Good albums for an acid trip besides this?

Good albums for an acid trip besides this?

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literally whatever u already like

Not might be your thing, but this was something me and my friend would always listen when dropping acid.

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tim hecker - virgins

Any album that you like :)


International makes me cry

das gay tho

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this is the answer to all the lol drugs threads


I prefer anything with a lot of hard panning, psychedelic music usually does this the best for an LSD trip, and I think shrooms are best suited for very minimal music organic music. Listen to Hallucinations by Tim Buckley, shit like this always gives me a chill acid high

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you and me
we finally break free,,,,

love you international makes me cry poster, hope you have a good weekend :)

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people still take psychedelics?
why? haven’t you realized they’re a waste of time?

They’re the only thing worth doing in life

maybe if you’re a retard

Does Aspergers/social anxiety count

why does anyone take anything?

Because they make you think about the way you’re living your life from a different perspective. Very helpful and refreshing if you ever start to feel like you’re in a rut or tired of your daily routines. Plus tripping with friends is fun as hell, by the time everybody comes down my face muscles are always sore from laughing and smiling so much, I’m not even trolling

where do you get them if you have social anxiety?

i always hate reading stuff like this because i know if i ever tried it, it would be a bad trip and/or nothing would change about my life

How would you even know if you’ve never done it? It’s drastically different than any drug I’ve ever done, weed is not even fucking close to it. If you have schizophrenia and extreme anxiety I wouldn’t recommend taking it because it can exacerbate those issues, but if you’re mentally sound you’ll be fine as long as you’re not just a giant fucking downer (as you seem to sound like in your post). The “good vibes” meme is actually true, if you go into it thinking negatively about how it, it’s going to be hell on earth for 8 hours. Try being more positive

This one took me to another planet on acid

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i do have bad anxiety and i don't think i've gone 8 hours without thinking about suicide in years
i always hear people talk about how psychedelics literally cured depression and got their life on track

>take 2 tabs of acid
>spend 10 hours listening to music and watch movies
>appreciate colors
>realize I really don’t care about ppl but don’t want to cause harm
>break up with my gf next day because I realized I liked her because Of sex
>stop talking to lots of my friends
Changed my life

frank zappa - freak out
frank zappa - we’re only in it for the money
tangerine dream - phaedra
kate bush - the dreaming
funkadelic - maggot brain

a few i listened to on my trip a few days ago

>i always hear people talk about how psychedelics literally cured depression and got their life on track
Yea, a lot of studies have tried treating depressed/suicidal people with mushrooms/lsd and many apparently come out of the experience with a much more positive outlook on life. Of course these drugs have barely been studied at all and hippies love their confirmation bias about drug studies, but I think it’s still worth looking into. If you just have bad anxiety, maybe talk about taking a small dose with 1 or 2 very close friends while camping or something (Not around other people you don’t know tho). You’d be surprised what you might get out of it

Unironically anything you already really enjoy.
Aside from that, I'd recommend:
Pink Floyd - DSotM/The Wall
Death Grips - TMS/GP
Anything by Flying Lotus
Aphex Twin
Boards of Canada - Geogaddi
Massive Attack - Mezzanine
Dan Deacon - Gliss Riffer
Travis Scott - Astroworld

i don't really have friends

Sorry man, idk what to tell you then. I don’t really think anyone should do it alone the first time because people react differently to it and it’s nice to have a friend to ground you in reality when you’re both coming up and shit starts to get weird. Also wouldn’t recommend doing it indoors the first time, sometimes people get claustrophobic (which is why I recommended camping)

Don’t take acid then
Start with meditation and changing your daily thought patterns.
Focus on the good less bad
You have your whole life to try acid

I took acid with only my sister around me at 10pm. Stayed inside all night
It’s ymmv desu had a great time
But it’s all about your mindset going in

This always breaks my heart... I mean, I'm fucked up in a multifarious manner, but I always had a couple of friends I trusted. Can I ask howcome?

Definitely agree. Imo, indoors is best, because you know where everything is. But definitely don't get trapped in a room. That isn't very nice.

