Space is bullshit. There is nothing for us out there

Space is bullshit. There is nothing for us out there.

FTL is impossible. We will never travel the stars. Don't say sleeper ships or generation ships. Suspended animation is a pipedream. Decades of research have yielded little result in this field. Generation ships would have to be huge to support a viable genepool and a biosphere for providing oxygen and food

Such ships would have to be constructed in space, du to their size (it costs $10k to ship one lb from the earth to the moon). So, mining millions of asteroids, and building a space ship the size of a large city, all in space. Sounds easy, right?

Wrong. It takes 4 hours and costs $10k to change an external lightbulb on the ISS, and you almost die doing it. Large scale construction in space is idiotic.

Terraforming is a pipedream. It's bullshit through and through. A concept dreamt up by scifi authors using technobabble

Asteroid mining is bullshit. Billions of dollars and decades of research have yielded less than a gram of spacerock. Give it up, you are embarrassing your self

Mars is a shithole. Dead rock, no magnetosphere, no future. Might as well live on the moon.

Space elevators are stupid. So, so stupid. They'd havet to go a quarter of the way to the moon to be viable. An elevator 100.000 km tall. Don't make me laugh.

Fuck space, and fuck you. You are an idiot. A child. It's time to grow up

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Other urls found in this thread:

>Humans will never do anything in space
>Humans wont do anything because doing stuff right now is difficult
>There is absolutely no way for humanity to make stuff easier in the future through technological and scientific advancement

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There is sxientific progress, and then there is breaking the rules of physics. Without FTL, interstellar travel will take tens (if not hundreds) of thousands of years. You might as well start beleving in magic

Okay well since you have a 100% full understanding of the laws of physics beyond all of modern science why dont YOU tell me what we are going to develop and find out in the next hundreds of years?

"Just because we can't do it now, doesn't mean we wont in the future" is just pointless speculation. It's fun, and works ok for scifi stuff, but you may as well say "Odin might give us a ride on one of his magic ravens!" Maybe Gandalf can cast a spell so we get to meet an alien!

>Mars is a shithole. Dead rock, no magnetosphere, no future. Might as well live on the moon.
agree. I think the attraction billionaires have to it is that the moon could come under control form the earth too easily once their abuse of employees who rely on them for the air they breathe come to light. If we cannot colonise and thrive on Antarctica or the sea bottom then we sur as shit cannot colonise space yet.

>Terraforming is a pipedream. It's bullshit through and through. A concept dreamt up by scifi authors using technobabble
It could be done but over thousands of years

10,000 years ago floating on a log all the way to the North America was not viable.

We’re still waiting you stinky nigger.

I know billionairs are idiots, but I doubt even they belive it's feasible to colonize Mars. IMO they're just doing it for PR and government funding.

They just made a bigger, better log. They didn't bend space-time so they could just walk there, or do any other crazy science mambo jumbo.

Well I can tell you what problems we WONT solve, and one of them is that FTL is impossible.

You're retarded OP. All we need is faster than light travel. It's not even outside the laws of physics, I believe faster than light has already been proven too exist?

Bullshit. It's not impossible lol.

Yeah, it took humanity hundreds of years of burning every singel speck of oil and coal we could find, to raise the temperature on earth by a couple of degrees. And we even had the advantage of starting of with a breathable atmosphere

> you in 1700
> its not possible to fly as a human

yeah thats your brain, not working

> also black holes literally bend time and space
> it WILL 100% be possible in future to travel WAY faster then light, or lets say, just jump to the location of your desire.

>All we need is faster than light travel
lol. lmfao

>estimated 100 billion stars in the universe
>considerable number of them may have their own solar system, with every other planet teeming with life
>"There is nothing for us out there"
Go away.

> read a book nigger

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Like the guy before you responded said. 1800's "All we need is a source of energy other than manpower"... Humanity progresses it's sorta a cornerstone of our existence. How many discoveries have changed the world forever? Uncountable, but you draw the line at what moving really fast?

