Oh no no, how will Paulfags ever recover from this?

Oh no no, how will Paulfags ever recover from this?

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oh god whom care

by listening to the good beatles' songs

a huge majority of which were made by paul

Ok but how are their chess skills?

Every non-shit Beatles song was written by McCartney. Who gives a shit about anything else?

Only one way to find out

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Weren’t they all stoned as hell making this movie?

this. Lennon was a hack that got carried by Paul

I think pretty much every beatles fan recognizes that Paul was a tryhard. It's part of the reason why he was so great.

That was Help. They didn’t know about the marijuana yet on AHDN.

>Faul was fake

Any surprise?

I can’t believe he said this right after his death wtf man


I want template posters to hang themselves


man what a dick

This but inverted


Your point would have been better accentuated if you didn't cram "abouttherest" on one line, but instead continued to offer only one work per line. The argument being expressed would be that "Nobody cares about the rest of the Beatles, I don't even know how many others there are!" xx Fuck you

dont kid yourself

Kek nice bait

But then you'll have a problem with John

in modern terms the cristiano ronaldo essence. 0 self-awareness, nothing but hard trying and narcissism. and it comes out well that he's forgiven for something like that.

also lets be honest pauls worst is WAY better than john's worst

George wrote the comfiest songs. Don't even try to prove me wrong because you know you can't.

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Paul's worst is better than John's worst. But John's best is better than Paul's best.

The real Paul was an awesome actor.

Other 3 losers

*power gap*
*another power gap*
the rest