/gg/ - /gg/uitarfa/gg/ & bassfa/gg/ /gg/eneral

clairo frens: part IIIIIIIIIIIII pretty on friday (the right one this time) edition

>How do I start learning guitar/bass?
>Guitar chords and inversions
>String tension calculator (D'Addario):
>Music theory:
>Guitar Maintenance and other information:
>Why is my guitar buzzing?
>Large repository of tabs, books and other resources related to playing and theory:

old thread:

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Other urls found in this thread:


first for usb3.0

fuck usb2.0 boomers

and also fuck wh*te pipo

Omg based!

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who is this thot

>tfw you see yourself in the mirror with a genuine Gibson™ Les Paul Standard for the first time

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The madman just can't stop btfoing that stupid fucking usb3.0 zoomer fuck. Cracking me up this morn xD



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*opens onions bottle with onions branded bottle cap removal tool*
I mean, like, so you don't have you ess bee three point oh? I mean, it's 2019. I can't wait for you fucking boomers to die off so we can have a globalist world government that will outlaw USB2.0 and throw those bootlickers in the gulag.

Cringe. You still haven't shown me a focurite 2x2 with midi. Have fun being poor and a neet.

>American Sam thinks his $120 plastic interface is good
Show me on the box where it says Made in China please

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fuck claire would so much cuter without that fugly nose ring. even still i would nut in her left nostril (the one without the piggy ring thingy)
>pick semi related

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I'll tell you whats so sad about this: I had a better interface than that when I was 17. This guy is 30 and this is the best he could do. I bought my first real $2000 Gibson when I was 19 like it was nothing. He struggled for over a year to put away $500 for a chinkshit Dean. I still have phone recordings I did when I was 14 that completely smoke everything he's ever uploaded here. If all that wasn't bad enough he also works as a lowly day laborer. I mean, I once did manual labor too... when I was a 12yo mowing grass. Imagine graduating high school and still showing up everyday to pick up trash at a construction site for near minimum wage and the thought of doing better for yourself never crossing your mind for 12 years. But that's our Jcum.

He can't play.
He's poor.
But most importantly, he's profoundly stupid.

That's the thing though: he's not just a pathetic loser, he's like some mind boggling super loser on meth with brain damage. But that's the fun part, punching down on such a wretched creature makes me feel like a big man and it's justified because he deserves it for totally failing at basic American life.

lmao but this isn't his wake up call either. Could you imagine?

>getting btfo so hard you write a blogpost nobody will read to cope

kek next he will come in and say your his biggest fan to evade the fact that everything your saying about him is the truth

Lmao saving that

And he already replied twice. Seems like it struck a nerve.


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get out

>imagine thinking about someone so much you dedicate time to write fan fic about them
Lmfao it's not like I got to you or anything right? Keep going though I'll be lurking

yeah well when a mile compares itself to an inch it will always come out on top. it makes you sound like a real asshole though

I have a focusrite. It was cheap, has a shoddy headphone jack, and is designed in the uk (lol) and manufactured in china. Your bargain bin elitism is a bit misplaced here. Also it only has one out aside from the spdif, despite having 8 inputs

>not having that feeling the first time you ever saw yourself in the mirror with any electric guitar at all
did u learn on a gibson or something? I'm pretty sure most normal fags had that moment with literally the first electric guitar they ever owned. I bet you danced like a faggot in front of it lmao

>tfw you hear that genuine Gibson™ Les Paul Standard tone coming from your amp for the first time

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Fuck niggers, spics and kikes.

stay based

and fuck jannys and mods as well

What's up /gg/? Me? I'm fucking my asshole with a USB-C connector.

imagine being this upset about a beaner. you must be american

what else do you want him to say about you jcum? his post pretty much sums you up here

I like hispanic laborers. They do a great job, take few breaks, and have low rates.


>I leave for a couple hours and people are still making fun of jcum

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lol that’s a nice story jcum

The lowest hanging fruit is the most fun to whack here for some reason.