Shut the FUCK up you NIGGER. You reek of SHIT and all you ever DO is SUCK a bunch of COCKS cause you’re a stinky GAY NIGGER. Stop taking it up the ASS and straighten UP you fucking smelly NIGGER.
>pic related

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There where birds in the 18th century. You could observera heavier-than-air objects maintaining flight. Now show me one city-sized object that travels faster than light, and your argument might hold some weight.

Absolut black holes havet the mass of, what, a thousand suns? So your one simple trick is to amass enough matter to colapse into a black hole, and the what? Slingshot around it or something?

Here's why your entire thought process is stupid, really quickly

> Decades of research have yielded little result in this field

Decades ago, there was no internet, no smartphones, no social media, and now they are ubiquitous. Decades before that, most people didn't own a car, or a TV. Decades before that "Electric lights in the streets" were relatively new.

Point being that a couple of decades of half-arsed research (because nobody actually cares about suspended animation) are meaningless - If people started researching how to make the internet in 1099 they would have failed for centuries, but clearly it's entirely possible and entirely world changing

A few decades can lead to massive change, and because of that, a few decades of failure is also meaningless. You have a narrow, small, smooth brain with no imagination and your entire thought process is "If we can't have it immediately, we should give up immediately too"

Sure there are aliens, but how do you propose we get to them? What with FTL being impossible, and generation ships would have to travel hundreds of thousands of years just to get to one of our closet neighbouring stars?

Lightspeed is literally the upper limit of how fast anything can move. Like how it can't get colder than absolute zero, because that is the complete lack of movement. Or how objects can only become so massive before collapsing into a singularity.

You fucking dumb idiot. You goddamn naive, childish moron. Go cry-wank into an Iain Banks book

Wrong it's the limit of OBSERVABLE movement. EG: What we have observed with the technology available. That doesn't preclude FTL from being possible, it simply means from our tiny rock in space it is the fastest movement we have observed.

There are proposed methods of loop-holing around the speed of light, such as manipulating space (bending/stretching/compressing) in order to travel faster than the speed of light without actually breaking the speed of light.

So lets say we achieve suspended animation for humans. Now what? Put them on a ship and send them into the cold empty nothingness for hundreds of thousands of years, hoping they somehow land safley on a lush planet with breathable air and no hostile locals?

Arguably the most realistic choice for space colonization, and it is still all vet guaranteed to fall

No, E=mc*2
Using algebra that equation rearranged determines that to move mass at the speed of light would require infinite energy

No it IS the theoretical upper limit for velocity. One of the absolutes of the physical world we happen to exist in

Yes I know of that, and no, they are not feasible. Just listen to your self. "Bending space". The only ting that we've observed that is capable of bending space is a black hole, something with the mass of a thousand suns or whatever. And even with all that power and mass and energy, there doesn't seem to be any FTL applications, only a certain death through spagetthification.

You dont know that it isnt feasible, retard. Nobody does. You dont know what humanity will be capable of in a thousand years or more. Stop pretending like you do

If we're talking of thousands of years, and harnessing black holes, again we might as well just ask Gandalf to help us out. This is pointless speculation and day dreaming.

Based on currently observable facts I guess. I don't know why you choose too believe what is currently observed and believed to be possible is ever correct when people have always been wrong. Or they sailed off the edge of the world, creating energy and powering our own light from that energy, burned up going too the moon. You really think even the great scientists of the day believes all these things too be possible? Then you are willingly ignorant, humanity is full of these moments, when 99% of people would have said "It's impossible". Then someone does it... So I have no authority too say something like this is impossible.

