Space is bullshit. There is nothing for us out there.
FTL is impossible. We will never travel the stars. Don't say sleeper ships or generation ships. Suspended animation is a pipedream. Decades of research have yielded little result in this field. Generation ships would have to be huge to support a viable genepool and a biosphere for providing oxygen and food
Such ships would have to be constructed in space, du to their size (it costs $10k to ship one lb from the earth to the moon). So, mining millions of asteroids, and building a space ship the size of a large city, all in space. Sounds easy, right?
Wrong. It takes 4 hours and costs $10k to change an external lightbulb on the ISS, and you almost die doing it. Large scale construction in space is idiotic.
Terraforming is a pipedream. It's bullshit through and through. A concept dreamt up by scifi authors using technobabble
Asteroid mining is bullshit. Billions of dollars and decades of research have yielded less than a gram of spacerock. Give it up, you are embarrassing your self
Mars is a shithole. Dead rock, no magnetosphere, no future. Might as well live on the moon.
Space elevators are stupid. So, so stupid. They'd havet to go a quarter of the way to the moon to be viable. An elevator 100.000 km tall. Don't make me laugh.
Fuck space, and fuck you. You are an idiot. A child. It's time to grow up