Women of America
Women of America
literally a violent TERF hating man who hates women so much he became a travesty of one to make fun of them
Sooooo based?
this is why we will fail.
is this fucking for real?
between the trap cancer and how bitchy women have become, humanity is fucked.
the real women of america.
Who actually is this person
I enjoy blondes by why are they all ugly and manfaced
>safe space
>ugly and manfaced
point her out in the picture faggot
>such manly hands
go on..
I'd def go gay for Blaire White. She's the only good one. She can get it.
This immensely hot babe never stops impressing with her beauty
WHITE women have become. Hispanic and asians chicks are still good.
>Hispanic and asians chicks are still good.
That's fair. They can still be bitchy sometimes but not nearly as bad as white bitches. This TERF shit though.. wtf?
you will never be a woman, you angry tranny
he has the worst nose ever
You realize this is like 1/10th of 1% of women and your perception it is normative is what makes you an incel.
Not being short. Not being poor. Not having a small dick or being fat or having no personality.
You are all those things but even that guy gets laid if he’s willing to go out be vulnerable and find someone as desperate as he is.
But you’re in a basement screeching about your standards because the women who meet them wouldn’t give your deluded ass the time of day so all you can do is stew in impotent rage while the rest of us get our dicks wet and you act like we’re sad because we lowered our standards.
Here’s my standard: A nut sack which is never more than two days full.
What’s yours again? Oh right. Some red flags gold digging bitch you pretend you don’t want while hating her online.
>thinking Denmark is worse than Kansas
>all this projection
I have a gf, dumbass. What's your excuse?
>You realize this is like 1/10th of 1% of women and your perception it is normative is what makes you an incel.
>t. roastie
you got me wrong.
I am not so mentally limited as to tell others how to live their sexual lives.
Im not that retarded eithera to start to see women as the cause of a social restructuring when the totality of all developments has already overtaken us by 50 years.
what i meant is the pseudo-individualism and the sick consumption
all the efforts to keep up appearances, for pure self-promotion.
if you ask her what all this is for, she will probably shrug her shoulders.
thoughts are free but brains are empty.
you are no exception to this user.
WTF is that?
>I am not so mentally limited as to tell others how to live their sexual lives.
Yet you're here in a thread about sexual deviation. All that other bullshit you're spewing is just a childish and emotional overreaction so you can pretend to be all superior. Have you considered suicide?
would you?
I am definitely superior to you user.
but its not something I would brag about.
LOL she has the fucking holographic sight on backwards.
keep telling yourself that. I'm sure you'll believe it as you die alone and miserable.
>we know