How the fuck did Texas become responsible for not only creating psychedelic rock...

How the fuck did Texas become responsible for not only creating psychedelic rock, but also psychedelic rap 40 years later?

Attached: ZomboDroid 10052019013843.jpg (1600x800, 389K)

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this meme stopped being funny at least 4 years ago

i take it that you haven't actually listened to that viper album, have you?

the former yeah, the latter never ever

is this his best track?


nah senpai. see:

Is Viper really a thug who somehow found his niche in the surreal-irony part of the internet or just performance art pushed to it's very limits and that pushed even further???

I think it was probably all the weed & PCP he was smoking at the time that made his beats so drugged-out like crazy

that is pretty strong i have to admit

He actually went to prison for drug dealing or something like that. The dude is definitely weird, but at least he's self-aware, so I wouldn't say he fried his brain or anything like that.

why would you pick those tracks out of everything good on that tape wtf

there are videos of him with prostitutes you should check it out. he is a very odd dude

he's just a humble businessman

Attached: quotefreeunquotemoversinc.jpg (941x938, 232K)

nah it's this


damn, anymore sad viper songs?

this one always makes me feel fuzzy inside

I did his album art for a while and he seems very aware of his following and meme status

additionally, he threatened to send a cease and desist to the kid in charge of the ViperRapper VEVO. that's not why the channel is currently gone though, that's a whole other can of worms

13th floors definitely didn't invent psychedelic rock

they recorded their debut on January 1966, few months before Zappa's Freak Out

if anything it's at least ONE of the first

He had good videos i miss them

There were already psychedelic rock recordings in 1965, and Jan Davis made Watusi Zombie in 1964 being the earliest example.

One bought a cassette from his online store before realising it was all a scam & I was never getting that damn cassette

He started out as legitimate and is now a self-aware meme. His releases prior to 2013 are real. Then Yea Forums discovered him and now he allows Yea Forumstants to design his album covers (Kill Urself My Man as an example) and he records like 2 new songs a year. The rest is just reused content.

damn watusi zombie is dope
thx for the knowledge

Why are these 2 pictures together who did this
