Ask me, a white muslim, anything (I will ignore rude replies)

Ask me, a white muslim, anything (I will ignore rude replies)

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how do you bone wealthy bitches?

what country are you in?


Im trying to figure that out

Do you live with mostly indian/south asian muslim, black muslims or arab muslims?

Allah and moohaamid are garbage. Fuck islam. You all are garbage.

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I didn't that there were others white muslims, As-Salaam-Alaikum brother

As-salamu alaykum my brother in Islam

The mosque by me is a mixture mainly Arabs and a few Africans

Opinions on Chechnya?

do arab girls prefer white guys?

Why do you hate Islam?

Big Chechnya and Dagestan fan. Want to visit both.

Yes but their families do not

Just ignore disrespectful replies

>be a chechen
>reject semitic religions
I feel based

How do you foresee the future of the west? Are you aware of the racial component to a succesful society?

what do you think about sugar and the effects it has on the prostate? (medical penis)

I've never heard of this but from googling it looks like sugar gives you prostate cancer

>Ask me anything

Not here to ask you anything. But I am here to pass on a message. Imam says you are behind with your jizya payments. You got till 30th or you become a shawarma.

how many dicks in your life have you sucked?

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What is your opinion of Israel and Jews?

I hate Israel with a burning passion its one of the most evil countries

Let me guess, Sunni?

what do muslims consider "false hadiths"???
i heard the term before and i think it implies passages that arent considered canon in the quran, now how do i distinguish a real hadith from a fake one?
>not gonna convert to islam im just interested if some of the quran stories ive heard about are actually not considered canon

Not OP, it's all bullshit. Different sects have different hadith books but even in the Sunni hadith there is tons of stuff that deconstructs Sunni Islam and by default if you bring these up they will reflexively say it's inauthentic because it doesn't suit their view of Islam.

TLDR: scholars come up with fancy "science" but it mostly comes down to what suits your ideology and what doesn't.

Yes. No specific school of thought just plain old Sunni Islam

The hadith are a collection of things the prophet PBUH said thought did etc. They're divided by scholars (who often disagree with each other) as sound, good, or weak. Which people think are authentic or not is often different.

Have you ever questioned why you fall into the Sunni narrative? Most converts do by default but I found there is a lot that doesn't make sense that can be demonstrated from the Sunni books of hadith. For instance: Fatima was burried in secret and she never peldged allegiance to Abu Bakr and Umar. Sunnis will tell you this is a myth and Shia slander but you can literally find it in the Sunni hadiths, even in Bukhari and Muslim.

OP there is a lot of beauty in Islam and maybe not looking into these matters would be better for you, but please don't get swindled and investigate how what you know as Islam established itself as the the orthodox interpretation. Allah loves those who seek knowledge.

thanks guys i will be considering what you said when reading stuff about islam.

Do you feel there’s a gap (distance in communication and acceptance) between white and brown Muslims or were 3rd world Muslims welcoming of you ?

What’s the worst traits you’ve seen in born in Muslim families that you don’t find in converts ? and vice versa

Don't get me wrong OP. I'm not saying the Shia are entirely correct and mainstream Shia have a lot of the same biases and errors in form as mainstream Sunnis. But I definitely think something went wrong for Ali and Fatima.

Regardless, I still love a lot about Islam in general and wish you all the best on your journey OP. May Allah guide you to knowledge and keep you protected from hypocrites and those who make the religion burdensome.

i dont even know the difference between shia and sunni so im gonna research on that. the hadith question is just something that i cant search up easily haha.

also im sorry to disappoint im not really converting to islam im just curious about religions and especially the abrahamic religions because i feel like if i understand them i will also learn what drives humanity forward. though its nice for you to offer your god's wisdom and gifts unto me an outsider, that love and trust for your god makes me feel good for muslims despite the general public's semi negative perception of your religion. i wish everyone sees this comfy side of islam.

I'm OP not him

Yes of course . As you can guess the people who helped me convert were Sunni but I've read about other schools of thought and branches before. This was around 2016 and I remember reading about what you're talking about and other things but was satisfied with the Sunni reasoning although I know longer remember it.

I am often viewed as an outsider and get stared at a lot if they haven't seen me around before. the first time I went to the mosque to just observe it sort of seemed like they thought I was hiding a gun and was going to start shooting.

I don't want to speak badly about other people but a lot of muslim families do not view me as a legitimate Muslim or partner for their daughters. Like they think I can't understand islam or be serious about it and have some sort of weird motive like tricking a Muslim women to Marry me to corrupt her. As for converts, the things I said are true for some of them lol.

How old was Aisha when she was married?

