Post the rym reviewers whose opinion you really trust

post the rym reviewers whose opinion you really trust

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Other urls found in this thread:

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Myself alone

I can't wait until you kill yourself.

He's not as prolific as he once was but overall I trust his opinions on hip-hop quite a bit.

Based. Does anyone have pictures of her?

I genuinely can't week for the 40% to kick in or at least for them to get unjewed before they get older. Don't ever accept racially motivated jewish subversion to help forward their own race and country. Call your representatives today, tell them you want meddling obstructive organizations like AIPAC dissolved. Let's get further to ending the aid to Israel, a tumor that offers nothing to our great country and only takes, like a welfare leech. And eventually, after everything prior occurs, vote to eliminate Israel AND the middle east with nuclear power.

Amazing! People who are discriminated against, a small percentage of society, and whose condition is essentially a mental health disorder have a high suicide rate! Wow user I hope piling on against people who have it rough already helps get you laid one day (:

I would trust trannies is they didn't give 5/5 stars to all things tranny or LGBT or female just because. Also they're generally poptimistic retards

these 3 qts

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Member when trannies had actually good taste? Now that Horbgorbler, what a great guy "she" was

their suicide rate is somewhere on the level of jews during the shoah, if you think their living conditions are the same you are clinically retarded

the suicidality is firmly connected to a host of mental illnesses they suffer from including gender dysphoria, "bullying" has not been shown to be a factor of any significance

I used to follow his twee recommendations

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The comment box is of Kendrick Lamar - To Pimp a Butterfly

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the ones who actually are killed or persecuted are mainly black, hispanic and other non-white and it's by people of their own race/community because they haven't been as thoroughly jewed yet as the wh*tes but I guess that is not allowed to be talked about either


If you rate it I or above you're fucking stupid. For me, it's a 6

she's never given me bad advice

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Me and Frege rate it 5/5
It's so much better than every Radiohead and Beatles and Floyd is not even funny

>every tranny 5 stars black dresses and sophie

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PC music killed old RYM, not even memeing

>posting himself on Yea Forums
lmaoing at your life

>Non-binary trans woman
>tweeter extraordinaire
>drawn toward hip hop
>Opinions are heavily biased
>Heads up that I'm definitely someone where the artist's personal life tends to affect how much I enjoy their music, so don't rec me Burzum lmao
>making an effort to listen to more queer artists and Black women
>writing a review for any project made by a trans woman that I listen to
I cringed so much it physically hurt, holy shit

In 2019, being trans is the most normie whitebread mainstream thing you can be doing lol

>Boo hoo, I can flaunt my submissive sexual desires in public at a time where I could lead twitter lynch mobs against people who are uncomfortable by it
>I'm still oppressed because my axe wound surgery isn't free
Fuck off with that twitter sass, honey.

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>when you realize being trans is a popular trend that will die in 20 years
feels good

28 yo obese white trans lesbian (in theory - I look like a friggin incel) - too touchy for politics/too lazy (depressed) to make good art - full-time musicrater

kys desu

Porn and Jerry Springer is the only place this shit belongs on

18 y/o trans libsoc musician n writer. any pronouns mutuals hmu 4 discord
(if u a bigoted fuckhead “ironicly” or not u ain’t gonna have a fun time)

>don't rec me burzum
not real communism then

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RYM has some real fucking creepers that you bump into without even trying to look for them

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Stalinist here, I hate fags and kikes almost as much as nazis and believe in traditional gender roles and family values and treating niggers equally until they fuck up

So you basically took the worst parts of both ideologies.

how rym trannies see themselves

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Imagine your own flesh and blood being mentally ill enough to cut off his dick and act like a girl. How much of a failure of a father do you have to be?

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what they actually look like

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who are the qts on the left/right


jmarvin_orbiter (watch out she's jewish) and oinopa

what did xir mean by this

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based but bluepilled

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this fat sandnigger was king of the rym forums and well known everywhere on the site from 2008-2016 then within the same year became completely and utterly irrelevant and unknown as the forums fell. funny how that happens

I want to slaughter KingQueenKnave.

t. KingQueenKnave begging for attention

This shit always bugs me. Theres a tranny that works @ my local Denny's whose about 7 feet tall and looks like Andre the giant.

the key thing to understand is that nothing changes even if they looked vaguely feminine

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Yeah, this one and HipHopHead5 would probably be my top two. Ashley Ninelives would probably be up there. servalan. finulanu. Sluggo714. Can't really think of anyone else whose name I remember/can find with minimal effort

Lmfao seething tranny
kill yourself, help the stats

see what I don't get is why no one bothers to put any effort into passing anymore. ten or more years ago when they were scarce they at least attempted to pass as the opposite gender somewhat successfully. this is the same guy posing naked with the ussr flag in that other picture right?

