal, common, straight people, because weirdos and mentally ill people keep shaming and mocking them for being fucking normal, as soon as they realize how stupid that is, the amount of lgbtq people will plummet

Anons live rent free in troons heads, that's why they come here and always get baited by tranny hate threads. They cannot accept the fact that there are people out there and places on the internet where anons aren't forced to play along with their shitty gender LARP. Pic unrelated, something they'll never be

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Hi there,kinda related to the point,why do I feel so much sorrow over a particular famous person death? Guy died a long time ago yet it makes me quite sad that's he is gone. He seemed to be a genuinely good person,also very talented in his field. I've been feeling this sorrow for about two years,although his death occurred over 20 years ago. It simply makes me very disturbed that he was taken away from us,specially all the stuff he would have come up with if he hadn't such a tragic fate. I don't know if there's an afterlife,of course I don't,no one does,but either way I hope that his spirit is in eternal peace. Never met him personally but his absence is surely felt by me

1998 he died in 1998 entirely from the 20th century all the life pre 2001 world was different,all the stuff left behind stuff from the 90's and before old stuff now,all old times and memories entirely from the past,the pre 2001 comfy and less complicated times

yeah,the notion of afterlife is wishful thinking at its finest,but it's quite comforting. I for example wish that all the good people are in a better place. Most recently I've been feeling a great deal of sorrow over that particular famous guy's death. He was taken from us a long time ago,the world was a different place back then. Not that much different as 100 years ago,of course,but it was still quite different. Sad to think about all the work he could have made if not for his tragic fate. That's why I do hope there's an afterlife in which his soul is in peace,he surely deserves it. On the matter,I don't know why his death fills me with sorrow,but it does. I never got to meet the guy in person,of course I didn't,I was still a child when he died also different countries,even so I do feel his death like he was a very close friend. Can't tell why so much sorrow,but there it is. So sad he was taken from us that long ago,what a waste of good talent and nice personality

>maybe spamming interracial porn on Yea Forums will end transp-ACK

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now aint this some truth

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that's funny. more than half of you kill yourselves before you hit 30. you're a joke to society.

time for all you /pol/cel subhumans to eat bullets. You don't belong here. No one wants you anywhere. You are pariahs in organized society and everyone hates and laughs at you.

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that's true but for liberal faggot tranny nigger lovers. keep projecting though. it might keep you from killing yourself for a few more years.

Faggots dont win.

kill yourself. That's an order.

on the off chance you ever get your dick wet your children will probably end up trannies and you will have to cope

So rightwing /pol/cels are faggots?

Nope. Just peaceful tolerant left

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This shit makes no sense, youre defending trannys but also insulting them? Can you elaborate on what your intentions are?

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The lowest form of life has been confirmed to be Trumpanzee insurrectionists, actually.

But please go back to your fucktardese rambling.

I believe your statements to be false. When a straight man dies he leaves behind his children wife loving family. When a leftist dies he doesnt leave anything behind and people are happy theres one less faggot prancing around.

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Oh youre still here. Ya I totally support the insurrection, and I think your overlords should be hung in the streets. I look forward to trannies dying in the forever war. Oh wow America defeated 2 tiny islands in ww2 I seriously doubt they could win against a country twice the size.

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My prayers and thoughts are going out to the Russian people and the victims of Ukraine and Nato war crimes.

>10 rubles have been deposited into your account

>see couple today
>one is clearly a man in a dress
>the other is your typical blue haired hambeast
>overhear the guy say they've been married 5 years
it made me wonder what it must be like being a troon in a relationship with a real woman. You pretend to be a woman, but have the constant reminder that you are in fact not a woman with you all the time. You'd watch her have periods due to her actual biology. Any pictures your take together show the sharp contrast between her natural feminine features and your shitty attempt to mimic it. You'd have to stick your penis in her vagina and convince yourself "oh yeah this is lesbian sex" every single time. No wonder trannies are so delusional, the amount of denying basic reality it would take just to exist in that situation is staggering

Because transgenders don’t deserve to live.

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