Alright, Yea Forums, when I say trans you say rights! Okay, got it? Great, let's go!

Alright, Yea Forums, when I say trans you say rights! Okay, got it? Great, let's go!


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Rights! Dont let these chuds get to you.. you're beautiful and valid (o^_^o)

Rights! Lefts! And uppercuts!

40% of Trans people will KILL THEMSELVES

What can YOU do to increase that number?

Me? I don't need to.
The number has been rising on its own.


You got two choices.

Forced these retarded fucks to live their miserable fucking lives.

Or let the freaks die like they're supposed to.

Why do you hate us.. we are not a monolith. Few bad apples doesn't justify the bigotry and hate against us.

I just want to help.

I don't wanna force some miserable fucks to live, when they so clearly want to die.

Don’t care how nice some of you are being deluded enough to think that having a weird offshoot of body dysmorphia makes you anywhere near the desired sex you want to be is just stupid. Try looking for some self acceptance instead of creating some kind of womansona because you buy into pseudoscience and stereotypes as truth.

We are very happy being ourselves, thanks for the concern.. just don't hate on us and don't use the n word/f word/t word, please.

How the fuck are you expecting me to not use the N word/F word/T word. When you don't tell me whet the fucking words are?!

Being rightfully unsettled of some rando trying to skinwalk your sex isn’t bigotry. Stop pretending that you’re being genocided cause South American ladyboys get murdered sometimes. The only reason you have any hardships is because of perceived non conformity or sometimes homosexuality (like actual homosexuality, not some straight guy thinking being feminine and having identity issues means he’s a lesbian), identity means nothing.
Homosexuals hate you, crossdressers and people who don’t stick to silly centuries old stereotypes hate you, even the deformed people you use as some kind of argument for sex being irrelevant hate you. The lgb thinks of you as nothing more of a parasite and is only acting nice because they know that you hold the upper hand. I do sympathize with those who have dysphoria, but being an inconvenience and humiliation monkey for everyone around you isn’t the solution. Grow up.

Ehh.. nijjer, fajjot and trabby, replace j with g and b with n. Never use these three words okay?

Fuck whoever you want, nobody cares as long as they’re an adult. Dress however you like, clothes don’t determine the person anyways. Have whatever hobby you want, nobody in their right mind should care. But basing yourself on some faulty concept of identity that doesn’t tangibly exist and insisting that it’s your “true self” is the furthest thing from being “yourself”.

if by few you mean almost 98%, then yes, only a few are disgusting delusional troons that need mental health counseling

Oh, you mean Nigger Faggot and Tranny?

Why would you give these words so much fucking power?!

Stop giving a shit and own these words! The more you use them, the less they will hurt.

There is no need to kill people anymore.
Just say a bad word and set a whole society out of order.



Trans is fake! It's a LARP! And we will not play along with your play-pretend! Cope seethe and die late.

Thats not how the world works idiot. You have to treat us with respect. How would you feel if someone said bad things about your mom to people around you? That would ruin her image to some extent and she'll suffer just because of mere words.
Similarly, these words hurt us.

So please, never use these words again.


Shut up. You won't say that to our face coward.

I would tell her to stop listening to idiots.
And cut the retards out of her life.

There will allways be people who will try to take you down.
Just suround yourself good people that makes you feel good and stop feeding into the hate.
Spend your time on things that makes you feel good.

The more you suround yourself with negativity the harder it will be to get out of it.

And trying to fight hate with hate, is extremely nagative.

Honest to god have you seen the private servers that host hardcore SJW transgender content?

Be honest, have you EVER SEEN WHAT IS ON THERE?

I've been spying on their shit for 2 years now because honestly, I just never really understood them and I wanted to know why the fuck the suicide rate is above 40% and climbing, because Yea Forums trolling them or people trolling them ISN'T ANYWHERE NEAR FUCKING ENOUGH TO GET IT TO 40%.

