Even if you're cisgender you should still state your pronouns in your social media profiles...

Even if you're cisgender you should still state your pronouns in your social media profiles, and whenever you introduce yourself to people irl. Because I'm immediately suspicious of anyone who doesn't do so.

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Sure, my pronouns are Conqueror/Master.

Furthermore, is it really that hard to say "My name is Jerry, my pronouns are he/him, could I please get 2 Big Macs and a large diet Sprite"?

they, them, and theirs are grammatically incorrect ways to refer to a single entity. if you go by “they/them” i automatically assume you failed second grade english and are mentally retarded

what is cis?

sure thang troon.
my pronouns are kill/yourself.
alternatively you can use you/will/never/be/a/woman.

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How about we skip that and just post our most recent psych assessment?


shorthand for sebaceous cyst

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you're immediately suspicious of anyone who doesn't do so? Are you saying you have prejudices against people because of harmless personal behavior preferences?
Seems oddly similar to how nazis treat trans people to be desu
Well, usually I never tell anybody my name, except when I'm applying for a job. The burger girl usually just hears "Hey I'd like 10 nuggets and a triple cheeseburger"
No, they're not, unless you have any proof to back this garbage up.

kill themself


Fucking based

>If anyone wants to fuck my butt, THEY can go right ahead

The above statement is grammatically correct. Go back to school retards.

I see this shit in professional bios and in professional emails. Such woke crap. Why not list your hobbies and sexual kinks while you are at it?

I don't care how you feel or what you desire, I do me you do you

Pronouns in bio is fine. I don't feel the need to introduce myself with pronouns because I've never had the experience of being misgendered. There are also trans people who don't like disclosing their pronouns upfront, and do so only if they've been misgendered. I feel like the best way is
>if you think you're going tobe misgendered, state your pronouns
>if you think you're going to be misgendered but aren't sure, correct them after it happens

Kill yourself you stupid fucking tranny

Attached: KillYourselfYouRetardedTranny.jpg (1080x1051, 91.54K)

listing your hobbies is commonplace in my countries application standards

>Such woke crap
>Telling people how to refer to you is woke crap
Kek. It's literally the same as telling people your name.

Why should normal people change behavior as a symbolic sign of respect to an extreme minority? I have nothing against trans people but I'm not into this performative politics shit, and I'm especially opposed to anyone trying to create norms that we should be "suspicious" of anyone who doesn't go along with it.

The problem is conservatives often do stupid things that make things shit for everyone else.

you're a fucking idiot.
you're also not special.
no matter how much you need it to compensate for your insecurity..

They is fine but them and there are fucking retarded

this minority is part of normal people, user. But otherwise, I agree with you 100%
you are fucking retarded, actually

refer to me by my name then.

Like what? not needing to address their gender pronouns to anyone who could care less?

name 1

your mom is retarded

fuck YOU

>change behavior
Behaviour is not changing. You are still expected to treat trans women like women, not with some new behaviour or whatever.

>a symbolic sign of respect
No, it's a sign of accepting reality.
>I'm being forced to say the earth is round as a symbolic sign of respect to globeheads

> extreme minority
Everyone deserves respect

> this performative politics
Why do you think it's performative?

>I'm especially opposed to anyone trying to create norms that we should be "suspicious" of anyone who doesn't go along with it.
There definitely are norms that should be created that we should be "suspicious" of anyone who doesn't go along with it. Like the norm that "you shouldn't touch kids in their private parts" OP did create a norm I'm not entirely comfortable with, but norms as a concept are good.


starting a 20 year war in afghanistan that had exactly the same outcome as had it never been started (Taliban ruling the country)

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the guy that killed my parents deserves respect.

That's because it was an occupation, not a war. Enjoy your heroin over the last 20 years?

I sincerely doubt this is true, and if it is then the English language is disabled.
What if the subject is of unknown or lacks a gender?
A robot's dog. It's their dog. They have no gender, and are thus given they/them pronouns. It's not rocket science you retard.

this affected you how?

Hell no, I'm NORMAL, not "cis"
Haha nope, you will never be anything other than the gender you were Observed to be at birth! Now. Desist.

you have no worth , who would want to speak to you?

Also, Trump worked with the taliban and wanted to reimburse them a bunch of money for some reason.

Anyway. Don't be a reactionary faggot and pick sides on the whole isis vs taliban thing. Theyre both just christians anrahamic religions are terrorist organizationswe should shove together and let fight to the death.

He deserves the simple respect of humanity.
People sometimes kill for good reason. Maybe your parents were trying to kill them.
And even if they weren't, that respect shouldn't be yours to take. There's a reason that they don't let the victims decide what is done with the accused.

Except pronouns are a shorthand for names, making conversation easier. What's the issue with using appropriate pronouns in place of appropriate names?