>this is the same guy posing naked with the ussr flag in that other picture right?
no idea


there should be a show like this on Adult Swim.

people who input the order of tracks into their ratings out themselves as autists

You'll only be let down

are these of legal age?



Good post, I'd add demand an investigation into Israel's role in 9/11

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>Reads profile
See and this is why no one likes transpeople

Disgusting neonazi revisionist propaganda pic.
From: descendant of actual communists.
Hang yourself.

I bet you incels hate trannies because you want to be a girl yourself but can never be one so you take out your frustration on trannies. You hate trannies because you can't be one.


>That review
I can't stand descriptions like that for music, it all means nothing. Nothing descriptive about any of that drivel in regards to the actual music itself.
A completely masturbatory paragraph that can only come from the most insufferable of people.

Thia does read like the type of paychological projection I'd expect from a mentally ill "person"
>You're just jealous!
Lol no
40 Percent

This guy's an autistic retard

leftard logic is always amusing

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This nigga fucking munted

Vito_James desu

ITT: pleb stories

My physics professor, who has an affinity for classical, once asked me what types of music I was 'big into'; I answered him with a shyish: 'well, jazz and classical do it for me, add to them a cup of avant-garde liquor and am happy!'. We both laughed, and then he said 'pour some avant-liquor in my classic cup, what's this thing all about?'

I recommended him Radulescu's Clepsydra; Astray (Daniel Kientzy; European Lucero Ensemble/Radulescu).
we never talked about music once again ;(

this site is o b s e s s e d with trannies

Why can't people just not like things?

I’m a /pol/ack but I agree with you even though you’re probably a tranny yourself. The overwhelming volume of posts and needlessly mentioning either discord trannies or redditors leads me to believe that most of these fuckers are projecting.

posts needlessly*

>I’m a /pol/ack
only on

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I'm looking for qt single nazi traps

Turkey_Beard is based. That's about it.

I actually used to do this for the reason you mentioned. But I think most people here are doing it for shits and giggles.

you sound like a faggot

I used to be a tranny but I cured myself of it, never looked back either

Well, I'm glad to hear that you're feeling better at least.

Are you now helping others recover?

please die faggot

I mean, I offer words of support and encouragement in Yea Forums/8ch threads occasionally when one shows up. But no, not professionally or in a large way although I'm aware of some secretive support groups

I am part of such a discord and it's basically /suicidewatch/ 24/7.

faith in humanity=restored

I can imagine. These people need serious help, not some greedy doctor egging them on in their delusions.

Most do, but you don't notice them, only the people who don't even bother making an attempt past putting some shitty non-complimentary lipstick.

Well old RYM was shit too.

I just preferred when impressionable teens misguidedly listened to avant garde compositions and tripped themselves over trying to be the next AW in order to be a unique snowflake instead of just putting on a dress, listening to meme rap and call it a day. I must be getting old.

>just putting on a dress, listening to meme rap and call it a day.
this sounds pretty comfy

I wish I had a dress.

i blame No_ and horb's combined cuckery for this pitiful state of affairs

>You hate trannies because you can't be one.
Most trannies don't seem to be good at being trannies.

No_ is a married conservative family man though

>you don't notice them
no it's extremely rare that a tranny "passes"

>top 40 pop and rap is the best music EVAHHHH fuck the pretentious classical and avant garde fags
>no masculine music ever only twee pop and bubblegum bass UwU also patient zero for trannies in rym
A bit generalized and moreso the fault of their followers but there you go

Further proving his point



>A completely masturbatory paragraph that can only come from the most insufferable of people.
The ultimate review of RYM reviews.

the point seems to be that most trannies are not noticeable because they put in the effort, but that's false because despite the effort they're easy to notice

Of course user, many trans people go on in their lives unnoticed but some random on Yea Forums can see through them
>inb4 b-but people just won't say it or they'll get arrested
lol people aren't afraid to smoke weed but calling out trans people is over the line. Sure thing

I have no reason nor desire to "call out" trannies but that doesn't mean it's not obvious when I see them because it is
>inb4 bb-b-but you probably actually haven't noticed at least one and thought they weren't a tranny

Ah yes, entire cities where these people walk through under the curse of politeness without even one person brave enough to call them out. And you call people delusional lel

I don't know where you live but here people don't just harass random people on the street, sounds like you live in a shithole

Lol no I don't, but huge cities usually are filled with foreigners and similar ilk who have no problems with harassing people. Except for those trannies whom they leave alone though, how kind of them.

what the fuck is this?

