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Why do you keep posting this ? What's the point ?


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JUST'd discography

based and ezrapilled

Why not?


cringe and poptrashpilled

shut up

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Is it even possible (on a theoretical scale) to discuss vampire weekend at all on Yea Forums?




what do you want to discuss

What does Jerusalem New York Berlin mean

It’s where he vacations to free his mind from the soul sucking relationship he is in

Off limits for legitimate discussion on Yea Forums:
>Neutral Milk Hotel
>Led Zeppelin, and most classic dadrock
>Most punk groups, esp earlier ones
>Tame Impala
>Kendrick Lam(e)ar
>Arcade Fire
>Whoever got a BNM from p4k within the last year, or a 9-10 from Fantano at any point
>Radiohead is on its way to being one if it's not already -- OKC is definitely undiscussible
>Selected Ambient Works 85-92
I'm sure I'm blanking on a lot of others (feel free to add ones I've missed), but idk if I'd include VW in the list -- there will always be "popular so bad" people but I think if you made a thread to discuss their music, not just the new one, you'd get plenty of proper responses.

Dogshit zoomer-tier indie cringe, pathetic, these guys have no imagination and nothing to offer the music world, boring stale tedious monotony, dumbest fucking hype I've ever had the displeasure to witness, this board is truly going down the drain if it thinks this album—and indeed Vampire Weekend—is any good, it isn't and they aren't. Jesus, of all the covert art depicting a globe that's been released recently, I'd say the Lil Dicky Earth song beats this load of underage garbage, and least Lil Dick's Earth song is obviously a joke and has generated some good memes and a few laughs, not to mention the proceeds from the sale of the single are being donated to environmental charities that aim to reduce global warming, I mean the actual song is shit ofc but it's for a good cause and it was funny in a tragic cringe-worthy way, and don't get me wrong Vampire Weekend are nothing if not cringe-worthy, but it's a different (worse) kind of cringe because Vampire Weekend aren't self-aware like Lil Dicky is, Vampire Weekend are just a bunch of rich kids with nice haircuts and jumpers who made one good song (Joanna drove slowly into the city or whatever) and then deserved to fade away, but instead they've returned after a long hiatus, to torture us with their insipid indie pop rock detritus, I mean all that Harmony Hall hype? 2 hours on loop? Give me a fucking break, but oh no, it had to tease THIS new album, 'Father of the Bride'—wow, what a stupid name, sounds like the name of a teenage emo band, which make sense since the music is incredibly uninspired and tasteless, literally no substance to any of the lyrics, no lyrical hooks or anything exciting or tantalising, this album doesn't stay with you, it leaves you the same way undigested food leaves your body, i.e. as faeces, shit—because that's what this album is, it's shit.

You forgot
>literally any music

I like teenage emo bands!