Refute it.
Refute it
practically no one in the US wants to outright ban guns, despite what paranoid retards say
Bull fucking shit
not banning guns. just enforcing existing laws.
based paranoid retard
Except driving actually serves a functional purpose in society. Being able to buy massive fucking guns does not. Plus determining if someone is drunk driving is a lot easier and preventable than determining if someone is secretly a psychopath
ill sober up in an hour
youll still be a fucking idiot.
Want to stop black violence? Just ban whites.
Most liberals just want stricter regulations and don’t believe that outright banning could work in America despite it working in other countries, simply because America already has too many guns to completely get rid of them at this point and it isn’t an island country like Australia or Japan where extremely strict gun control is successful.
geta fucking grip
Owning a gun serves a far more important purpose you idiot
Yea Forums - Music
Politishit killed this board.
The other two most active threads on this board are "pusy" and the one with projared's cock, we just need more jannies to be honest
prove it: kill yourself
Bullshit. Yea Forums has been a fucking terrible board for like seven years at least. Probably because it has one of the youngest user bases.
naw, we just need better -informed, more musically informed shitposting.
but the place is fucking juvenile
I can't be convinced that right now isn't the best time for Yea Forums since like at least 2010, except late night for the burgers when all the jannies sleep
what do you have against pusy?
I agree, it was pretty disappointing to see that very well made scaruffi is a pedo thread a few days ago die with only a few replies. I'm always here shitposting though, I'll help you out.
It's also disappointing that gusic threads only get like 20-30 replies.
Like ending your pathetic existence?
I'm clearly gay and this is not music related, I want to shitpost about music not a female's sarlacc pit
Driving is literally essential to the very structure of society in every developed society we have. What is the purpose of being able to own a gun that is literally designed for nothing other than killing huge amounts of people in as little time as possible? And how then do societies like Australia and Japan continue with very little guns?
wouldn't know as I don't open that shit
why would you support poor quality shitposting?
Some of us actually own family and property that we would like to protect from thieves and niggers. Good luck defending yourself when some Tyrone breaks into your home with his gun that you decided you didn’t need.