Listening to this album has made me realize I will never achieve true happiness in my life

Listening to this album has made me realize I will never achieve true happiness in my life.

I will never get that cute gf that shares my interests in shoegaze and post-punk that I can come home to every day and make me feel truly alive

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dude u can go on tinder and fuck girls who like shoegaze/post punk or go to diy shows
its not fucking hard

>swipe right on over 6,000 girls over a 9 month period
>zero matches

no, you can't.

if you want a shoegaze gf you better start looking at traps bc guess why theres all the twinks in the genre

oh dear you sounds really pathetic

ur profile must be shit

6000 girls and not a single match? post a pic of yourself bro

It's okay OP, getting a gf wouldn't make you happy anyway

If you can't make yourself happy, what makes you think another person could?

because i've NEVER had a gf before, and it is the one thing I spend every waking moment thinking about. If I got a gf my life would be complete and I would be at peace mentally for the first time in my adult life

Those are posers though

what happens after she breaks up with you?
doesnt matter. OP will get his fix

No you won't, you won't find peace in that. You're already too damaged, user. It sounds like you're projecting all of your insecurities and inadequacies on not having a girl friend. You'll just be worrying about loosing her if you do get her - and you'll still have all your old problems. Self-loathing has become habitual for you now.

thinking you need a gf to complete you is the main reason you don't have a gf

You shouldn't lust after someone who is basically a female version of you- you should pursue someone who has their own life and interests who is interested in sharing them with you (and you with them) so you can both expand and grow as people together as you develop a connection with this significant other.

It's not for me, but I speculate you can do this kind of thing with a friends-with-benefit type-thing, as well.

yeah it would feel weird to date a girl who thought she was DiFfeReNT. Dating a girl with actual good music taste would be cool though. My gf has some decent taste but a lot of stuff I don't like that much. But she's great in many other ways. She's super sweet and nice and loving and has great milkers so shes a keeper.

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how tall are you

all of this is correct. I actually met the girl that was super into loveless but I mean... she bunch of character flaws just otherwise , I spent my early 20s trying to make it work with music chicks obviously but theres a whole fucking world out there, peopel have all kinds of interests , I could never date a philistine though.

A girl I know owns that exact hoodie, and a jacket with the exact same logo on the back. She was wearing both of them the other day. It was so hard to look at her with a straight face.

if you swipe to everything you lose matches



oh shit, yeah sorry , just give up

kidding btw, you could have posted any height below 6'0 and I would have said the same because of the meme

>height matters
Dude, I'm a 6'3, 30 year old virgin. If you're ugly and awkward, you're fucked.

lmao dude how do you know a gf is gonna make you happy if you never even had one? if you can't be happy on your own you won't be happy in a relationship either, in fact all you'll do is make your girl feel bad and leave you if you're bummed out all the time. go to the gym and socialize more, it's really that easy

>go to the gym and socialize more, it's really that easy
this is your brain on normie-ism

idk dude, there's no reason not to go to the gym (if you can't afford it, you can't afford a gf either mate) and socializing is as much as talking to a cashier for a minute as you pay. do that 10 times a day and you'll see change within a week

There's a big, gaping void between socialising and getting a gf. I talk to people all the time and have plenty of female friends, but taking that next step is a terrifying prospect.

Honestly you're probably socially awkward and not fun to be around. Or ur standards are way too high and u think u deserve a 7/10 cute girl despite the fact ur a chinless virgin who hasn't hit the gym or gone a day without junk food in years. There's plenty of mediocre girls out there that dudes on here would have a chance with if they didn't give off serial killer vibes and actually talked to them

Posting this confirmes you're a lost cause. A deep fried faggot. A fucking idiot

Jeez that's insane. Does she realize how pathetic she looks? I'm guessing it's unironic and she actually thinks it makes her uNiqUe


>there's a big, gaping void between socialising and getting a gf
exactly, you have to work up to it by filling that void with confidence and experience. if you do talk to people all the time, it's just a matter of confidence so you can up the ante. go to the gym, focus on your goals (woman are genetically attracted to men with aspirations) and don't go looking for a relationship, one will fall into your lap when you least expect it. good luck bro get out there and score some coochie and prove wrong

