What would you do if your 11-year old daughter got pregnant by rape?

What would you do if your 11-year old daughter got pregnant by rape?

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Is it mine?

Father my child, duh.


It isn't rape if she wants the D

It should be a known FACT that the ideological predecessors of Antifa (anarcho-syndicalists) were the first ones to push for mass abortion and contraception as part of plan to destroy capitalism through destroying the birthrate. This call for a "birth strike" was carried over to the American communist party and the ACLU.

>[P]rocreation under capitalism was an abomination since it prolonged the system by creating more “wage slaves”for capitalist bosses. In their view no one should have any children under capitalism. The agenda was to have working-class women drastically reduce the number of births via contraception and abortion. The lower birthrates would dry up the pool of labor, which would then ensure imminent crisis for capitalism and imperialism. This applied the syndicalist call for a massive general strike to the realm of childbearing.

>They erroneously believed this strategy would empower working-class women and the working class as a whole. Women would supposedly be “freed” from household labor. Workers’ wages would supposedly increase as the birthrate shrunk, since the absence of a reserve army of labor would force capitalist bosses to give into workers’ demands. Deliberately reducing the population would also give workers bargaining power with the State, these anarchists alleged.

This is because the left is inherently satanic. Unlike God, Satan cannot create, he can only destroy. This causes Satan to become deeply jealous of God, and as such Satan seeks to destroy all that God has created. The left likewise cannot create, it can only destroy, and seeks to tear down and annihilate everything which Western Civilization and free markets have made.

This is precisely why communists seek to destroy the family. Leftists hate everything beautiful and fertile.

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Well, see, the body has ways of shutting that kind of thing down. We can make her swallow a camera to see the fetus and it'll wave at her.

Rape whoever did it.


This bitch is insane.

If had a kid at 11 by 25 you would hang out with your kid and smoke bowls.

Coat hanger time

Antifa has nothing to do with anarcho-syndicalism.

I always ask pro abortionists what the actual percentage of abortions are a result of rape and/or due to medical complications which put the mother at risk. I presume it is extremely low. The overwhelming majority of abortions are simply women who don't want the child that resulted from their promiscuity. In this particular scenario, abortion is a totally sound option. Also, if your 11 year old got raped it was probably your fault as a father and you deserve the rope.

If my 11-year old got raped I wouldn't punish my grandchild for the crime its father committed. Love both mother and baby.

Why does a fetus get unlimited access to another persons body?

If a woman wants to murder their child by denying them use of their body thats their choice.

A fetus is a human life that is made in the Image of God.

good bot

Ok Ghandi moralfag

Maggie Sanger was right about blacks.

Go back to plebbit newfag

this nigger can't even bypass the filter
go back to гeddit

Gandhi was a pagan.

If force her to get an abortion and put her on BC

It's your fault the fetus was created you whore. Live with your problems or burn in hell.

I want more abortions. They should be celebrated and encouraged

Faggot you're embarrassing yourself

I would be like "yay a new sex toy on the way I hope its a girl because thats my favourite flavour of sex toy", thats what I would do.

Beat her for tempting an honorable man to sin, bismallah.

Margaret Sanger was a literal theosophist and satanist.

remind myself to wear a condom next time

I'd support her every way I could, help raise and nurture the child, then kidnap the rapist and force him to watch me rape his child to death, before finally killing him.

>put her on BBC
that's the worst thing you could do

I would rape the rapist, then I would scream, because heaven gained a baby in the manger and got sweet gifts from 3 wise men.

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oh hai ivan

Cart her off somewhere where safe abortions are free, then take the fetus, keep it on ice and sell it to some foreign research group nerds for a profit. What else?

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birth control is the worst thing any female could use. you're a fucking moron. do some fucking research you painfully stupid fucking cunt.

Based on bronze age writings?
These are the same writings that give instructions that a husband who suspects that his pregnant wife has cheated on him should go to the priest who would give the wife poison.
If the pregnancy is terminated or not determines if she cheated and the fetus was from another man.
(Leviticus I think)

So God gave instructions on how to create an abortion? So much for life being sacred.
You guys need to read up on your own bible.

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Actually I would get her to birth it directly onto my erection.



Branislav Ivanovic. Former Chelsea defender

What's their deal?

>Source: I dun mi risurtch

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Ok groomer

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Contraception creates a culture that devalues human life by portraying children as disposable. It should be banned as well as abortion.

Only did a quick skim, but you all know an 11 year old can't get pregnant, right?

Ohh i wud doggystyle dat 11 yo bitch n cum inside

Children are disposable though. Having kids was the worst thing I ever did

Yes they can.
It all depends

>article quotes Caleb Maupin video

masturbation does the same thing.
all jerking off should be banned,

I got mine at 11.

Some girls get their periods at nine.

Stone her for being a whore.

Masturbation has a 0% chance of conception nice try faggot, its no where close to the same thing.

Masturbation is disgusting.

Sex should only be for marriage with the intent of procreating.

>almost 11am in Tel aviv
How's your shift been so far? What are you thinking for lunch?

This is just ridiculous. Love it.


it devalues human life by spilling one’s seed in a cavalier manner.
It needs to be banned (for men)

How is it ridiculous?

>Stone her for being a whore.
A very biblical approach

any man who masturbates should be punished and prevented from further masturbation.

Guess it's the atrazine... minimum I would expect is 13.

Spilling ones seed is a natural biological function because of sperms low shelf life, by constantly rotating sperm you are actually keeping only the healthiest most viable stock, if you don't masturbate or have sex you will eventually just cum in the middle of the night for no reason.

Try again faggot.

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As per google...

"A woman becomes able to get pregnant when she ovulates for the first time — about 14 days before her first menstrual period. This happens to some women as early as when they are eight years old, or even earlier. Most often, ovulation begins before women turn 20."

That only took 2 seconds to search... why are you so retarded?

fucking hell republucunts are sick fucks

karanical infidel

>having children leads to increasing the population and thus increasing competition for jobs, and leading to poverty. And plus, being a parent distracts from the revolution. However, after the revolution it will be the duty of revolutionaries to populate the earth as much as possible to increase the labor supply and the general surplus that the working class will enjoy,
This is low key genius.

Everytime you masturbate you contribute to the culture of devaluing the act of procreation. You are literally throwing your living genetic material away. You’re a sick fuck who obviously hates kids.


Another ponzi scheme. The abortion is to reset the account of her being raped. The baby is the assets of the account. These assets must be traded in to the clinic. If anything its the clinics fault, their contract rapist is only serving their cause and basically innocent except of the rape part.

>defending wanking this hard
dude you really love to jerkoff hey

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fascinating video, I never realised that the bc pill actually increased the need for abortions due to more sexual activity.

>this user gets it
stop jerking off you fucking animals

The pill itself is an abortofacient. It doesn't stop ovulation, it stops implantation, meaning it kills potential children.

Lina Medina

I thought it induced the body to think it's pregnant?
it causes a number of behavioural changes

This is the exact same mentality labour activists had when they called black workers “scabs” and strikebreakers.

That's false.

No the original inventor devised to improve health or something, never realised it would be used to prevent pregnancies


This exemplifies why all Republicans should be hanged from piano wire. Forcing an 11 year old to carry a baby to term is fucking insane.