Sunday Morning Sex Doll Thread
At what church would you kneel before on this hallowed morn?
Sunday Morning Sex Doll Thread
At what church would you kneel before on this hallowed morn?
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The Church of Anal, where women primarily use their assholes as the preferred orifice for sex.
Ah, yes, the Church of Hometown.
I don't get the reference.
haha bouncy butt is nice
Doll bums are great stress relievers.
me im thinking on getting one
but im fat ugly and gross otaku weeb shutin neck beard so ya go figures
>That's unfortunate, I'm sorry to hear that. How long have you had her?
She arrived in Janurary. So about 3 months.
Nice. Any vids of them getting fucked?
It looks weird to see them get fucked. Almost comical.
I took a couple vids with my Akira way back when.
lol 70 punds an hour guess its an option XD if you cant afford one
Anyone know where I can get some costumes/clothes for my doll in Germany? Preferably school uniforms, etc. (Elsa Babe 150 L)
I want to see more of the Asuka gynoid doll.
The owner of that doll posts here frequently. Stick around long enough and you'll probably see them today and I'm sure they'll post more pics.
this makes me horny
I heard dolls have moving eyelids now but haven't seen any.
Morning/afternoon all.
what a beauty
My gf really misses the dolls she got rid of. It's not my problem as it wasn't my responsibility to maintain them.
I haven't heard about this, but there is a guy on the doll forum that sells aftermarket eyelid kits. They look quite good on some dolls.
Are those the dolls she got rid of?
Yes. She has a couple of reborn baby dolls and she was cleaning out her closet and lamenting over not having a doll to dress up and that she can't just get rid of/donate the clothes/accessories she invested in. We have to put money down on a leased vehicle soon which is a block to getting another doll.
Sounds like her maternal instincts are kicking in and she wants a baby.
My fucking job called me two minutes ago
My 54k a year job fired me
I can't order the doll now
I only have 3.2k in emergency funds
I hate my state
They gave no reason, I live in a Non-Right to work state
That means they can fire me whenever they want to
"Attendence" they said.
That's fine... I guess.
Thats the thing: she claims that she could never see herself as a mother and does whatever she can to not hold her co-worker's newborn when they bring them in, but you are correct that said instinct still exists somewhere within the depths of her lizard brain.
Holy shit! Can you rebound to a parallel industry?
If you got fired and have a letter of termination, you get unemployment and a severance paycheck.
How do you rape a dick?
I can't, a company that recently bought the company I was working for also owns all of the production in the whole half of the state I live in, I'll have to find a whole new job.
Are they trustworthy? I wouldn't mind paying a bit more and not having to deal with customs.
Start your own doll business. Real doll in the USA has a monopoly on sex manufacturing and they're so bad at it.
I'm gonna file tomorrow, I think I'm just gonna get drunk and piss the day away.
Here's a picture of my Torso from Tantaly
Are you ok? Did you fall ill and the assholes didn't take this into account? I work for a large retailer that doesn't give a fuck what excuses people have. Miss five days within a six month period=terminated.
>"Attendence" they said.
Maybe you should have, you know, shown up for work.
I work 7 days a week so I can afford my dolls
Jesus user. That's your dick? Thats a nice fucking cock
I have Chronic IBS and (Chronic) Migraines from childhood abuse, brain damage... I completely neglected to file for FMLA, causing it to look like bullshit and poor attendance. I'd have to call off every other day because I would wake up with shits that last for hours and migraines so bad I want to kill myself, in fact I have one now, but the tequila is helping it right now
And don't judge... I don't have shot glasses because I don't normally drink
Thanks, not a faggot, but thanks
Hey brain dead HAHA
Your fault. Oh well. Also, who the fuck buys a torso rather than save for a full doll??? lmao
Im not either but a nice cock is a nice cock
he probably couldnt afford to buy the rest kek. He sounds poor
Yee, I'm gonna file for FMLA so my next job can't just fuck me over like that.
Torsos are fun, they're good for quick busts and they're easy to clean.
Would rather just go Tenga toy or some shit. Torsos are cringe.
Are you samefagging
I just use a Viberect X3. Gets the job done in under a minute at times.
No. Two of those were me, not the third. Just sharing my opinions on how fucking lame it looks to fuck a disembodied torso.
I never even heard of it. How much is it, and how does it work?
>I never even heard of it.
It's a legit medical device.
>How much is it?
>and how does it work?
It sandwiches the top+bottom part of your dick and vibrates violently until you ejaculate. It's a bit loud, so if you have neighbors close by (ie apartment) then use caution.
why would you want to rush the orgasm? I try to edge for days if possible
What is it invented for medically? It sounds like it would hurt to use. My penis is relatively sensitive, so I prefer pressure over vibration/stimulation.
Sounds like it'd kill your nerves in your dick
I'd rather fuck a disembodied torso for 20 minutes and cum buckets than have E.D. fu king lmao
I don't have the opportunity to bust a nut in private. I just need it to get it over with, though that doesn't mean I can't cum multiple times.
>What is it invented for medically?
As the ad read states:
>Viberect is the only penile vibrator approved by FDA for treatment of Erectile Dysfunction! Designed to provoke erections in men with mild to moderate erectile dysfunction of various causes, such as aging, high blood pressure, diabetes. It is also commonly utilized to enhance recovery of nerve function after prostate cancer treatments. It is noninvasive, safe, effective and pleasurable. Post Prostatectomy patients can begin using Viberect two weeks after catheter removal.
>It sounds like it would hurt to use.
Just keep it away from the head of your dick and you should be fine. I've broken the skin a number of times from being careless.
>My penis is relatively sensitive, so I prefer pressure over vibration/stimulation.
I see.
I don't have a problem with that and it may help with E.D. from the literature above.
I emerge from the coom dungeon. Haven't slept, just been fucking my doll for hours in VR with VR motion trackers attached to the doll. Had an orgy with her in there too.
The possibilities seem endless here.
Back to the dungeon I go.
Carry on.
thus tequicla isb awesome
fuck this thread is horrible
So you have any of those problems listed? Or what?
>It sandwiches the top+bottom part of your dick and vibrates violently until you ejaculate
That sounds....not pleasant
>/ksg/ - Katawa Shoujo General #3923
when things exist for too long something something
>just been fucking my doll for hours in VR with VR motion trackers attached to the doll
Links to that kind of stuff so I can do the same?
>just been fucking my doll for hours in VR with VR motion trackers attached to the doll.
wait fren, please tell me more about this. Where can I find this and how much will it cost?
No I just need to cum several times.
I mean, the only reason I take dickpills is because my gf only wants to fuck at the end of the day when I'm tired as shit.
Have you never gotten off with a Hitachi? It's just two of those.
I don't know but my HTC Vive Pro was over a grand.