SJW transgender spaces are more than anything, extremely sad, and I am not trolling when I say this.
Because of what I found there, I don't hate transgender people.
Its filled with people that are genuinely just lost in life and the content is extremely self destructive.
I'm talking about severe porn addictions, hard drugs, people casually talking and attempting suicide, with photos of course.
The members also have a huge multitude of mental illnesses. that corroborate their self destructive nature.

This isn't about politics or about any trolling I am just trying to say that This kind of shit is not okay.

People are not responsible for your happiness.
And if you thin so, what is that you do to make others happy?

Shit goes two ways.

I offer myself to men who never kissed or even held hands with a girl. We are good people and we deserve to be treated equally.

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Thats easy for you to say because your mom is fine!! We are not. Just look at this board, you people hate us.

They truly are evil

Then why the fuck do you keep coming back?!

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This is like robots hating people who are chads and stacies/roasties/etc

How would you feel if some people were making fun of any group you're part of everyday? I like you. I like all of you and I hate to think about the possibility that there is someone out there who hates me for being myself.

Literally just don't go on Yea Forums? Are you a masochistic dumbass?

There are chats showing how completely addicted to porn they are, them talking about how their parents hate them or about their unemployment status, which, most of the time are caused by perfectly valid reasons.

They commonly talk about their general hatred of society and humanity.

I was on at one point, and some transgender man was fired from work for masturbating during working hours, and you would think that they would just tell him that it's his fault, but what they actually did was say stuff like "you don't need work, you just need more porn" and also "fuck society". It was really bizarre to me and was not at all helpful to the person I think.

Don't ask me to post photos, It would cause panic in the server if I were to share them and they would delete the whole fucking server again.

Everyone gets hated by someone for being them selves.

You can't force people to like you.

You need to find your group.

People are more than their geners or other imagined identities. If you think that thinking of yourself as of a woman is what is "yourself" then you are petty person at large

But it wouldn't change the fact that you hate me.


Why do you care about what goes on without your presence?

Mental illness

How to check those servers out? I'd like to see some of this shitshow

Honest to god whenever I look at these surface communities I feel nothing but sadness. The whole, "kill all trannies" trend doesn't resonate with me anymore because every day it just gets worse. There are 19 people who have committed suicide on there that I know of, and its not because of trolls, its them engaging on self-destructive behaviors. If you really knew what was down these leftist communities trust me, even you would see my point on why it can be a problem.

But it doesn't have to be this way.. we can end this hatred. You wouldn't hate me if you didn't feel threatened by me or some other group.
We should acknowledge each other. But, laziness comes in the way and people would rather continue insulting others on the basis of anecdotes and ignorance.


Because it can affect me any time. We don't live in separate worlds. Whatever you do or like would affect people around you, and I might be one of them.
Thats why its terrifying to see people you don't know hate you.

Here's how you know "Trans" people aren't looking for acceptance but are just attention whore fags wanting attention like all fags....
The men who are "transitioning" into women call themselves "Trans Women". If you were really born and thought that you were a woman and wanted to be a woman you would just call yourself a fucking woman, you would have to preface it with "trans". Trust us! WE KNOW YOUR NOT REALLY A FUCKING WOMAN! No need to say "Trans". But it's not about wanting to be a real woman it's about getting fucking attention and wanting to be a victim. Fuck you "trans" people i hope someone kills you all.

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There's no such thing as the right to transition, because transitioning relies on outside forces.
A right is intrinsic to an individual, and is universal. A right to bear arms, as an example. I can pick up a stick and I can use it to beat someone to death. I didn't need someone else to beat that person to death for me. It's intrinsic to me, as a person. And anyone can pick up a stick and beat another to death with it.
Put another way, a right is a reflection of a human individuals capability, in so far as they won't be reasonably restrained.
Transitioning is definitively a privilege by that metric, because you rely on someone else to produce both your hormone blockers and the replacement hormones you want to take. You reply on someone else to ship or provide those things to you. You rely on someone else to perform your top-and-or-bottom surgery, and if they fuck it up, you punish them for their negligence. Because it is optional, not intrinsic.
Trans rights do not exist, because you can't even identify what is intrinsic and universal about being trans.
Ergo, I am more than comfortable telling you to fuck off, like the entitled bully that you are.

