Any advice here. we had a date, both thought it went great and made plans for a 2nd...

any advice here. we had a date, both thought it went great and made plans for a 2nd. am i wrong in just assuming she’s not interested now?

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How you both speak to each other seems kind of dull and boring, but she could just genuinely be sick. If she reschedules again or stops responding then yes she's not interested. Maybe she's just on her period.

This op she wants to make sure shes not on the rag so you can fuck

Probably a good sign that she double texted. Just go in with no expectations. I like to choose to trust someone until they give me a reason not to, she could really be sick and if she’s not then you dodged a bullet

alright fair enough. thanks

That looks like an aspect ratio of an old iphone. Fucking oldphonefag you're embarrassing

Get a presentable newer phone first before going on dates you poorfag. You must be smelly as well showers must be expensive around there

If she's on the rag she can't get pregnant, but that's neither here nor there. She's testing OP to see if he's going to simp with follow up messages

how should i phrase a compliment about her? i haven’t really said anything nice about her

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Damn you're insecure

This is trying way too hard

Your textfield can't even fit more than 6 words man. Are you really going to carry on your shitshow date using that kind of phone? Are you not ashamed?

Dont compliment her. Make her insecure. You're playing the game wrong pal.

>not knowing how to cropping works

howd you even get a girl

Jesus fucking Christ, user. Don’t send that simpy bullshit. Just text “no worries, hit me up when you’re feeling better”. Then don’t text her again until she texts you, and even then wait at least a few hours before responding.

FUCK you zoomers are sad

This retard never gets laid

Nigga look at the size of the text field. The text field wouldn't be small if the phone isn't small. Dumb faggot

Have you ever even used an iphone? That's not the size of normal textfields of premium ones faggot lmao

This. No other statements are necessary

If I didn't then why would I give advice that doesn't work? Telling you, sending simpy love letters aint gonna cut it either.

thanks Yea Forumsros

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it's an alright approach, but it's not
>fine, don't go aging like a grape tho

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Not OP
You dumbfucks are so fixated on the text field size so bad
That field expands as you type more & more
Fuck you

Bruh this shit... bahahahah jfc I don't even know what to say

>If I didn't then why would I give advice that doesn't work?
Because you're a beta cuck larping as an alpha sigma chad and it's super cringe

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Another dumb faggot. FOCUS The number of words that fit on a single line. That stays the same while the vertical height changes. The horizontal width is small, which is only possible when the phone itself have a small horizontal width dumb faggot

Have you never owned an iphone or something because you're confidently incorrect and not even touching his point

Smart choice

HAHA bro it looks like an entire different person sent that. compare the punctuation and capitalization of your previously sent message . you sound mad in that last message lol fail


Tell her you're thoughts. Then tell her she can reach you if/when she's ready to reschedule, otherwise no hard feelings. The ball is in her court.

well done

the important thing, don't text her back at all till she responds. so don't ask later on if shes feeling better. if shes interested she will get back to you.

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good. now go on other dates and forget about her.

Come on man she's going to laugh at your poor ass. at least get a good phone

Gigantic cringe

OP I had a girlfriend that our second date she canceled after feeling sick. I was thinking all kinds of things but it turns out she was just legit sick and it was bad timing. I'd say don't text her any further unless she does. It's in her court, leave it be.

yes you are hahaha shes like "thats weird" she may not say anything tho

At least you probably owned a good phone so she didn't look down at you. Good for u. Unlike the op with his poor ass phone

Perfectly handled. Now, don't text her until she texts you - she's not interested anyway if she doesn't, and you won't convince her. Kudos to the other guy who gave you that advice (not samefag).

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kill yourself autistic fuck hahah can't even express oneself with words. what a waste of human life

perfect. no texting conversations until she's your gf.

No texting until he buys a phone that isn't a poor fag phone

expensive phones/stuff does not mean someone is rich. lots of fools have gone broke trying to look rich

Now do not text her again. If she's really interested she will text you, bitches hate to be ignored.

and now never hear from her again kek

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Yeah u should not have used that poor ass phone poorfag

You're an embarrassment, I've never seen someone reek of insecurity about their bank account as much as you do.

I can't see this text. Are u typing from a $200 Huawei?

wow, Yea Forums actually gave OP some sound advice. DON'T TEXT HER AGAIN OP UNLESS YOU HEAR BACK

delete her from your phone and move on

I make 250k a year and I have a $200 phone. Giving a shit about your phone indicates you spend a lot of time on your phone, which means you suck at life.

Poorfag. Get a good phone with those 250k. Oh wait. You're actually poor in reality!

Why lower case? I think you sunk your boat with that

How's school going? You got a book report due soon?

fucking OP dont you dare text this cunt back. UNLESS SHE TEXT YOU FIRST! do not I REPEAT "DO NOT!". text her 5hrs from now..."you feeling better?" let this cunt text you!

I don't need school. I can ask my dad to buy an entire school tomorrow if I want to.

OP, please listen to the wisdom of this anons

What does she look like? Post pic

Mate she wants to reschedule. That's fine no need to go all incel with the "ignore her" advice.

Just be cool as ask her what time fits her schedule and see if it fits for you. If it doesn't tell ask for a different time.

Just be normal faggot. You do this shit with your friends all the time.

If she's a bitch and wants to play stupid games then tell her shit aint working and move on.

I hate walking on minefields.

Fkn kek you made me spit my drink out hahaha