Also I'm not saying I'm an expert and the perfect Muslim btw because I'm not but it is genuinely what I believe in

So what is the Sunni reasoning as go why Ali felt the need to burry Fatima in secret and why she never pledged allegiance to Abu Bakr?

>Ask me anything
>(I will ignore rude replies)
These are mutually exclusive user, you get to choose one.

Islam is way too gay for me. I looked into it but there are just too many issues, and you have to take this really delusional attitude to believe Mohammed to be the perfect anything.
Because if he is the perfect muslim you're supposed to emulate with all his blatant faults just what sort of god is the thing calling itself Allah?

define issues? kinda vague

Its debated what her exact age was but she was almost definitely underage by modern standards but it was normal 400 years ago.

Ask me anything that's an actual question and isn't an insult or rooted in bad faith

We aren't going to come to an agreement

What does the hadith say about Aisha’s age of marriage?

Beach day or pool day?

Well we definitely won't come to an agreement if you don't even attempt to answer my question. I'm not asking you a rude question so it's curious that you choose not to answer it. Typical Sunni tbh, every Sunni I ask these questions either just outright ignored it, accuses me of being evil for asking, or gets mad and says it's all Shia lies even though this (and a lot more stuff like this) is literally in the Sunni books

I am white and here is my issue: just like what happens with christians, few of the devotees fail to follow their own religion and I went to a mosque where the imam told the attendees to stop being selfish pricks and the selfish egyptian prick who I attend the service with went on to screw me over for a lot of money. The arabs all seem to be all about their own people first- and I would love to see sharia law passed here in the USA- when it comes to women's rights. But I do love drugs etc. so I can't wholeheartedly accept it.

ex muslim here
i always find it funny when people convert to the bs religion
not that other religions aren't bullshit also, but islam seems to attract the worst rejects who also happen to be contrarian fucks
it'd be a perfect match for q user, really

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6 or 7 which is probably correct but i've also seen people ignore it and claim she was a teenager I forget what the reasoning is but I think 6 is most likely correct.

I dislike both

Many people don't practice their religion as they should. You support sharia law because you're misogynistic so no brownie points.

You won't be satisfied with any answer I give and this reply only cements that.

>I forget what the reasoning is
The reasoning is cope. Nothing else.

Instead of just stating I won't be satisfied with your answer, why not actually give me an answer? Seems like you're projecting that you know there is no decent Sunni answer to this and whatever scholarly view you parot you know is insufficient

Probably is. There's no point trying to make the past conform to modern sensibilities

OP you should have stated in your post that as well as rude questions you also won't be answering why the Prophet's own daughter was burried in secret and never pledged allegiance to the supposed rightly guided caliphs.

Fuck off sinead o'connor

>>no brownie points
I don't want brownie points. I just want bitches to do what I want and zionists out of my life.

they tricked into it or cooerced

You know this is an inflammatory question. You could email a Sunni scholar if no answer you've read online satiates you, they'd give better answers and explanations than I ever could.

No I'm drunk Muslim Lindsay Logan abducting refugee children

Not good

Islam is radicalism and terrorism

Mohammed literally tongue kissed little boys.

why do you fuck goata on FLIR?

It's only an inflammatory question if the fact (as is stated in Sunni books) that Fatima was burried in secret doesn't suit your orthodoxy.

This is all I get "go ask the scholars" without even telling me what you think yourself or what these scholars even say.

Got a source for that

Imagine if on the day of judgement you were asked why you did not care about injustices commited against the Prophet's own daughter and you're like "uhh uhh ask the scholars idk man"

muhammed was pretty dope, ultimate sex cult leader of all time. Well him or Joseph Smith.

The multiple wives thing is dope but unfortunately then you end up with all the leftover incels wanting to blow themselves up for pussy.

Fatima when her father died she went to the calipah and asked for the inheritance of her father he refused So he told her that he heard from the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, saying: We do not inherit what we leave as charity.after she got sick he came to her and apologized
And he said: By God, I did not leave the house, the money, the family, and the clan except to seek the pleasure of God and His Messenger, and of you, the people of the household.

That does nothing to explain why Ali felt the need to burry her in secret.

There is also a Sunni hadith where Abu Bakr repents for having raided her house to try force her to pledge allegiance. If you want the reference I can give it?

Fuck muslims. Nuke mecca!

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Hygiene is a very important part of the quran, but raping women and decapitating men are the fun parts.

Fatima was buried at night The prohpet was buried at night aisha was buried at night it wasnt a major thing it was from shyness and because abu bakr had disputies with her and can you cite me the hadith aboit him raiding her house cause idont think he did it

Raping is haram and killing without a rightful purpose is a great sin

why are you so retarded?