We are not a young species. A lost species, yes, but we are not young. Aeons ago, humanity first tread among the stars, a vast empire of richly resourced colonies.
Humans were feared for in our ferocity, for our technological innovations, for our ability to adapt, survive, and thrive in a multitude of planetary environments if they were at all remotely liveable.
We were the bane of our space faring races. Our armada had weaponry capable of wreaking massive destruction and obliterating fleets of vessels.
It took the combined might of a collective of other races to throw us back to Earth, not even our home planet, but one of our last bastions of survival.
There are indeed other humans scattered among the stars, and we are left to rot on this accursed rock, the other races content to leave us be for now as we have dared tread among the stars for quite some time. But we will. We will again voyage into the void and reassert ourselves as the dominant interstellar race once again. Once we throw off the shackles of their genetic programming forced.upon us through their viruses and begin using our brains to the fullest capacity once again, humanity will rebuild it's mighty armada and set out to conquer other world's once again. Mark these words and take heed. Steel yourselves for the eventual return and prepare for the eventual call to arms. We WILL take back what is ours by birthright, and this time, that collective of other races, long since disbanded, will not be there to stop us.
You might call me crazy, a schizo, tell me to take my meds. But I know. The UFO conspiratoids aren'y bullshitting. Other races monitor us constantly. The atomic bombs detonated in 1945 worried them. Never before had we used that weapon upon out own kind. They are fearful now, as we care little for our own, and when we encounter them once more, we will have little regard for them, either. Their ancestors and ours waged war before, and soon we shall rise against them.

By your logic...

"A microwave oven in every house? The current ones weigh 750 lbs and use up enough electricity to power an entire row of houses! They'll never be anything more than for restaurants!"

"A VCR in every home? Are you nuts?!! They cost over $2 grand. The selection of tapes are poor and studios are never going to release movies on tapes anywhere close to when they release them for theaters. And the picture quality...!"

"30 MPG in an average car? Average?!! You'd have to rip out all of the seats, strip the car entirely bare and put the puniest car engine... A lawn-mower engine... in there instead! There are mopeds that don't get 30 MPG, nevermind a standard, average car! It'll never happen!"

Sorry, got bored. Stopped here. You see the trend though.

This is either horseshit or you're not telling us everything. Why would they bother letting us live?
Obliterating us would be easier, and if they wanted to take a pacifistic route, they could have integrated us into their various societies if the concept of societies applies.

Leaving an entire race of entities that will obliterate you to their own devices on a rock is just about the worst possible idea.

No, there is a break in consistency for the trend.

No one smart thought that technology wouldn't continue to improve, and that's because anyone with an IQ over 110 can see that it improves due to us using the laws of physics to our advantage.

Building a more efficient engine, making a microwave emitter more compact, Moore's law, you get the idea.

For the first time, we start to see breaks in the trend, because the ideas we come up with, if they are to work, requires us to not use physics in a way that we currently understand it.

A small roadblock in terms of computing for example can be quantum computing since we are going to reach the limit to how small transistors can be, that one isn't too big of an issue, but it still breaches classical physics. Thankfully, we know enough about quantum mechanics to take advantage of it to a degree.

But for travel? or transporting massive amounts of cargo? across solar systems? That kind of technology requires that we find a new exploit to the laws of physics. Properties that we may need include and are not limited to Negative mass, such as exotic matter, tachyons, a way to manipulate quantum tunnelling, etc.

Fundamentally speaking there is no way for us, and us specifically to break the laws of physics. There are only laws and properties that we don't yet know about.

You better hope to god that it's not possible for someone else to change physics, or for a natural phenomenon, such as a false vacuum, to change the laws of physics, because if the laws of physics could change, it could kill all of us due to the fact that our bodies relies on current physics for us to live.

You don’t know shit

Yes they did.

I literally just played a game called FTL retard it's possible

Sea be mammoth dung. Nothing there.

Sea crossing crazy. Tribe never go other land. No tell big raft or log boat. Many tribe go, can't drink sea, die.

Big boat can build on land, keep dry, move to water?

Wrong. Take many moon, many strong man not hunting, tribe go hungry.

Cultivating other land be vision quest. Be mammoth dung through and through. Trick, dreamt up by gatherer man and herb woman.