Lmfao that's not even me
>rent free
Tell me more about your personal boogie-man

hold on i thought your ass got hurt so bad you were just going to lurk? did you tell a lie?

Interesting. Please elaborate.

oh no you DID tell a lie *tisk*tisk* tisk*

based as heck sis

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I'll give jcum some time off
Come bag on me for buying literally the cheapest plastic piece of shit interface I could find, a Behringer. It was $35.

I'm afraid you're going to make jcum an hero. But I can take it.

Too late, he's already an hero.

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Every time I'm frustrated with my shit playing I listen to a jcum voc and it reminds me what no talent actually sounds like.
Thanks for inspiring me to practice today, user.

is this really him playing

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I've seen him post it with pride and try to talk shit to everyone who criticizes it.
It astounds me every time.

i thought you guys were just being a bunch of assholes guess i was wrong if that is really him. why in the world would any body that bad put a trip on and have a name here? for what purpose?

He's delusional as fuck. He thinks he's good. He also thinks he is soley responsible for /gg/ staying up, and also plays a $250 Dean and tries to talk shit to everyone with real guitars.

He's just a really delusional guy, but then he tries to turn around and act like he's superior to everyone else. That's the part that nobody can stand, and is why we make fun of him. We're trying to get him to leave. But all he does is change trips to evade filters and starts the whole thing all over again.

He's even going to respond to this post with
>rent free
He sees it as an accomplishment that anyone is talking about him at all.

the other day there was someone saying he was mentally challenged. i thought it was just overly aggressive shitposting but after hearing that vocaroo and seeing the way he always responds to people i'm not too sure it isn't true to some extent now. i'm not going to feel bad for him anymore after this

jcum working /gg/ into a shoot

How do you get separation between notes when playing fast? I can make tones that sound good when I'm playing slow, but when I speed up it just gets muddled.


precision. you do practice with a metronome and work your way up to your desired speed, right user?
also, practice with no gain

git rid of your shitbox amp and/or noise gate

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It's not the worse thing I've ever heard. The backing track is more offensive than the actual playing honestly.

I am practicing (usually without an amp, but turns out you don't hear all the mistakes you're making then and recording becomes a nightmare haha).

I'm using Amplitube and its noise gate. What do the depth and release knobs on the noise gate mean? I never found out

>he can't even afford a guitar made by the best guitar manufacturer, Gibson
>I bet his penis is as tiny as his bank account

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>he doesn't own a gibson explorer in antique natural
imagine being this hypothetical person

redpill me on
>rent free
does it mean that the subject can't stop thinking about the object ?

yes. it's short for "living in your head rent-free"
It's how delusional people justify the fact that everybody says bad things about them.

I’ve started many hobbies and got some good help and advice on Yea Forums that’s really helped.

>Go to Yea Forums to ask about guitar music
>Decide one year later to take up guitar
>Ask in guitar general about starter guitars
>Be told to eat shit

Maybe the links on the general will be helpful

>Read thread in hope of learning something

You’re all worse than niggers

that's pathetically egotistical, although it's also fun to imagine that all brainlet posters and hack noodlers are jcum

What do you want to know?

Fender MIM J-Bass or Yamaha BB434?

I'm really sorry user. This might be the most toxic hobby general on Yea Forums. I don't want you to eat shit but this is a bad place to look for help.

Whats your budget for a starter and what genre do you want to play?

this is one of the worst generals i've ever seen on any board

Get a job

>We're trying to get him to leave.
This isn't my goal at all. My goal is simply to destroy /gg/, I made a promise ;^)

See, what no one seems to comprehend is that the more he's here (and the more he posts) the objectively worse the general is. I cultivated him into what he is over a period of time with what amounts to reverse psychology and simple emotional manipulation. I tried to mold Samuel the same way but he wasn't quite desperate and stupid enough to utilize for my purpose (hence him earning my begrudging respect for not falling for my game in the end). I needed a loser who I could maneuver into always being here and actively running off anybody who actually wanted to progress or have legitimate discussions about guitar. This in essence doubled my efforts with half the work.

