Daily Reminder that LGBT is the future.
Daily Reminder that LGBT is the future
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Nah, a lot of people just phase out of it as they get older.
It was the past, too. Ignore the last 2000 years of religious cult ass bullshit. They just want to die so a king can pass the wealth to his son, while the useful idiot only passes the struggle.
The future if you invest in coffins.
Based and Checked.
I wonder how many of that number are genuinely faggots vs people just claiming they are to appear trendy.
16% is complete bullshit. How much of that is straight girls who are "non-binary" or whatever?
We need more psychologists and less surgeons
You dont even know when or if youre going to be nuked. Predictive models show the collapse of the USA before 2050. Have fun screaming about grooming children when starving. Im sure it will be the key to survival.
This still proves the point you're trying to disprove...
Straight women claim to be bi and they also count non binary as lgbt
It's not really an increase in actual gays or trannies
Well Gen Z is basically a very confused, overly medicated, single mom raised generation
>meanwhile in america
wow your country is retarded
Gays don't breed. Acceptance will be the cause of their extinction
> and out of nowhere ppl started voting hitler.
> there will be another mass genocide in the future believe me.
> and since the reddit shit in ukraine prooved that troons cannot into weapons or war i surely know the future is troonfree.
Also SAGE goes in all the fields.
Natural selection at work.
This has always been true, they just were closeted before. Who cares.
>It's just a trend since the dawn of time
>It'll go away
Reminder that there were buttfucking gays before Jesus got strung up on a stick. And there will always be buttfucking gays and you're really obsessed over the buttfucking part and I don't blame you. SHOW ME YOUR BUTTHOLE.
I wonder how many of those are chicks. It seriously does seem like women being bi is fairly common.
It's not a trend lmao. It just became acceptable in the west recently.
History will not look kindly on your evil.
IF they get older aanon
2000 years? Goes back farther than that. Moses didn't like the gay, but apparently he only had a problem with gay men.
My hypothesis is they observed diseases going around amongst gay men, and interpreted it as a curse from God. He was managing this tribe, and he had no tests, treatments, or cures for STDs. If someone got one the best you could do is banish, castrate, or kill them to keep it from spreading. It's not mean, just survival.
There's no ban on lesbianism in the Bible.
If you check the CDC website today, you will see that gay men get all sorts of butt fucking diseases, while lesbians are one of the safest groups. Moses was based.
>Queer people have never existed until recently
>Rome had a transgender queen
made me kek, ngl
Have you ever left your home town?
Says he was bi not trans.
Why would you care?
maybe he is selling rope?
All of the past. There's always been as many LGB's and recently more T's. Today their fear of being bashed or murdered is far less than anytime before. Staying in the closet is no longer necessary.
Can you imagine rofl
>Dio says Elagabalus delighted in being called Hierocles's mistress, wife, and queen
Idk man...
They can concealed carry Glocks too, in non communist states.
For some reason you never hear about a gay guy chasing off would be bashers with a gun. Does the news not want to report this?
>The emperor reportedly wore makeup and wigs, preferred to be called a lady and not a lord, and supposedly offered vast sums to any physician who could provide him with a vagina.
He's also the worst emperor ever. Granted you can't trust Roman historians for shit.
Oh, yeah, I'm sure in 70 years xir will still be identifying as a gender non-conforming otherkin in the nursing home.
>50% of zoomer girls would like to have sex with another girl as well as another boy.
No fucking shit.
>Predictive models show the collapse of the USA before 2050.
>citation needed
The world might be gayer, the world might be more able to admit it's gay. It might even be a common ploy for attention these days.
Chemicals in the water that turn the freakin' frogs gay sure aren't making things any easier these days.
Birth control pills did a good job of removing unfit moms, too bad their piss and the inability to filter it well has been a problem for many other people.
So you are a gay, lesbian, bisexual, troonthing. 5,6%: Yes
It is a cult, it is a lefty, religion like movment. It is has nothing to do with ones sexual orientation. It will be the future, sure. The future is stupid
Faggots I don't have a problem with. It's the trannies that want to force me to share their delusion that piss me off. Hell, schizophrenic don't insist that you pretend to hear the voices. Moreover, crossdressing is a sexual kink. Everything you respect their pronouns, it makes them hard. You're an unwitting partner in their sexual scene.
Well, at least those won't be shitting out kids, helping reduce their future.
This was 100% true for me. In my teens and college I did super gay stuff. I sucked off multiple guys, got fucked in the ass, sucked my own cock and came in my mouth, did cam shows for guys showing off my tight ass and jerking off for them, etc. By my mid-20s when I finally had sex with a girl, all that gay shit went away completely. Im 100% straight now.
Didn't ancient gays not really buttfuck often? I thought it was mostly oral or intercural
What a faggot.. imagine having this degenerate as your father
If this is the future, then humanity dies out.
My cousin came out to her parents at the age of 14. I was really surprised because I couldn't imagine coming out that young, I'd be bullied to death. Then her sister came out as trans and gay two years later. Everyone in my family was very accepting and living. Because of this I decided to finally come out as gay at 25. But I'm a dude.
I come out a year or two after that and it pretty much destroys my whole family. 5 years later my cousins are both cis-women with boyfriends. Guess girls like to hop on trends?
And here I am. Still a fag. Alone because all fags want is to fuck or get fucked and no one wants to be friends if you can't make them cum.
tl;dr women don't know what they want, Lesbians and trans-men aren't oppressed, but society has become more accepting, making it easier for real gays to come out.
Cope, kys groomer faggot.
The people in the East aren't suffering from this plague.
Why do anons live rent free in troons heads, you may ask? Well it's because unlike many other places, we won't play along with their LARP! That's all they have is their LARP that they demand people play along with if they don't want to get banned or worse. Not here! Here is a cruel reminder for them of their true nature. Bullies, narcissists, perverts.
Thanks for coming to my TED talk
No. When the shit truly hits the fan, we will revert to a more primordial state very fast and you're gunna get kilt because you're weak, because your trans or both. Nature has many creative ways of dealing with anomalies like you.
Shit is never hitting the fan again, dumb chud. Society is stable. We are too advanced to see our society fail like it did for our ancestors.
You've to let go of your hate and learn to live with us.
This. So much this.
two things: one if you read the whole post, you can see Ive rejected this life. 2nd, I will never have children. They're too expensive and loud, and I enjoy dolls more than real women at this point anyway
Let go of your hate and learn to live with the fact that not everyone will play make-believe with you! Ywnbaw
Look at the stats, chud. More and more people are starting to identify as trans, and the number will keep increasing.
You sound just like those ignorant liberals who ignore black on black crime statistics.
Thats sad. I truly feel bad for you, its a shame you would still choose a doll over someone loving and caring like me.
>doesnt and can't reproduce
>relies on hetero's children like commie states rely on capitalist funds
>unironically the future
my bait pics are too far back in my gallery to pull out but bait
Daily reminder to go kys
That's one solution to overpopulation kek.
It will stop and turn around as more and more people turn away from it chud. People are waking up to the bullshit of gender ideology.
Trans is a humiliation ritual and we are in a cold war
I remember couple years ago they were claiming its at least 10%. And now, suddenly its 5.6%? Faggots are liers. All those numbers are bullshit.