Nazi punks
Nazi punks
Nazi punks
fuck off
Nazi punks
not this shit again
White Nationalism is rising once again
You can larp as antifa all you like, but white identity grows stronger with each passing day
Live in fear, you pathetic brainwashed slaves
this unironically
here here comrade
You don't know what "nationalism" means, retard.
good tb h i wanna start doing this again
God save the queen
She's ain't a human bean
the long nose tribe is turning us against one another and making us jump at shadows once again brothers. study history
How tolerant and loving and harmonious of you.
Seems the only ones falling for it are the Antifatards
No tolerance for bigots
that would make you a bigot though
give me 100 solid reason why a normal society should tolerate white nationalism
No it won't, quit your mental wankery.
a normal society, like that which existed for millenia up until the great forced diversity experiment that was this last century - wouldn't have any need for white nationalism.
The real nationalism historically came about through trade, not through ethnic groups, whom it often neglected and divided according to mercantile interests.
>MY blackboot government is good!
>No, MY blackboot government is good!
never trust anyone who identifies as antifa or feminist etc., the most ardent followers of these totalitarian movements are almost guaranteed to be eventually found out as rapists, abusers and/or other such criminals, and that's part of the reason they joined a radical movement like that in the first place, it's a form of repentance although extremely misguided
All ancient empires were extremely diverse. Good old imperial Rome was the epitome of multi-ethnic citizenship.
You labelling people you know nothing about based on preconceived notions is literally bigotry though. You label people who aren't Nazis or white supremacists or even fascists without even knowing their views. Literal bigotry.
Nazi punks fuck off.
Commie punks fuck off.
Snowflake punks fuck off.
Trendy punks fuck off.
Being a punk isn’t about buying into some collective ideology or group. Follow this strict set of rules and you’ll be a total non-conformist. What a bunch of speds.
Fuck the government. The state is a terrorist organization and a thief.
>You label people who aren't Nazis or white supremacists or even fascists
Oh really? Whom?
Yes, it would. You are generating an extreme opinion on someone based on absolutely nothing. Calling a white guy racist simply because he is white is straight up bigotry. Calling someone a Nazi for being right wing is straight up bigotry. Words don't change definitions just because they're being applied to lefties.
The normal every day person gets labelled a Nazi or a fascist or a racist constantly give me a fucking break.
>based on absolutely nothing.
oh wow. Next thing you gonna tell me is that 8ch and Yea Forums don't breed real life terrorists.
Bigotry (n):
Intolerance of someone who holds a different opinion.
Antifa and the left are quite literally bigots.
That isn't the argument being made here you retard. Completely unrelated strawman. If you write someone off for holding a different opinion you are LITERALLY, in the most absolute sense of the word, LITERALLY a bigot. You faggots don't know the meaning of the words you use.
If they breed terrorists why do you use it? Nobody’s forcing you.
>The normal every day person gets labelled a Nazi or a fascist or a racist constantly
Oh, perhaps because they're not a normal every day person but an actual neonazi/fascist/racist.
Name them
Or you're a delusional bigot? Whatever. Your time will come. Regular people are getting tired of your shit...I know plenty of liberals who hate the far left and what the Democratic party has become. Keep calling everyone a Nazi and suppressing opposition while simultaneously unironically referring to yourselves as "anti-fascist"
Ben Shapiro. Total white supremacists and Nazi right? I am not playing this stupid fucking game. Youre being obtuse.
oh yeah tough guy what are you going to do tell us :)
I wasn't implying I was going to do anything to you. Just keep pushing further left. History will repeat itself. And when you cry Nazi when the actual Nazis come, no one will fucking care because you've cried sheep for the past five years.
Choke on your fumes, lmao.
lol remember what happened the last time nazis tried to kill the free world or do you need a reminder :)
There's a fine line between good ol extreme chan nihilism and real life terrorist recruitment. What are you doing here? You are intellectually impotent political parasites living off old Yea Forums anons' creative legacy and reputation.
>arguing on here instead of calling them a retarded faggot
I know you zoomers have nothing better in your lives than arguing about inane politics that make you feel like your life has worth but at least take it to /pol/
Also dead Kennedy’s fucking suck crass is way fucking better
>Ben Shapiro. Total white supremacists and Nazi right?
