Shota Thread
gay or straight (loli's welcome)
preferably no adults
depicted in the images
Shota Thread
Other urls found in this thread:
Guess which one is a cross-dresser
I'd like to walk in on this.
Welcome shota/bro, nice image,
but do they really need a magnifying glass to see "Made in Abyss"es "Reg"'s boner clearly ?
boys exist to get raped by men. in this world it's rape or get raped. never forget that
Probably not TBH, but being curious shos, I'm sure they're interested in the most minute details of his anatomy. He is a super cool, super powerful robot after all.
> " I'd like to walk in on this "
I wish you'd been there with us:
it was part of our Grade 7 Spring half-term Middle School biology project
it was good fun.
> pic related = data collection for the project
I disagree boys should discover sex by themselves, then with their pubescent male friend(s), and then afterwards, with their adolescent female friends (or male friends dependant upon their preferred sexuality)
Anybody read erotic short stories? Got any stories or authors to recommend?
Aki-kun x Iori (late teen x early teen male sexuality )
several Doujin (comics) about this sex obsessed young couple:
here's one for you to assess
> pic related
> your pic related:
he is a top rank cute,
but which one these, in my pic
would you prefer to play with, over-night?
I was more talking about purely written stories, not comics. But thank you.
>lolifag co-opting the shota thread again
Yeah not participating in this one bye. Saged.
Regular shota thread
The best text only stories ( for shotacons ) are at
If you want some recommendations you need to indicate the sort of things you are most interested in
they have a lot of very well written stories across a lot of genres.
> pic (possibly) related
>preferably no adults
Like this? :)
Friendly reminder to ignore this autistic OP
One more adult x shota just for you
Elaborate user, what did you and your group of buds get up to exactly?
And did other anons here have naked group fun with friends back in the day like pic related, especially lewd fun?
shotas love big adult dicks
> " Elaborate user, what did you and your group of buds get up to exactly? " ;
Having been told about what physical, sexual & emotional changes we might expect
we were asked to make specific measurements and assessments about the growth of our sexual development and awareness.
I think it was entirely appropriate to our normal sexual awakening and I learned a lot from it.
How did you boys explore and please each other during this after school project? How many were part of it and what lewd acts did you boys try out?
>nasty, dorky shota
>Shota gets a muscle growth and becomes fucking massive
>buff, nasty, dorky shota
Why don't more animes have this?
Shotas are for MEN
> " How did you boys explore and please each other during this after school project? "
It was a joint project nd like with evrything else, if you got aroused by doing certain things, you got "frisky" with each other - without being directed to do so I know I shared orgasms with my immediate friends, and I am sure a lot of my other class-mates did as well.
The source material made it clear that we had an age range of ±6 months of the median age for our grade.
I was second or third youngest in our peer group "tranche" of about 100 boys in grade 7.
Before the project started I felt like there was something wrong with me: I was bald "down there" and about half of my peer-group friends weren't anymore. We assessed ourselves and recorded specific things and a few months later, a Math Project collated all the results and we all realised that what was happening to us was normal (rather than what a lot of us would have thought without doing the projects).
Like before the first project I thought I was abnormal for stimulating myself the way I had been doing for a long time:
but that changed when we did the projects and saw the results = we were all normal
Oh! what a relief - we WERE all normal and so were the girls, when we saw their results:
They all followed an expected "normal" bell curve distribution on the charts we made from our own measurements and personal assessments.
Masturbating once to four or times per day was to be expected and so was being outside that range - for predictable reasons.
Also, being more interested in boys or girls was normal and subject to change in the future.
Our individual data measurements were all anonymised by us excluding our names from the data sheets so we had nothing to lose, and everything to gain from being (at least fairly) honest with each other.