>he can't play
>he has no knowledge of value
>he exclusively shitposts (lol even when he thinks he's not)
And last but not least:
>he's always here

Basically I turned him into a doppelganger of one of the characters I've been playing here for the last few years, my wetback proxy if you will. At one point I even took his trip away so people couldn't filter him to make him even more determined to put the work in.

And it's working out great so far, take a look around. All that's left of /gg/ is a few high school meal babbys, some third world shitskins, and incessant/unending shitposting. Everybody of value is long gone. I turned this place into a black hole, if you came here actually wanting to play guitar you'd haul ass after just a few minutes in /gg/ because absolutely nothing constructive is happening.

I am become autism, destroyer of worlds. I'm playing the most fun game of all.

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tone woods don't really matter for electrics, especially if you're looking at mid-tier instruments like MIM
I don't know how the bb434 neck compares, but I like the Jazz Bass neck and how the weight sits

But play both, in a variety of settings (different amps, different effects, tone nob settings, etc) since that's the only way to really know.

I have one but it’s not an excuse to spend excessively in every endeavour
I have other copes like cars

>i need you to handhold me though something that 12 year olds do every single day without issue and have done for decades, even before the internet existed

bass players and, by extension, bass gear do not matter. Shitbox Squier is all you need.

Based Paulposter

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>takes credit for jcum
Imagine being this bored, lonely and pathetic.

But why the anime girl?

You don't think you're a girl right dude?

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Jcum's my masterpiece, my troll magnum opus.

And no matter what no one will ever be able to take that away from me.

I won.

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it's just two guys

imagine if "jcum" were added to an autoban filter on Yea Forums

all that would remain shitposting wise is

>he's too poor for a gibson animegirl.jpg
>no i am not they just suck dick bankaccount.png
>fender guitars suck buy an ibanez
>no ibanez aren't real guitars
>boomer plank
>metal axe
>baseball bat neck
>scrap board from home depot
>poser instrument
>tryhard instrument
>hey guys...gibson

GodDAMN Eclipses are pretty

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>he doesn't play a Kemper Profiling Amp loaded with over 9000 professionally recorded rigs through a yamaha dxr

thread summary:

The focusrite scarlet is the interface all the youtube dudes shill, and it costs more than equivalents with more features, therefore it is good
Someone didn't buy one
Don't want to = can't, they must be poor
Applefag tier shitflinging ensues
It goes on so long mental illness is suspected

Read up on this for a primer on why we have weekly mass shootings, conspiracy theories as mainstream political beliefs, and people like jcum and gibsonfag in /gg/


>tfw playing two good shows this weekend so I don't have to feel like a loser when 'that one user' shitposts "WHY AREN'T YOU PLAYING A SHOW THIS WEEKEND"

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>not suspecting mental illness with this jcum bullshit from the start

this isn't even that bad, just average. but it's obsessed over every thread by the same guy.

/gg/ is being trashed by an autist/schizo vs narcissist duo. the autist/schizo is a bona-fide retard obsessed with the narcissist and the narcissist keeps rewarding him for it. fucking image
>hee hee hee! jcum responded to me! now i can call him a fag again! hee hee hee!

>band practice on sunday
>need to go through the list and transpose one or two tracks
>keep procrastinating intead

Why the fuck is olaying in a band such a fucking chore

Yeah but where's your Gibson

Not even the faggot that constantly posts about gibson has a gibson.

Attached: this kills the man.jpg (600x640, 30K)

>You (you)
>You're my mask
>You're my cover, my SHEL-TAH
>You (you)
>You're my mask
>You're the one who's BLAAAMED
>Do (do)
>Do my work
>Do my dirty work, SCAPE-GOAT
>Do (do)
>Do my deeds
>For you're the one who's SHAMED

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because you're not doing it for fun when you have to stress about a show but you have social anxiety

What did user mean by this post?