To add, I'm 5'8-5'9, and I'm probably just one level above ugly, but even I had a gf who was cute as hell (8/10 irl standards, but probably a 7 on here) and we would've still been dating if it didn't turn into a long distance relationship a couple years in

Heh, I'm not actually OP, just another loser who was arguing his side. Thanks though, that's genuinely good advice.

you'll probably never find that cute gf because of your awful personality. i can tell just from this post that you're a fag beyond help.

my shoegaze/post punk gf i met on tinder is getting ready for work as i type this. try harder

People here don't realize how easy it is for girls to sense that they don't do anything or have any goals in life

Girls don't listen to shoegaze lmao. Kinda ironic that the most feminine rock genre is exclusively listened to by sad boys.

dude, just move to japan. It's really that simple

The "just move to Japan" thing is a meme. Japanese women are too shy (and financially independent) to just approach a random white guy, unless he's legit Hollywood handsome. OP should go to a Southeast Asian country like Thailand or Philippines if he wants ez pusy

that is a lie. I'm an at best average looking european and moved to japan a couple month ago. A lot of japanese girls, shy at first, made clear signs to me to approach them - I did and now I'm nearly more in a pussy than out of. They come to talk to me on the street asking in a weird accent "Whel al you flom" and I immediately just hit up with them. Hell, some of them even call me in the middle of the night and I don't even know who they are. I just snowballed into being a casanova that fucks japanese chicks all day.
You can keep saying "this is a meme" but that doesn't get all of those japanese pubic hairs out of my bedroom.

OP is such a faggot. YOU DIDNT EVEN MAKE THIS MUSIC fucking retard you dont get to act like its your thing that one can share with you wtf. anyways here is some serious advice;

1) get in shape, stop eating shit, stop smoking. you can just do pushups and squats and pullups. try and figure out a haircut situation, just something neat and clean ,

2) read some things watch some standup specials or something try to adopt a seemingly carefree persona but also learn to hold a conversation

3) go to actual shows. thats where youll meet mbv girls

or something! but stop wallowing inyourself

Do you have blue eyes or/and blond hair?

thats fucking pathetic

just listen to good music instead

>2) read some things watch some standup specials or something try to adopt a seemingly carefree persona but also learn to hold a conversation
is this how people with autism learn how to interact? not being mean, just curious

Imagine being such a simpleton that what you look for in prospective partners is a similar interest in music.

I can understand people who would appreciate if their significant other were well-versed in the arts or something like that, but wanting your girlfriend to like some stupid pop rock bands? Lol what a complete idiot you must be. Maybe you can find an unintelligent woman like yourself so you can spend time listening to pop songs you didn’t even make.

I find it's always better to be friends with people with good music taste/strong opinions about music, but date people who you get along with better than simply share some interests
Don't want differing opinions on an artist to create schisms in the relationship


with no other basis other fictionalized human interaction, yeah probably

thats the best I could come up with for OP, being funny is major points

>being funny is major points
also having read at least 1 book recently

how ugly are you goddamn

Sauce on this claim? I believe it though because every time I open a new tinder profile I get a couple hundred matches or so within the first week or two (I live near a big city) and then it takes a nosedive with only a few matches every week, it’s strange

If you’re not gonna take unironically good advice then you might as well take mine and just kill yourself OP. Do it Ian Curtis style playing Sometimes on repeat with a documentary playing on your PC

Try harder.
Don't go tryhard, I mean actually get involved in a scene or something and meet new people either online or in person. Work on your social skills and surround yourself with those who have similar interests.
>girls dont like shoegaze
There's 2 girls in the fucking band you posted, stop making excuses. You also talk like it's physically impossible to get a gf and intoduce her to it and see if she likes it.
>its not the same as my perfect art hoe qt 3.14
I know the album is great for making everything seem hopeless and unrequited and lets you wallow a bit in self pity and I kind of enjoy it for that myself but you have to realize thats just a vibe of the album, not a definitive statement about the trajectory of your love life.

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Are you the kind of person who genuinely has the belief that the virgin / chad meme is how real life always works?
Dumbass will probably take responses to this seriously too instead of making the hard decision and actually improving his lot

you don't really need a share of interest with your significant other, if she respects your love for shoegaze and can appreciate its worth you should only love her back for what she cares for. Love is mutual for a reason