Currently, the theremin is the only instrument that you can play without touching. Can Yea Forums invent another?
Currently, the theremin is the only instrument that you can play without touching. Can Yea Forums invent another?
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You can play a bottle of liquid by blowing on it. Next
I can piss on a drum and it plays
The penis theremin.
Record label exec here, I need but crack my whip
That's still touching it.
The theremin produces waves that youre touching
Just cause you cant see it doesnt mean its not happening
You didn't reply to because he's right
What's some essential theremin-core?
Good Vibrations
>herp derp that wasnt a theremin
It was just a modified one
That is also touching it. You simply need to hold your hand in the vicinity of the theremin.
Pussy, because no one here is ever going to touch any. :)
Bottle can be on a table you fucking moron
But you still need to act on the instrument by blowing it, therefore touching it by the transitive property.
Oh you mean like transversely propagating the ambient electronic waves that the human body creates in order to stimulate a piece of metal indirectly with your own influence? Fuck off.
Also, solar powered tone generator. Or windchimes, you fucking pleb.
You don't play those. The sun/wind does.
Whats the most famous song using a theremin?
Xbox Kinect based VR synth. You lose
He's not ill, just contrarian and pedantic. Probably just a bored teenager who stumbled across the theremin for the first time while wikipedia hopping during recess.
How is that mentally ill? You are not playing those. Your input does not matter one bit with either of the instruments mentioned. With the theremin, you still actually play the instrument by changing tones and pitches and whatnot, but you do not have to physically touch the instrument to play it. The jug could fit in this category as well.
>not using your theremin to control your synths
>waves that youre touching
waves are not solid matter.
You can block sunlight with a hand with the solar powered tone generator
Oh btw you were confirmed faggot since you said blowing is touching. It's fucking not
air is not solid matter too faggot
a lonely man on the internet?
Waves are literal matter. Read a book
itt: how does physics work lol
lol ok round-earther
good vibrations, even though its not a real theremin
You hold a bottle of liquid though
will it give me hand cancer
You don't need to hold it.
No, but this thread will give you brain cancer
wrong its whole lotta love
The microphone
>Uhh what is a solid, and why is it not liquid or gas?
A female
jarres laser harp
There's probably some way you could "play" this this without touching it. Leave it on a table and move objects around it.
electric guitar with a e-bow
>>Uhh what is matter, and why is it not matter or matter?