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But I am!

absolutely malevolent

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This is Dark Autism

Only a Gibson is good enough.

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This is one of the worst generals on Yea Forums mate ask somewhere else

Post yours

>near constant shitposting dies from these two simple words

/nogg/ - Nobody Owns Guitars General

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ok but you won't like it

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That's a schecter or ESP or something, not a gibson.

Lmfao take your meds.

i said you wouldn't like it

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how tf do girls all find the perfect angle to make themselves cuter than they really are its so difficult omg

wow been a while with the stain spammer

>this guy still hasn't posted his gibson


i die a little inside every time i look at it ;__;

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Again, I've posted it multiple times, but I'm not going to take a new picture every time someone asks. I'm the Mugifag with the Gibson.

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This is Varg. Varg invented a musical genre and become an underground icon with $400 shitplank guitars and used peavey amps.

Varg never touched a gibson in his life.

Attached: varg_vikernes_guitar_world.jpg (500x666, 72K)

his most popular and influential album doesn't even use an amp

clean your guitar

I do every time I change strings, but I typically go a long time between changes.

t. only has a headstock

Take a picture of the entire guitar for 2019 with timestamp or gibsons are dogshit guitars for larping as boomer rock stars

$400 includes the coffin case though

can anyone here say they own a coffin case? no coffin case = no talent.

Don't act like this isn't just from your "anons' gear" folder, R~

>black metal aesthetic: atmosphere
>translation: we can't play for shit
great example dood top notch

Ok, I feel much better about my fucked up middle aged hands now.

I'm convinced that no one genuinely enjoys Burzum and they just pretend to because it's fashionable
Seriously, that music sucks so much ass objectively

of course people who can play for shit exclusively play custom strats

meanwhile off the shelf superstrats and clones are for amateurs and gibsons are for people who are passable but more show than go

Fun fact: Varg actually killed Euronymous because he was a jelly poorfag.
>tfw only a Gibson™ is kvlt enough

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The sheer amount of talent playing fenders versus any other brand is suspicious. Are fenders actually good?

don't cuss me like

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that’s cuz everyone here is already low hanging fruit, they basically beat on themselves through jcum or whoever

>Varg invented a musical genre
When? Pressing a key of children's Casio keyboard for two hours is not a genre.

in english please

All right lads I got $2K to drop. Gibson LP or new amp?

7 string ESP Horizon

The only rule is you can not play metal on it. Metal sounds like dogshit on anything but a bog standard 6 string guitar with passives. If you go this route you must learn to love clean and slightly overdriven tones, classical, and jazz fusion.

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This was general was lretty shit a year ago, but at least it was ok. Now 2 autistic fucks go back and forth, making up 40% of the posts in everythread. The Gibson fag makes up another 30%.

15 Bullet Squiers

Varg explicitly says not to buy a guitar though

Attached: varg.jpg (1600x900, 286K)

That’s because everyone here is low hanging fruit. They basically beat on themselves through making fun of jcum or whatever.

oh i see now. you were projecting. carry on

Bro theres an eceleb thread right over here if you want to have a real guitar related discussion

>Metal sounds like dogshit on anything but a bog standard 6 string guitar with passives.

it's fucking true. metal tones suck now.

back in my day real men scooped the fuck out of their mids with two RATs and cranked up the volume until they were heard and the rich, noisy sound of hot as fuck humbuckers defined the genre. it was expressive, it was soulful.

now it's a bunch of kids cranking the fuck out of their mids to "cut through the mix" and playing with two fucking noise gates for a "tight" tone. because they're closeted bassists.

>Why yes, I play listen to and play metal. How did you know?

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imho metalheads are all aging boomers who are cool dudes and family men now

this generation's tryhards play with ambient guitar effects and make soundcloud rap

>metalhead boomers with small peeners can be cool dudes and family men
good to know thanks

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7 inches is enough for any woman

how unfortunate for metalheads then

haha, jokes on you doesn't matter that it's small anyway because I'll never use it

Opinion's on back art.