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i just kind of disappeared after high school
i have some people i talk to but it's hard to call them actual friends mostly because i don't put in the effort to maintain communication

When you can’t do any drugs but psychedelics and are massively suicidal you find ways to push through it

They're fun and sometimes inspiring

You should see if you can build it, so that you have someone to rely on when you need it. Maybe this is obvious, but you can kind of think about what you’d like your friendships to be like, and then start putting that out into your interactions. When you do that you won’t fit with everyone, but you’ll be close with the ones you do. Then it will feel meaningful and be less of a chore to maintain it is my guess

too bad drugs mess up your nervous system and makes it harder to have good experiences/epiphanies while sober.
weed included.

Wtf are you talking about this is completely false you idiot. Psyches dont mess up your nervous system nor make it harder to have good experiences while sober.

Fellow human being, it is time to put an end to this. You must reinvent yourself.



Revolver - Beatles
or watch the yellow submarine movie by them.
Morning Phase - Beck I think would be a good choice as well.

Off the Travis recc I'd also recommend:
Birds in the Trap (personally I prefer this to Rodeo)

Pet Sounds

literally nothing to both

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“We all want expanded consciousness and bliss. It's a natural, human desire. And a lot of people look for it in drugs. But the problem is that the body, the physiology, takes a hard hit on drugs. Drugs injure the nervous system, so they just make it harder to get those experiences on your own.
Besides, far more profound experiences are available naturally. When your consciousness starts expanding, those experiences are there. All those things can be seen. It's just a matter of expanding that ball of consciousness. And the ball of consciousness can expand to be infinite and unbounded. It's totality. You can have totality. So all those experiences are there for you, without the side effects of drugs.”
basically drugs show you a glimpse of what the mind is capable of, but repeated use kills your ability to ever reach those states.
What did the woodstock generation accomplish? nothing.

kind of same, but i didn't have gf

I think you are not letting yourself dream of something grand enough to get you excited. You probably feel like a fucking idiot for even entertaining the thought, but it’s ok. You have to let yourself evolve and try to not let who you’ve been so far determine who you can be in the future.

Of course do as you feel like, just offering some en encouragement if you could use it

some quote is not a proof of anything.
I agree that with the part that it's possible to achieve it without drugs, but there are no proofs they actually make it harder to experience it sober
Great album

yes there are studies that have shown psychedelic use injures the nervous system...

How haven't art hoes found this album yet

This is the GOAT acid album for me

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Tripped and listened to this just a few days ago—fucking incredible

(U.F.O.F. by Big Thief if you don’t already know. Album of the fuckin year by a huge landslide)


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I'm surprised no one has posted little dark age

Oh thanks for reminding me about this. Just got into them last week and hyped when I saw they're releasing new stuff.


2018 version

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;_; fucking kills me

this study found drugs just abuse your brain’s discovery system, making you THINK you’re expanding your conciousness, which through repeated use disables the mechanism and makes your discovery system completely shut down when sober.


ty this is sick!

Pink Floyd and Massive Attack gets too dark for me. I love Dogs, but its just too melancholic.

pic related sounds like heaven on shrooms

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made myself a nice playlist for todays trip, ended up just listening to soap shop rock again and again

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on the other hand, speaking as someone with severe clinical depression, acid is the only thing in the world that's ever helped me. that's got nothing to do with the "discovery" system, though I know what you're referring to. your point is valid, but the drug is a tool, one that can be healthy and helpful if used intentionally and in moderation. (i only trip about once a year, for reference. I wouldn't dare do it any more than that.

this record is absolutely astonishing

That’s not the point of the study, though. It makes plenty of cases for the positive use of hallucinogens. I haven’t read it all but I didn’t even see the point you’re making, though in truth as someone with a lot of experience tripping I wouldn’t be surprised if it’s true to some degree.

Nevertheless: stop being a jackass

for some reason this fucking meme really got me in a a good place.

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This one gets me around town for some reason

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also recommend tame impala - lonerism

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Unironically this, on the run is the best track if you wanna get paranoid

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Amon Tobin - ISAM

Gonna second this as well

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