>Removing sex ed from schools, thereby increasing the rates of child abuse because kids don't know what's happening to them (the don't say gay bill does this)
>removing being able to tell kids that it's ok to be gay or trans, driving up suicide rates among gay and trans kids who don't know why they're different from everyone else and feel broken as a result of it
>Making it harder for kids to get puberty blockers, a widely used and udnerstood treatment, even for things like hyper thyrodism, for decades, thereby increasing rates of body dysmorphia in trans adults, driving up suicide rates
>Saying trans people are mentally ill and such, which no reputed scientific organization or professional agrees with, driving up a lack of acceptance, driving up suicide rates. The rate of suicide among trans people goes down by 94% if just one single family member or friend accepts them
>Equating gay and trans people to pedophiles, thereby driving up social persecution of gay and trans people
These are just come of the things they make worse just focusing on gay and trans people specifically.

>Hypothetical situation.

>Incapable of thinking about the real I stances of people forgiving.

Shh. You have a parasocial relationship with life. Stop commenting on it so much. It has nothing to do with you. You just work. Thats what you're for.

it took tax money to fund that shitshow, tax money that could've been used for more important things, so it affected everyone who pays taxes.

My pronouns are YouWillNever/BeAWoman

the difference is that touching kids in their private parts and raping them hurts them, and allowing you to misgender me because I do not care doesn't hurt anybody.
Nobody argued against norms as a concept.
If you feel hurt because you're a man and somebody called you a girl, maybe the real issue is that we live in a society where being a girl is an insult to a man, and being a man is an insult to a girl. The problem isn't that I don't call you by your gender, the problem is that we see it as such a massive part of our identity still when it should be intellectually irrelevant, and only matter biologically.
anyone in this thread can literally find a cited article about this in 5 seconds
it even mentions how singular they has been criticized by bullshit elitists for a few hundred years now
you're normal? get out normie

41% yourself you fucking abomination.

>the guy that killed my parents deserves respect.
I wanted to say
>Everyone deserves respect as long as they don't harm anyone else
but that would lead to another conversation of
>but trans people do hurt society
Which isn't true and we can argue about that but my point was, just because a minority is less in number than the majority, doesn't mean they don't deserve respect. You were saying we shouldn't be expected to respect people if they're in a minority, which is retarded.

If ya wanna pass so bad maybe don’t go around asking people for third person words that will almost never be used in their presence. Normal people just look a person up n down and make a guess. And the guess is pretty accurate mostly, even if said person is a delusional troon goom who thinks reality is wrong.

everyone is in several minorities, people don't spawn from a factory built all the same. Anyone is separated by the majority through some or the other trait they have.

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The reality is that gender is a made up thing. If you want to talk about sex (notice they'er transGENDER, not transSEXUAL), that's a different story.

the "reality" is that both the words he and she are made up, and we simply choose to put them against people with dicks and without respectively. We could just stop, language doesn't need to respect sex in such a fundamental way, it's enough to refer to someone as a man or a woman if you want to point it out.
>any post with replies is successful bait
>there are no real posts or discussions

>allowing you to misgender me because I do not care doesn't hurt anybody.
THere are people who do care, and are hurt by it, but again, I also think op is perhaps taking it a bit far, not because I feel uncomfortable when people tell me their pronouns (I don't), but because there are trans people who aren't comfortable with stating pronouns upfront.

>the real issue is that we live in a society where being a girl is an insult to a man
The real issue is that trans people are demonized for expressing their identity. They're called mentally ill, groomers, sexual deviants, etc etc. Because conservatives are uncomfortable with what their gender swapping says about the fluidity of gender, which conservatives don't accept as fluid. The issue is just that conservatives are stuck in the past, and ignore science and research to avoid changing their beliefs, and they therefore have nothing to attack trans people with but demonization, which causes harm.


I never understood the point of calling out 'bait posts'.
People believe what the poster is saying. Whether this user is among the many people lying doesn't change the arguments and refutations that can go along with them.
That being said, this is totally a bait post. That's why I'm here.


Yes. And they all deserve respect. So idk why you had to specify that they were an extreme minority, when it is irrelevant. You were clearly saying you don't have to respect their identity because they aren't many in number. Which is retarded.


No. Because pronouns are obvious and subjective. Just like adjectives. Try being more, and thinking less.
Put another way, you're not owed validation by your peers, and if you think a statement requires outside validation to be true, then that statement is false, objectively.

Trans are mentally ill delusional people and your entire argument is revolving around suicide rates of troons, which is a positive on society as a whole. Also ywnbarw

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Okay! Sure. My pronouns are:

He-man with a big, hairy cock! If we meet face to face, you must address me as such.


>you're not owed validation
Your identity is owed respect. It's like names. You are owed the respect of your name being appropriately, and your pronouns as well.

>requires outside validation
It's not about validation. It's about the basic respect that your identity deserves.

Peener = boy + “It’s A Boy” cigar

Vajeen = girl + “It’s A Girl” cigar

>Because I'm immediately suspicious of anyone who doesn't do so.
Your immediate suspicion of a normal person only further proves your mental illness.