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Second guitar.

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lol two clairo threads back to back and people are still talking about USB3.0, the sun shines today :)

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dumb idea in general, nobody's gonna be seeing much of it
And that is not good art
Better than covering in stickers I guess

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Thanks. Opinion back no art.

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About as subtle, 'Murrican and appealing as monster trucks.


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Is that fir, pine or something equally soft? That shit's gonna ding like you wouldn't believe it.

The funny thing is, if you couldn't see the headstock, everyone would assume it's a Gibson.

Pine, dings add character

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When did Gibson make string throughs?

Bet it resonates like glued together pizza boxes though.

>when did gibson make good guitars


Around the same time Dean made decent guitars.


>When did Gibson make string throughs?
They've made them for a long time. It's either a TOM or string through.

The TOM is there either way, the stop piece is not a tune'o'matic.

TOMs are the worst bridge type

Less adjustable overall and more prone to developing problems with time ie: bridge tilt, loose bridges

They look really cool though, my favorite anime girl has a guitar with a TOM bridge.

Today's been so much fun.

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That's what I meant. Had a brain fart.


looks like something someone with a hole in his neck would buy to put in the corner to collect dust

The originals (called 58s) are string through. The redesign in 67 (called 67s) added the tailpiece.

Guitars are meant to be played.

>The originals (called 58s) are string through
Of which a grand total of less than 50 were ever made. Good luck finding one in circulation.

so why don't you do it?

It's just for fun here

They've made both styles off and on the whole time. They're called 58s and 67s.

I do. I play every guitar I have every day.

Yeah, they look really neat and retro but as far as function goes tuneomatics suck

Everything except gross height adjustment and intonation is set when the bridge is made, and there's not a whole lot of intonation adjustment. Fine if your guitar is entirely glued together for the rest of time, but that's a dated design too. A good bolt on neck sustains better and is just as comfy to play - unusually comfier than your average gibson neck joint.

As a matter of fact, both versions are in the current Gibson lineup.

its cute you think that

OK, but I don't get why you felt the need to post that.

>A good bolt on neck sustains better
lol stopped reading right there

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how many of you can do this

Gibson heels are fine if you actually have man hands

oxygen deprivation?

even iphones are made in china faggot

meanwhile: washingtonpost.com/news/wonk/wp/2017/06/15/seven-percent-of-americans-think-chocolate-milk-comes-from-brown-cows-and-thats-not-even-the-scary-part/

You're old on your insults. Pay attention, and you won't look so foolish.

heres news for you, youre not destroying /gg/, you're part of it.

>crApple products

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>on your insults
right so that's a solid "yes" then. gotcha

Why did your mom have to smoke meth when she was 7 months pregnant with you?


the more you know, my petshop amigo

no need to elaborate, you already said everything you needed to. just be careful when you stand up

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i didnt say trades

That's what they do in the trailer park.

>try aids

That wasn't even me, you retard.

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Yeah you did
Not surprising you can't hear your accent failures considering how often you ask for help with simple ear-learning

Hmmm, I might have to post a recording of myself playing to see if I qualify as being better than jcum.
Wait for it this weekend lads. It will probably be a bunch of choruses over a jazz standard like Solar.

If you've ever done any scale practice going up the triads ain't shit

So for the longest time I've been using the Big Muff as my main distortion pedal and I really like it. I can't seem to find any other distortion pedals I like. I know pedals/tone and all that is subjective/taste but any distortion pedals you guys recommend? It seems like the amp distortion is always better but maybe I'm wrong

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>does oxygen deprivation cause
go put the symptoms you're experiencing into google and see what it tells you

Toobes and a treble booster.
Worked for Tony Iommi.