No, but he is a very good and beneficial smokescreen for white supremacists and neonazis.
>muh zoomers
The only people you could really argue do that shit are /pol/tards and they’re their own category of wastes of thought. Even then, I don’t think it would have too much substance. I’m here because it’s just entertaining seeing righties and lefties go at it with their own different brands of autism. Especially when they don’t realize they’re essentially being played.
My bad I meant to say underage retards is that better for you goddamn idiot
you're pretending to be a mindreader here unless you can point to white supremacists or neonazis who support ben shapiro
I have seen nothing but contempt and ridicule towards him from those quarters, which makes sense since their views are in utter opposition of each other
this is pretty hot
what vid is it from?
Again, there's a fine line between chan nihilism and real life terrorist recruitment that results in real life crimes. You can not simply say anymore "but I'm not contributing to it, it's just these guys over here, look". This is hypocritical, you're not on a generic forum with names and avatars. As long as you stay anonymous, it's also a part of you.
Uff nicee
>Ben Shapiro. Total white supremacists and Nazi right?
>No, but he is a very good and beneficial smokescreen for white supremacists and neonazis.
>The Nazi's hate Ben and think he's a Zionist
Who supports whom is not important in this case. A fence doesn't support or condone activities that happen behind it, but it does create a place where these activities can happen.
and you have literalkly no basis for this assumption other than just asserting that they're working together on some cosmic level despite hating each others' guts
I didn't deny the fact that he is a double idiot.
>they're working together on some cosmic level
They're working together on a very primitive level, on a level of constant abuse and twisting of the notion of freedom of speech.
>constant abuse and twisting of the notion of freedom of speech.
such as?
the only way fascism can even begin to work is through limitation of free speech (through hate speech and "heresy" laws etc.) and I doubt ben shapiro agrees with this
>the only way fascism can even begin to work is through limitation of free speech
..or through a nihilistic interpretation of freedom of speech as a freedom of powerful figures and organized bigot mobs to utter harmful things and spread their agendas without punishment, all in the name of nonexistent "classical liberal" equality. Of course real and severe socio-economic inequality that underlies this dynamic is a "leftist fairy tale". This can easily transform into pure, unadulterated fascism.
the second someone says "you can't say X because it's harmful" to you, you know you're dealing with a fascist
You can say whatever you want as long as you remain an insignificant internet user nobody, but when you're responsible for lives of millions of people, when you're a president of a country, a senator, a mogul, or a "thought leader" you certainly can't disseminate many, many things. This is elementary public discourse, and the second someone says "hey, everyone can spread whatever they want no matter how powerful or influential they are" you know you're dealing with a psychopath.
this reads like an admission that you think of yourself as high above the common people, that the lowly retards below you will just lap up anything they hear from an idol and can't think for themselves so you have to virtuously prevent it from happening for their own good
Aren't you supposed to be an anti-imperialist?
>the second someone says "you can't say X because it's harmful" to you, you know you're dealing with a fascist
Go out and say to a handicapped elderly person they're going to die in a terrible agony very soon because they're old. Just for fun, you know, because you're stronger, can run away, or can ignore them. And also, this is perfectly, absolutely true! When your words will make them die from a heart attack, you'll be fine, because you'll know that the people who curb your free speech were the real fascists all along.
please be bait
please begone
Just went out and did this, but instead of dying, they just called me a faggot
Think I'll kill myself now
just once I would love to run into one of you faggots IRL. just once.
it peaked during Charlottesville at best
>they just called me a faggot
>Think I'll kill myself now
damn, that old guy should be put in jail for hate speech
causing someone to commit suicide with a word like that is unacceptable
can't wait for these elections right guys?
I'll be enjoying the re-election tears from the other side of the world
There were many real people who committed suicide because of attacks that were quite real. But you will forever refuse to acknowledge the definite neonazi/fascist/bigot undercurrent underneath these activities and will hide behind ebic chanspeak nihilism like a slimy coward.
saying mean things isn't the same as "attacking", stop muddling words
people like you have already ruined words like nazi, racist, sexist etc. to the point that nobody takes them seriously anymore even when they're applied correctly