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>filled with foreigners
>not a shithole

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Wish I had a 16 year old transsexual girlfriend who looked this beautiful
t. 29 and 3D

Nice reading comprehension

I'm not talking about harassment I'm talking about common human decency which only fucking weirdoes think is harassment

funny how every rym thread devolves into insulting and arguing about trannies

you were talking about calling people out for being trannies (which you assumed I would do, no idea why)
I pointed to that as being harassment, as any sort bothering of random people would be anyway

>smoke weed
>only risk losing your job if you live in a place where it's illegal and your job drug tests

>point at someone and call them out as a transsexual
>become youtube infamous
>lose job
>get blacklisted from applying for anything
>receive death threats from angry redditors for years

and for what it's worth people do weird shit in the city all the time and people just roll their eyes at it. have you ever been on public transportation? drunks, psychos, and bums ride the bus near me all the time and people just look down at their phones. when me and my friends see something weird, at most we'll look at each other with suppressed laughter. just because you walked through town a couple times and no one walked up to you and said "hey everyone, this person is trans!" doesn't mean you successfully passed. if anything, maybe people take pity on you because you need serious help.

Don't forget the part where you're executed by firing squad in public for calling out trans people

are you revealing your secret power trip fantasies or something

No I'm just completing your list of why people don't dare to call out trannies, a friend of a friend once did that and we never heard from him again.

>your list
wasn't my post

Based pedo

Sooooooo... are white people more prone to be autistic? Literally every autist trans non-binary monstruosity you see on RYM and social media is white. I'm so glad of being kangz n shieet.

the "education" system is set up to teach whites to hate themselves in every way, it's not really a surprise that the most unstable flip out in some way after several years of this

White people are more likely to coddle and shelter their autistic kids ime.

This is really the center of the problem.

>education causes autism


their suicide rate is actually significantly higher than jewish shoah suicide rates when you look at the numbers

Hahaha, do zoomer trannies really think they're welcome here because they hide in their chart threads and happen to see a communist post here and there?

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I don't think he meant actual autism

something I've noticed when others or myself pose this conundrum is that it elicits a very small number of responses

1. Denial and doubling down. The other side will double down on their beliefs, say that modern trans people have it worse than jews exterminated during the holocaust, and deny that this argument is ridiculous. They will shut down the conversation soon, if not immediately following their doubling down. This is the rarest response.

2. They will concede that maybe a fair amount of trans people do have an actual mental illness that might be treated by methods other than transitioning. I like this response, because transitioning is often exclusive to socioeconomically empowered individuals in the first place and it opens the possibility for treatments which aren't stuck behind an often insurmountable paywall. This is the second most common response.

3. The most disturbing response. They will follow response two to the letter, agreeing and conceding where necessary, and then the next day they will have forgotten the conversation took place. They will have reset their opinions in the hours you were away from them, and balk at you when you wonder in amazement what the fuck happened to the conversation you just had. They will then attempt to gaslight you into thinking that it never happened, or it didn't happen like you remember, or that they successfully argued the point at the time (they will never explain how). This is the most common response, and I've seen people lose lifelong friends because of it.

Transgenderism may very well be a mental illness, but transgender apologism has to be one in and of itself. There's no other explanation in my mind for this madness.

the most disgusting thing about all this is that things like hormone treatments are now being pushed on younger and younger kids, there are even some cases where parents haven't been able to prevent this being done by force to their kids

I'm a descendant of victims of communists, your ancestors were real pricks I tell ya.

Just don't hang out with the crazy ones

no not quite, the guy in is egyptian arab and one of the first/biggest rym trannies. i think is very close to the truth, wealthy people (like t_j's) family will coddle their sick children when they need some no nonsense tough love instead, and since majority of rich americans are white you see this happen. surprised there isn't more indian ones desu, different cultural expectation maybe?

this guy is a total faggot and needs to kill himself

Is Synagogue still a mod?

He left completely in 2013.

hi sal

He fucking sucked. I hope he killed himself.

I don't dislike trannies like most of you seem to. I just want to bully the cute ones with my big cock.

>hates kikes
So what do you think of 200 Years Together and all it entails? And treating niggers like equals when you know they aren't is a mistake if it means supporting interracial couples and communities.

the only way ugly trannies can get orbiters