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lol quick before you pass out!

when did i ask for help with simple ear learning?

well i can go down too

More sustain, and more attack so brainlets don't notice the sustain.

Fender heels are better.

holy fuck i didnt even say triads on that vocaroo, i said TETRADS are you deaf?

Well you'd know, I guess.


i like my condor with contoured heel. best of both worlds. who needs to rely on a gay sounding neck joint to have attack? i have plenty of attack with my picking.

Where's this picture from? I've never seen it before

i- i didnt know this was common
>tfw months of ear training just to be almost as good as everyone else

the other day i plugged my bass into the interface and the interface monitoring into my 2.1 logitechs and dimed the interface channel so it distorted and it sounded cool

to be fair most people don't practice scales at all and just look up tabs from songs they like

Now imagine your neck joint actively makes your sound softer and girlier. That's what it's like to play an anime girl guitar.

Pic related, its what you sound like when you play a gibson.

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Yeah fuck, I wish my Epiphone Dot (ES 335) had a more adjustable bridge. I really like the precision that the fender style bridges give you. Can you even get an archtop or semi-hollow with those individually saddled bridges though?

I decided to play your game, /gg/. Just this once to shut all of you up forever. You won't ever get another clip of my playing ever again.


Friendly reminder: you're not a real guitarist and you never will be.

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He also said he still lives off of Burzum (mainly) and Myfarog. He has said that if you can succeed then that's great but you probably wont and therefore it isnt worth trying for the money. He still makes music though like his recent lyre stuff.
>playing stolen riffs on a gibshitplank
Kkk, mayhem is bad.

>Now imagine your neck joint actively makes your sound softer and girlier
let me guess, you're also desperate about food that lowers your testosterone and raises your estrogen in a desperate attempt to have some manliness?
pic related is you using bolt on guitars exclusively.

Attached: manly_luhan_by_akai_leech-d6eqvbe.jpg (898x797, 231K)

if my wife plays a gibson do I have to play a fender or should I play a gibson in a different color so we match?

asking for a friend

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Pic related is you and your gibson

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Excuse me sir but who are you talking to?

Everyone here is better than me

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this guy looks like he's banged some pusy

>Fender heels are better

Barely. You're not even considering the fact that a '61 style SG joins the body at the 22nd fret where you have more fret access than any of the vintage Fender guitars

yeah, boi pussy.

yea but dat neck whip doe

/r/ bass amp vst please

i use some sansamp bod, it sounds good but it doesnt sound like a miced cabinet

i see a straight male

that's a post in the thread. you're new here?

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oh i see. you're projecting again. carry on

I was just curious it sounded like it was directed to someone because I can't imagine you thinking any one cares

>people don't know bieber is chad now
>playing the same guitar as an anime girl designed to appeal to men is supposed to be a bad thing when she only plays a gibson because most men are interested in gibsons

the universally accepted girly guitar is the fender offset, get it straight

read the title, it's a guitar thread. people here are supposed to care about guitar. you seem to have bad comprehension skills because i didnt refer to any interlocutor in that post.

>I'm a m-man, I play a g-G-Gibson!!!!!

Who the fuck is Jacky Vincent

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mesa boogie man

The Chad Les Paul

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Who else they have besides slash?

Daily reminder: only a Gibson is good enough.

Ace Frehley. The most successful signature model guitar.

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another satisfied customer

>he's still swinging at shadows I placed in his mind
Just imagine.

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Why does /gg/ hate him?

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cause he slays puss like a final boss

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I'm not super into it, but I think it would sell. I doubt it will add a great deal of profit.

Unfinished. Clear coat it or oil laquer and it will look like you know what you're doing.

amateur hour

>Shred the same single scale/mode year after year
Gee, why would anyone hate him?

and in the same key

What happens if I look across the street?

I get to laugh even harder.