>Trans are mentally ill delusional people
Name one single reputed medical, biological, psychological, psychiatric or scientific organization or professional who agrees with you. Or admit you're just reeing about nothing.

It's always retarded. It's an explicitly cruel/unkind thing to ignore someone's preferences. Why they don't realize that is beyond.
If my name was John and you kept calling me "fartboy" unironically don't you think that I'd get pissed off eventually?

You’re mentally ill, you hateful hermaphrodite!

Don’t really give a single fuck if your feelings are hurt, fart boy. Have a nice day, sir!

Go fuck/Your self

Yeah, so it's an explicitly cruel thing to do.
But you retards are throwing a hissy fit that people want you to stop being actively malevolent and belligerent to your peers.

Lmao cope! Sex is gender!

Trans are subhuman, not my peers.

Nono you misunderstand, I'm saying I would not care if someone misgendered me. OP is asking us to state our pronouns, but if I didn't state my pronouns, it would do nobody harm.
No, I still think what I said is the real issue. I think a lot of people want to be the other sex because they want to be treated like the other sex. Men are often treated harshly and without emotions, and women are often treated like sex objects. Boys like cars, girls like princesses, all this is commercial, made up bullshit to conserve power structures for some assholes that profit of them.
I see your point though. No human should be called mentally ill simply for dressing how they want or behaving how they want if it doesn't hurt anyone. I think american conservatives especially are unfortunately hand-fed by some literal satanist supercapitalist pedophiles that exercise control over media law and education through funds, donations, and corruption, so I forgive them for being a little extra retarded and cruel.
congrats retard, you single handedly made everyone cis, now the problems are all gone
no, cis
I wasn't the guy who specified that they were, and I agree with you.
the real issue is the difference between gender roles and biological gender. Men aren't genetically predisposed to always like racing and fighting, and women don't always like cooking and ponies. Yet, society will reject a man who puts on a dress, and a woman who wears a suit.
trans are your peers, sorry fag

Actually, everything is owed nothing. Respect must be earned and identity is made in your social circles. You don't pick your identity, you don't pick your nickname, which is your identity among your friends.

The nickname is respected just because people seem to find it easy/funny, because they are accustomed to it.

If you work in burger king as a tomato slicer, if one day you'd go to jour job and say that your identity is now being boss, you'll be ridiculed. Your identity in is the one, which people around you believe in, not the one you say you can have now. You can't.

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There's the problem. If you believe that, then your treatment of them is explicitly bigoted.
You are treating them differently because of a bigoted opinion. You are acting with malice.
Ergo, your freedom of speech is not protected.
I win.

And don't you think pedophiles get pissed off when their preferences are ignored? Who gives a fuck how you feel? I deal with reality schizo.

Weak bait faggot. Kys

Effort post explanation:

Your sex is determined by certain aspects of your biology, like chromosomes, sex organs, hormones, etc. All these taken together, will land you into one of the two main sexes, or in the intersex category. But these attributes are not intrinsically ties to each other, just correlated. You can be born with a penis and male hormones and live your whole life as a male until you get a blood test that shows you have xx chromosomes. Thus, biologists consider sex to be bimodal, not binary.

Gender is the same thing, but with social attributes, instead of biological ones. Certain attributes like your clothes, your profession, your hairstyle, will put you into one of the two main genders.

However, gender roles for both men and women have expanded to include all social roles for all genders. Men can wear skirts and still be men. Women can wear pants and still be women. Therefore you can't say like you could in the past "anyone who wears pants is a man" because women do wear pants. Just like you can't say "anyone who has a vagina is a female" because biologists also use chromosomes to determine sex, and you can have both a vagina and xy chromosomes.

Therefore the only thing separating the genders now is identification. Men and women can do whatever they want, so all that determines if you are a man, is what you identify as. It's entirely social, so you can move between genders.

No one is claiming trans people are changing their sex. You can change certain sexual attributes, like sex organs through cosmetic surgery, but you can't change your chromosomes. If you change your sex organs, you can be said to be closer now to the other sex than before, but you are not the other sex because you haven't changed your chromosomes and a few other attributes.

People who say trans people rejects biology don't know what they're talking about.

I don't think you do, actually.
Preferences doesn't mean cowtowing to their desires. The desire of the pedophile is known to be "bad", and so it is not granted.
The desire of the transgender person is not "bad", and I know you're going to say "but it hurts my eyes to look at them!!! ywnbaw 41%" because you're just some guy on Yea Forums who wants to make "trannies" and "jews" angry, despite no one on this website being either of those things.

Yes it is. I win.

Gender and sex are the same thing actually

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My pronouns are stupid/faggot. Alternatively you can us my holes as cum receptacles.

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Kys faggot

Can I suck you off first, daddy?

Trans doesn't exist. You cannot transition to the other gender. Cross sex hormones and plastic surgery are basically just parlor tricks. Smoke and mirrors, illusions. Desist and stop being a deceptive perverted piece of shit

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Everyone I know has used they/them as singular even before the trans shit