Fishing far in sea - mammoth dung. Many moon, many boat, no come back, big monster swim there. Give it up, bring shame to tribe.

Fuck sea, fuck you. Are tribe fool. Youngling. Go hunt.

Both of you shut your ass up. I don't give a shit about what you are. It doesn't matter if you're white, black, Mexican, Japanese, Chinese, or whatever the fuck, you're still shit-stains no matter what the fuck you are. Go cry when you go transrace to try to cope. Seriously, pick any, because you'll never be anything other than a basement coomer and a Reddit cucked wagie.

The problem is simple to explain, but difficult to solve.

First off, for FTL to be feasible, you would have to discover a new property of physics that we currently do not have. Examples include negative mass, tachyons, manipulating spatial dimensions, etc.

After you do that, you need a way to take advantage of the property. An example would be that we already have a property called quantum tunneling that absolutely works, but to take advantage of that property for a large space vessel, you would basically need to figure out how to manipulate probability, which again relies on a property that may or may not exist.

If you are not able to figure out a way to add to the current understanding of physics, FTL is not possible, but from what I can see, there's a shitload we don't know about physics right now, and we might see something in the future.

This little shit game we're doing isn't like what we did in the past where we just made things smaller without adding or changing anything to physics. We need to exploit a property of physics that was never discovered before for this shit to work. Stop saying that you know for sure that it's not possible or that you know it's possible, you don't know jack shit.

There is more raw clean energy in the form of Helium-3 on the moon than you can possibly comprehend. At some point in the future we'll master the sort of fusion power needed to utilize it and at that point the race to extract the moon's energy in the most efficient way possible will begin. That spacefaring progress will then be put to use exploring the rest of the solar system for other resources. Sure, it's not going to have much effect on interstellar travel, but regarding that, either an unthinkable breakthrough will be made or we will simply begin slowly expanding our territory in every direction. There might not be stars in interstellar space (definitionally) but there will certainly be useable resources to collect. Colonizing outer space won't be easy, but it'll be necessary if humanity wants to continue existing. Spreading beyond this one rock, for instance, will definitely increase out extinction resistance.

>waaaaaah waaaaaah waaaaaah it's all too hard for me to conceive

while i am fascinated with space and have been for 10-15 years, this post is correct, would be stupid expensive, dangerous, and if it says anything it would take 4.7 years travelling at the speed of light to get to the nearest exoplanet remotely similar to our own planet, imagine how fucking long it would take if you even just went 8/10th the speed of light, inevitably our planet has been fucked by our own doing and wont get any better because most of the human race is fucking stupid, unless we manage to break physics anything outside the solar system is fucking impossible to get to

What is outside of "space"?

Ok. But youre ou good for jerking off into a sock and working till you die. Nice blog though.vn8py




or, send a ship with everything needed to create humans on another planet.
AI who educates and raises them.

then time and distances do not matter so much

ELON will Hyperloop™ us all to Alpha Centauri and we can all suck his space dick on the way.

>Space is bullshit. There is nothing for us out there.

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You don't have to be faster than light to slow the effect of age in living cells. You only need to reach near speed of light.

> The only ting that we've observed that is capable of bending space is a black hole

No, literally every mass in the universe is bending space, including you and me. But just in very tiny amounts compared to a black hole.
I mean, that's literally what gravity is. Bent/curved space.

Of course that doesn't mean that FTL is suddenly possible, as even the propagation of the bending of space is limited to the speed of light. So even if we found some technology to bend space in such a way to loophole our way around light speed, we'd still need to set up those bends in advance using sub-light speed, kind of defeating the purpose.

Thats not correct at all
You have completely misunderstood time dilation

I got your time dilation right here, buddy.
Also checked.

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>and then there is breaking the rules of physics we understand them. There is a lot of shit we know can be done that we just haven't figured out yet. Imagine how much more there is to which we're oblivious.