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Yui doesn't even have her own signature guitar with motherfucking light up stars

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>all the high school kids go out with their friends on a friday night
>/gg/ dies

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Not Jcum

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what kind of guitar is this Yea Forums? this guy looks like such a chad

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>the chad kasumi:
>hot as hell
>hair is star shaped
>has her own signature model with light up stars
>her guitar costs $5000 and she owns it outright
>reps high quality guitars handmade in japan by a company with high integrity
>creates original songs and plays countless covers
>franchise singlehandedly outsells all others in the gacha game business

>the virgin yui:
>normally described as a "moe blob", a combination of an ugly bartender and an amorphous slime
>plays a generic gibson les paul, a joke of a guitar renowned for QC issues and poor tuning stability, made by a scummy company that breaks international wood trade laws and screws its customers by selling generic caps wrapped in paper as $100 "vintage"
>couldn't even afford a made one good song, fuwa fuwa time
>franchise was forgotten after a year

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>Watching cel-shaded garbage ads for ESP.
Bet you can't even play twinkle twinkle little star on your guitar.

Looks like an explorer with a floyd, maybe a chibson but the headstock reminds me more of a kramer than the traditional explorer style. The lighting is weird so it could be a destroyer with a standard(but poorly proportioned) trem.

So do I friend.

Ain't it grand?

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You got the pic of his dad?

Artist interpretation of a Charvel Star.

fuck that big boi looks so happy man good for him :’)

When the hope for something amazing was the only thing that got me threw when I did this last time, makes me wonder how I'm going to do it now when things might not ever happen the way I always wanted it to go. My heart wants something insane so right now I'm lost......but I know everything happens for a reason. I just wish I had the chance to do something again maybe life would be beautiful

Actually looking at it that's definitely an ibeenhad headstock. Money on destroyer.

finally, some fucking music from /gg/

roamz is that really you?

kek this machiavelli nigga right here

Of course not. At least not in any real sense anyway.

But obviously your mileage may vary ;^)

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Nah I'm just a varg worshipper and black metal tourist. I have watched until the light takes us several times and watched all of vargs videos as well as interviews with other guys at the time. Euronymous was a closeted fag who stole riffs and jerked off in the mirror to how awesome he was.

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Varg is also the type of person that dies first when shit hits the fan.

Vikings lived together and fought together. This freed up their time and money so they could play guitars.

And Varg wanted to be just like him

You want his phone number instead?

for those who have seen, what is the least shit fender mim color currently?

if you already know how to play guitar you should save up your money for an american guitar

Anyone here play flamenco? I'm fucking in love with it and have dropped completely the idea of trying to play metal in favor of it. The basic forms are so fucking hard though to synchronize properly and the chords are so strange

Is this "Kkk" a brazilian laugh or are you saying "Ku Klux Klan, mayhem is bad"?

I don’t already know how to play hence why I’m buying mim but I hate every color lol they all look like toys

T. Jonas Akerlund
You really believed Lords of Chaos?

Get a job retard

>don't buy a guitar
If most idiots here took this to heart we'd be in a much better spot

I have a job
Don’t you think it’s reckless to drop 1k on something you might not even like after a year?

Is this a good guitar for an absolute beginner?

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Not anymore & never again best believe. I'm back baby. Last night was rough not speaking and saying the words that have been a long time coming.....some people dont know what they have til it's gone. And I'm ready to show everyone else I love my worth by being a good friend...... i love you all more then you'll ever know!!!

No. If you decide to sell in the future it will retain better resale value as well.


Well, Fender's plastic coating will probably turn you gay with all the wonderful endocrine disruptors in it.
Before you know it, you'll want to buy a Jazzmaster or a Mustang.

if it retains its value then surely most people around that price bracket will just save a little extra and buy it new though?

So what is?

Anything a bit more modern and easier on the hands than a literal baseball bat with strings on. Go to a fucking store and try them in your hands. Stop asking people on the internet and for fucks sake don't buy something you've never seen let alone played.

>would buying a guitar be a good idea for someone who wants to play a guitar
you cant make this shit up

Who hurt you two?

