Merzcast, sobering thoughts

One half day later, with the marginal benefit of hindsight and the monumental benefit of sobriety, I'd like to follow-up on last night's cringe-worthy rant. Please feel free to cringe at this one too. Rest assured that I will also be doing my level best to cringe in sympathy on my end. Later, if so inclined, we can settle things the old-fashioned way, with a cringing duel.

I'd just like to recap a couple of my points. First, I find it exceedingly hard to believe that the Merzcast boys were benefiting financially from Merzbow. This is pure conjecture, but I'd be willing to bet that a random sampling of subscribers to the now-deleted Patreon would be shocked if anyone suggested they had subscribed because they were interested in viewing artwork that could be unlocked via subscription. I accept that Akita evidently did not see things the same way. From this point, the issue was in the realm of simple misunderstanding and / or miscommunication. And very quickly could have been water under the bridge.

The secondary Merz-lobbed salvo regarding Akita's very well self-documented interest in porn seems odd in the extreme from a person who once set himself up as some kind of authority on the subject of Japanese bondage. The only word that works for me is an old one, and it's an ugly one: censorship.

It is an irony, and a brutal irony, and has served to tarnish Akita's good name like none of his second-rate laptop noise ever could.

I feel sorry for all involved, including Akita, whose image will never recover among the vast majority of his long-time fans. Akita could not have waged a more effective self-character assassination campaign if he'd tried.

Just funny how these things work out. I'm still a fan of the man's sounds. But the name Masami Akita has now ascended to that special lofty realm occupied by the likes of Richard Rupenus and Juntaro Yamanouchi. Brutal company.

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Other urls found in this thread:

no one cares lol

Well if that's true then bring back the Merzcast! I'm sure Akita would have no objections...

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Merzbow's deleted all of his previous tweets and put up a notice on the 8th saying the issues have been resolved.
Greh deleted the offending Patreon post and episode, and has delete a bunch of his tweets about it and stopped responding to people on Twitter.
The issue is between Greh, Mike, and Merzbow, and appears to have been resolved. It isn't any of our business anyway.

The podcast is going to continue and is being renamed Noise World:

Why do you keep making these threads? Are you one of those faggots on social media that keeps trying to reignite the drama, even though both Merzbow and Greh are ignoring you?

Fuck off back to where you came from

>I feel sorry for all involved, including Akita, whose image will never recover among the vast majority of his long-time fans.
Nobody will remember this a year from now, except for Greh and probably you

Thanks for the update. I'll try to keep up.

I'm glad things have apparently been resolved. I think the outcome will be good for all in the long run. But in the short run I guess there will still be a certain level of incivility. I can live with that.

I added this to follow-up on a rant that by my own admission went overboard. I don't think I'm trying to start anything. But I'm hardly thrilled with how some of this has been framed. Not by the three persons you've named, but by some of the posters on this forum.

Ha, probably. By some measures my thinking is, like, so May 7th.

He just complained about a podcast, this doesn't tarnish anything

>certain level of incivility
Noise must be one of the most passive and mellow scenes if this was the biggest drama in years

Well, it seems there were two complaints. One I may grudgingly agree with and another I simply don't agree with.


It is. Everyone knows everyone. It's always personal. Even despite the best efforts to keep it "strictly business".

Noise is so small it is automatically personal. If a name is tarnished for only a few, that number could still be statistically significant. But here's hoping that time sets things right. I hereby order myself to forget about it.

>put someone else's work behind a paywall
>act like a victim when the original artist politely asks you to clarify to your audience that the podcast is not endorsed by said artist
What a non-event. The Podcast was boring as fuck anyway.

Kill yourself

I did. Then I came back just for you snookums.

Your reply is boring as fuck-er. Double entendre for ya.

kill yourself retard

Gee I'm so glad I took the time to post here. The level of intellectual engagement is so stimulating. I think I'm going to have a merzgasm.

kill yourself loser

Btw I just love this total misrepresentation of what actually transpired.

I don't what universe it is where politely apologizing and then doing as requested constitutes acting "like a victim". I'm sure it'll make more sense after I've invited invited more "retards" to "kill themselves".