Just don't think about it lmao

And will hit me when I least expect it. Your advice isn't practical. Why can't you just accept me and love me like I love you?

No, they are invite only, and I don't have access to do so. It's more of a acquaintance by acquaintance invite. I am trying to keep a low profile and I don't want any kind of special permissions anyways. It would cause mass panic if many unknowns started joining, and yes, some of them check Yea Forums..

You don't want to see it, I'm not exaggerating about how saddening it can be to look at it. Even if you don't consider being transgender as a mental illness there's a whole slew of conditions that go unchecked and it's why suicides happen so much.

If you don't believe me, I don't care. I don't hate these people anymore.

You can't stop it.

You can never convince every miserable fucker on this earth to follow your mindset.
Just make peace with it and do whatever the fuck makes you happy in this fucking disgusting world.

I didn't hate you until your kind started forcing your delusions on society at large. I was a live and let live kind of person. "Your people" trying to force puberty blockers on preteens; freaking out at minimum wage workers who legitimately think you look like the opposite gender, no matter how much shitty makeup you cake on; There was literally zero hate in my heart for people who just wanted to exist without being abused. Trannies got their wish, then they pushed too hard. Now? Fuck off. Either coexist or die. I'm not building 121232123 bathrooms for the billion genders. I'm not voting for special protections for Tree people, transneegros, Furrykkins, or whatever.

Either coexist or go the fuck away. We're done with your egocentric bullshit. "Oh I'm trans! you have to respect everything about me and if you don't I'll call the cops." Fucking retards.

It's because we care about you that we don't want you doing this. Don't you fuckin get it? I've seen what goes down there, and I don't want anyone to be a part of that community. Having gender dysphoria is one thing, and considering whether it's a mental illness is another, but for certain I can say that the leftist transgender communities are self destructive and extremely toxic to everyone including themselves.

They're literally cut off from society, and half of them have zero, and I do mean ZERO social interactions with real people.


Im not actually trans I was just trying to get a reaction out of yall, and it seems I did.
Interesting conv though

I used to say it as a joke when I was younger, I'll admit. It was when I really looked at their community that I realized that this shit can't continue and also when I stopped hating because it's just sad. Do you honestly believe that over 40% of transgender people are committing suicide just because of trolls?

Imagine there are 32 people in your class, and 4 years later 15 are alive. Do you think that that is possible from bullying alone? No, it fucking isn't.

Like the guy above, I am also more of a live let live person. However when you start to these communities have more and more conditions that mount on besides gender dysphoria, it's a problem both you and I can no longer ignore. If you have mental conditions such as severe depression or anxiety, honestly get help.


Fucking police your own if that's the case. If it isn't a majority of Trans who are acting like entitled shitbags, then you fucking shout them down. YOU are responsible for how the world perceives your tribe. YOU have to be an example of a "good tranny", just exist and nobody is going to bother you. Stop insisting other people participate in your delusion. I wish I was an elite, rich athlete, but I'm not...and I don't demand people treat me like one because that's how I "feel".

Transgenderism is a mental illness. It can and needs to be treated, and enabling people to just...go on living with their fucking delusion, and even encouraging it is deplorable. You see people who truly believe they are Elvis get locked up in a mental hospital. There is NO difference between that delusion and thinking you're a different sex. That's all in your mind (literally) and should be treated.

Genuinely intersexed people I feel so bad for, not sure what do do for them, just treat them with kindness and let them decide I guess.

Just...shut the fuck up. Normies are SO sick of the Trans Twitter bullshit.

Shit was based tho.

Kek nice

Daywave reading from this was enjoyable

Well, that's one less person I have to worry about falling into the pit.

i want to see trans killed in the street

Fuck off. We don't need them to gain more credibility from NPCs when they claim that over 40% of them commit suicide from trolling.

kill yourself