Endless waves of retards who buy shit sight unseen.
Run along now.


>tell someone with 0 experience to just try it
lmao this doesn’t work because they don’t know what should feel correct

And just tell him to order some clunky horse molester shitplank online is better?

Did it take you more than 5 minutes to learn a d chord? Does it take you more than a couple seconds to realize if something is uncomfortable? We have enough dumbfucks here, don't add to that number.

No. I believe they were all idiots.

You must be real fun to be around, Jesus Christ.

Yeah, I do children's parties too. You got better advice than you deserved, now fuck off.

I think the Yamaha sounds better stock. They're both good assuming we're talking Player series for the Fender with the better alnico pickups. Yamaha BB beats the ceramic pup older mims easily.

>no dont be straightforward with me, sugarcoat everything

I didn't ask for a sugarcoat. I asked if it was a good guitar for an absolute beginner because I know nothing about guitars. That doesn't mean you assholes have to fucking chew me out.

And you got the answer in the very first reply - No.
Even if you can't play a fucking note, go to a store, see if the neck profile fits your hands, see if the scale length fits the length of your fingers, see if you have good reach over all 6 strings without having to contort your hands painfully.

You want "friendly advice", go to plebbit.

people who play an instrument are often autistic about it and pick up on the small shit, new guys won’t really notice the small differences and if they do it makes no difference in their mind

almost all guitars in 2019 are comfortable

He is the epitome of guitar store boomer wankery.

The answer is yes. But at least hold one in store before ordering one. If it isn't comfy, try a different model.

Except he actually plays in a band as is making money

So is some loser teenager. The guys a fucking joke

i didn't chew you out you sensative fuck. get a real job and hope you get to work with someone as patient as me.

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Absolutely. Buy a shitplank that you can play with then get something that you actually like once you get preference.

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Yeah I was comparing a Player Jazz to the Yamaha but is a PJ really that much more versatile than just jazz pups? Aren’t there any negatives to it?

You're one of those faggots that makes companies release these tiny shitty baby necks?

>Swamp Ash Body
>Stainless Steel Frets
>Block Inlays
>TUSQ nut
>Active 2 band eq

How can this be offered and be so cheap? Where will it lack?

Fuck no. But a beginner is better served with something comfy over a literal baseball bat.

What a forced and sad attempt at being sexy

What did he mean by this

>Stainless Steel Frets

Guaranteed to be the softest stainless "steel" in the world

A lot of great players have made the baseball bat work but once you’re used to it you’ll never enjoy anything flatter

That headstock looks absolutely comical compared to the size of the neck

Which is why I told him to go try it in the first place. If it works for you, it works for you. Chances are really fucking high that some random shit he bought sight unseen online won't.

Great choice. Tele's are dead simple and hold tune extremely well. One of the best beginner choices and unless its a vintage spec its gonna have a pretty modern/thin neck that will work for almost anyones hands. Go for it

This. Faggots can't into metallurgy, B8 is much different than 304.

I hated mine because it was a 21 fret twang machine that hummed all the time so i couldnt even approximate other tones and couldnt learn a lot of songs that needed fret 22+. Beginners should buy 24 fret hsh superstrats with coil splitting and non floyd trems. They arent tone masters that do every sound exactly, but the versatility lets you do any song or genre, they’re fucking everywhere, and you can get a good one for cheeeeeaaaap.

Well thats just you, everyones different.

A lot of people want something other than nashville man

The only catch is you cant twang with anything else

I'm about to pull the trigger on this and I'm trying to decide on either Black or "Vintage Cream". What do you guys think looks better?

Those look like trash

Fair enough I guess. I enjoy the U2 more, but I've been waiting to get a 59' for a while now. What guitars do you prefer?

>that pau ferro fretboard

Regular strats but with two point vibratos and emg-sa’s

A far as Fender guitars go, I've always prefer Duo Sonics and Music Masters. Strats are cool too though.

What don't you like about a Pau fretboard?