

Attached: six-point-seven.jpg (828x315, 47K)

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meanwhile, on the same day, eat my pussy again gets a 7.0

how is this album already given a rating it hasnt even been 24 hours yet

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they get early review copies, moron.

they rated the album based on listening to 30 second snippets of each song

8.5/10. This is his best record yet

oof, how do you think /ourguy's/ new album would've scored?

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Why is indie so fucking dead, bros?

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I miss old Mac bros

lol panned
Indie nerds BTFO

yeah you fucking moron, use your brain you washed up Mac wanna be with your damn denim overalls and worn out Vans

Most times websites get the albums earlier. They usually either have 'watermarks' (some sound or snippet that doesn't make it into the actual album and can be used to identify a leak) or lower quality files. Sometimes, journalists someone who has access to this early music leaks it, and that's why so many times the leaks are in 128 or so

indie isn’t dead, those albums are just shite

why did this guy just quit altogether?


this dude only makes low energy music and it sucks

Go suck your bulls dick

came here to post this!

Is it out in America and shit? It's out in NZ

so wtf did they mean by this

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Just gave it my second listen and I have to agree. I like all his other albums too but surprisingly I think this is his best

The only worthwhile tracks are the three singles. Those are the only songs that are imbued with any real sense of passion or emotion. The album suffers from being so stripped down and barebones that it comes across as incredibly low effort to the point where it is insulting at certain points. "Nobody" manages to string it together well enough with the rising and falling synths, and the simple, relatable, and reflective lyrics. The opening track is totally pointless. "Finally alone" is one of few tracks with any energy, despite sounding like a "This Old Dog" B-side that got left off the album. The only other slightly worthwhile non-single is "Preoccupied," which again is low-effort but has the lazy charm of an Animal Crossing song (raining, probably) lightened up with the bird sounds. "Choo Choo" is offensively bad and reminds me of suddenly coming across a Mike Love track on a Brian Wilson-dominated Beach Boys album. "Hey Cowgirl" sounds so far from being genuine or believable, a stark contrast to Mac's usually earnest affect. Its tale of a cowgirl in modern times is a tale of love that didn't happen to Mac or anybody that Mac has ever known. The steadily marching piano and eery synth of "On The Square" evokes feelings of carrying on day-to-day in a slightly unfamiliar world that makes you feel emotionally or psychologically isolated. "All of Our Yesterdays" seems like the old Mac Demarco shining through briefly, as we get a relatively passionate and well-written song with instrumentation that isn't overly sparse. The closing track wanders around aimlessly, despite providing some flourishes of energy desperately needed earlier on in the album. The track fades out before Mac returns to scream and yelp at the listener for a couple minutes, leaving you feeling as if your mugger just came back to kick your teeth in as you were lying bloodied by the side of the road.


nobody actually cares or reads about virgin incel music

as long as they pan the relevant white artists people actually know about then they get the job done


Ghastly looking nigga.

what the fuck happened. he has the chops to make something incredible but he keeps making this lukewarm garbage.

Ever since Another One all his songs have the same tempo/rhythm, seems like he peaked with Salad Days

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