Hey when you're on a roll...

kill yourself go back to twitter

>acting "like a victim"
Greh posting about how he was "heart broken", asking if any "wanted to buy a lightly used merzbow collection", and retweeting all the "they were only giving merzbow 'exposure', they weren't making money" posts. Meanwhile the paywalled art was still up. The porn stuff happened a little while later.

That said:
>The issue is between Greh, Mike, and Merzbow, and appears to have been resolved. It isn't any of our business anyway.
>The podcast is going to continue and is being renamed Noise World:
>Why do you keep making these threads?

See you on tomorrow's thread

Okay well see I didn't actually know Greh said all that. Even these are fragments spun out of I know not what full unredacted context. There was a quotation on the first fourchan thread that misattributed a rather sad Akita quote to GX Larsen. For instance. Misinformation see?

So no not apparently the coolest response from Greh, though I'd really need to see it in context, but not completely unwarranted and at least the heartbroken thing scans as sincere. In the end, exactly one person got everything he wanted. And imo came away with the most egg on the face.

Even *if* these are fragments...

>The issue is between Greh, Mike, and Merzbow, and appears to have been resolved. It isn't any of our business anyway.
>The podcast is going to continue and is being renamed Noise World:
>Why do you keep making these threads?

Never had a twitter account. But if I ever get one I'll be sure to look you up. I'll drink shitloads and then rant about something no one gives a fuck about. And you'll tell me to kill myself. We should probably do a podcast, would be beaut.

As someone who mostly listens to metal; It's amazing despite being so harsh and confrontational, noise drama most resembles something you'd find on Gaia Online or Neopets—right down to people trying to keep it alive after the original instigators have quieted down.

Well I made one thread. This is one more. Both were made before I was made aware that

a) the issue was resolved
b) a new Merzlite noisecast was coming

Both a and b are welcome news indeed.

I was initially burned much less by Akita's blunt force methodology than the way the debacle, and other ancient debacles, were being represented here, on this forum. And only this forum.

So my business is here and here only.

I always felt that way about metal.

As far as I know no noiser ever burned anything or killed anybody

But I agree it's amazing that no matter where you go people are people. Just the other day I saw a dog urinate on a fire hydrant. Blew my fucking mind.

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kill yourself

Right on cue!

(He's good, people.)

So is this about music, or...? Listen to some fucking living colour

Holy shit, sixty seconds have passed and no invitation to kill myself.


Music should butthurt

kill yourself

So it's not about music

>So my business is here
The point is that it's not anybody's business

>42 replies
>9 posters
Both Greh and Mike are being silent on Twitter– You sure you're not one of them?

It's about noise. But is noise music?

Well I did describe myself as a long time fan of the project. It's mainly the long time fans who seem the most incredulous. Which seems a given since most if not all of the listeners are fans. Not to mention the subscribers, not one of whom, I'll reiterate, could possibly have cared less about the gated content.

As I mentioned, I was all set to subscribe myself...the GX episode is pure gold...when the Merzshit hit the noisefans. And going by my sample of one, eg me, the suggestion that the gated artwork was a sweetener is utterly ludicrous and laughable.

I've also mentioned that before this went down I was genuinely seriously considering picking up new Merz for the first time in twenty years. Now, as stated, I'm less than enthused. The whole debacle has been for me a big merzkill.

So that's my "business" I suppose. As a prospective paying customer of future merzproduct, as a potential "super fan" I'm very deeply invested in where exactly my money is going. Or in this instance exactly where it ain't going. Never say never. I'm a gullible buyer and a forgivibg person. When I die, I'm leaving everything to the "kill yourself" guy (bot?)

>r3ddit spacing

Same bot? I like it better when I'm supposed to kill myself.

everyone except for me is a bot

I had this nightmare that I was a bot. Wait. Am I? Am I still...? Wha-

kill yourself


Go to tumblr/twitter/r3ddit or whatever and take your thesaurus with you

Ohshit that one was actually pretty good. You got another bot ghost writing?

Perhaps we will look back on the two word invitations as the minimalist phase

hipster idiot

Is that directed at me or the people who listen to laptop era Merz?