Why do republicans call others pedophiles when they themselves are pedophiles?
Why do republicans call others pedophiles when they themselves are pedophiles?
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Fun fact about the girl in the pic. In Mexico at 15 she is a woman. A Quinceañera is the coming of age of a 15 year old girl.
Its called projection, they project the things they hate about themselves onto others
Fun fact: We are not Mexico
okay groomer
Fun fact you're an idiot if you can't see the hypocrisy of the picture.
None of you have read the bill, so stop acting like you have. Democrats are idiots.
this your man? en.wikipedia.org
Looks like a Mexican girl to me.
Can someone please change the writing to.. Who would accept men who would marry this child into their country
babby lern'd a new werd
Deflection. "Look over there! THEY'RE the problem, not us!"
They also use it as a defense "Oh you're just being petty now calling US out, you have no real evidence."
Based, can't wait to impregnate my Loli wife
because every Republican accusation is a confession.
They are masters at psychological projection.
sauce on your bullshit book?
Democrats want to turn little boys into little girls. Republicans want to fuck 16 year olds.
See the difference?
>I don't read bills
>I don't understand the law
>I spread propaganda for MSM
>I'm an educated, """science""" believing leftist
It's real. Source: Your father dropped it in his haste to corner you in your bedroom and rape you yet again
Sure it is, faggot. Let me guess, that was a page from one of the math textbooks Floridiots banned?
Trump is the real president
homosexuality and transgenderism are genetic. They are not "taught" or contagious. If a child comes out as gay after learning about them, it's because that's what they already were but they were struggling to understand it until they learned about it.
You're all fucking idiots.
Then how does so many gay man say they got molested when they were kids? that's what happened to them it wasn't born with
so you're a liar and a moron
>how does so many gay man say
Holy uneducated grammar, Batman!
Ivan, your faggotry is showing again.
Homo is genetic. Transgender is mental illness in the parents who push their little gay bois and tomboys into taking medication and changing their names.
Only in his own demented Syphilis-addled brain.
trans is genetic too, dumbfuck.
FOXL2, SRY, XXY are some of the most common ways genes cause it. There are many others as well.
Because straights never sexually abuse children.
Did a Downie sexually assault you as a child to make you this retarded?
> fondling, oral copulation, and anal sodomy are some of the most common ways fags cause it.
Keeping you honest
found the sexually abused homo
Man who wants to sodomize little boy = male on male = gay
You're stupid, quit posting.
the majority of current "trans people" are not caused by genetic deformity or disease
they all legitimately believe the doctor guessed wrong and they somehow are in the wrong body, because they grew up being told this was a thing that isn't imaginary cope by fetishists and enablers
Who would want to marry such an ugly woman as her
hey, with your mountain of data to prove that trannies and fags are scientifically normal, can you finally prove that black people are a different species?
Are they the same genus as you and can they interbreed with you?
Then I have some bad news for you, you retarded racist faggot.
>the doctor guessed wrong
That does happen.
SRY results in female genitalia with hormonal and all other development being male.
fuck you!
OK groomer
Q: What did the gay dad do with his son after little league practice was over?
A: He raped him up the butt!
doctors don't guess your gender you fucking psycho
You're clearly jealous. You'd never get invited to any party with anyone so go smoke a cock.
Mad, biiiiiitch?
photoshopped by trans fags
Clearly fake.
Cleary a loser
Yeap a Democrat would rather kill the baby.
One thing I learned about Democrats is this, they're all for diversity and inclusiveness... just as long you agree with them. Anything less and you're a racist Nazi.
So over the double standard. Dems can go eat shiat.
>no u
Is this supposed to be a joke? Because that's just what happens, not really a gag unless it's a way for his gay dad to segue into raping him like "I'm gonna put my thing in your bottom as a joke, only a joke"
Can't you read?
Just because someone is Mexican doesn’t mean they believe or celebrate all the things in the culture you fucking idiot.
There is no hypocrisy in that pic because you don’t even know if that’s what her family even celebrates or acknowledges, you’re basing it entirely off her genes like a typical retard obsessed with race. Do you go around to every German who isn’t an anti semite and accuse them of hypocrisy because they aren’t a nazi? What an utterly stupid fucking thing to claim.
The hypocrisy in the pic, fucking lmao.
I think this is a more straightforward take on the old joke about the dad that makes the teenage daughter suck his dick because she wanted to borrow the family car. She said his dick tastes like shit and he tells her that her brother had wanted to go to the mall earlier.
Of course, there's a thread of truth to every dark joke. In this case, the little boy grew up to be gay, and the girl became a Democrat.
I cannot imagine being this brain dead, so I'll chalk it up to bait
There's literally nothing wrong with being a pedo. In fact. we're better than the rest of you dumb niggers. That's right. If you're not a pedo, you're just another dumb nigger like the niggers you hate. We're going to remove your filth from the Earth at some point. We will laugh as we burn your fucking corpses and kiss our cute little wives. The time is near, non-pedo niggers. The time is near.
>Pic related
>It's basically non-pedos.
wow, you've never heard of a bar/bat mitzvah? a 12 year old girl becomes a woman, and a 13 year old boy becomes a man. they even made a joke out of it in "project x" where the cops show up and they ask if there's an adult at the house and he says that in his religion he was an adult.
we weren't all born yesterday and haven't heard of the mexican coming of age ritual or the jewish ritual. all of gen z was born with ZERO knowledge.
this was always the creepiest image.